우크라이나의 군사력 원조의 요청에 대응 가능한 군사적 외교적 전략
Possible military and diplomatic strategies to respond to Ukraine's request for military assistance
이제 정말로 사법제도 개편안 단 하나의 문서의 번역만이 남았다.
Now, really, there is only one translation of the judicial system reform bill left.
누군가의 단순한 과실로 인하여 누군가가 정말로 죽었더라도
When someone really dies because of someone's mere negligence, I would like to point out the following.
그것이 정말로 과실임이 명백할 때에는 사회가 진정한 노블리스 오블리주의 실제의 실체로서의 현실화를 위하여 전 국민이 응당 마땅히 감내해야할 사회적 인고로서 그 과실을 너그럽게 용서하고 피해자와 가해자간의 사회 자본 총량의 상실로 이어지지 않을 수 있도록 모든 사법제도를 바꾸는 일
When it is clear that it is really negligence, society tolerates negligence generously as a social effort that all citizens must endure in order to realize true noblesse oblige as a reality.
and changing all justice systems so that they do not lead to a total loss of social capital between victims and perpetrators.
오로지 그 방법 하나만이 모든 협상의 테이블 상에서
분명히 그 자리에 반드시 존재하지만
마치 존재하지 않는 사람처럼 아무에게도 인지되지 않는 바로 그 제 3의 인격
바로 그 누군가의 과실이라고 하는 행위를 정말로 협상의 테이블 위로 끌어 올릴 수가 있다.
That alone can put something on the table of every negotiation
It is the very third personality that must exist in its place, but is not recognized by anyone as if it were a non-existent person.
It is the agent of negligence and the negligence itself.
That very someone's act of negligence can really be brought to the negotiating table.
그러지 않을 경우 그 누군가의 과실이라고 하는 제 3의 인격은 실린더에 장전된 실탄이 되어 그 협상 테이블을 러시안 룰렛을 돌리는 장소로 변질시키다가 반드시 아래와같은 모든 사회적 문제들을 야기시킨다.
Otherwise, someone's third personality, called negligence, becomes a live ammunition loaded into a cylinder and transforms the negotiating table into a place where Russian roulette is played, inevitably causing all social problems as follows.
분명히 말하지만 한국 정부는 고의로 대 중국 수출을 위한 해상무역 인프라를 지난 30년간 고의로 건축하지 않았다.
일본은 유럽과 중동 동남아시아의 물류가 모여드는 지역이다.
또한 일본은 바로 그 물류를 미국과 캐나다, 알래스카와 남미로 연결하여줄 수 있는 최적의 해상교역 중간 기착지다.
그 세계 해상물류의 집결지역에서 대중 무역으로 전환하기 위하여서는 필히 한국의 부산을 경유하여 평택과 인천을 통해 중국으로 들어간다.
만약 이 무역로를 포기한다면 모든 세계 물류가 중국 상하이로 집결하여야 한다.
이 경우 중국측에 지불하여야 할 세금과 물류비가 너무 커서 모든 나라가 대중국 무역적자를 피할 방법이 없다.
동남아시아 역시 세계 물류 집결지로 개발되기에 그리 나쁘지 않은 지역이지만
미국과 캐나다, 알래스카, 남미지역의 물류가 동남아시아로 들어가기 위하여서는 필히 중간 기착지가 필요하다.
한국 정부는 고의로 한중 외교수교이후 30년동안 대 중국 수출을 위한 해상무역 인프라를 전혀 구축하지 않았다.
그동안 한국정부가 일으킨 대표적인 사건들을 꼽자면 다음과 같다.
천안함 사건,
세월호 사건,
고 노무현 전 대통령님 피살사건
상기 세 종류의 사건들을 위시로 급속도로 퍼져나간 악플러의 탈을 쓴 각종 음모론자들
하나같이 현정권에대한 타도를 외치기에 구호로는 적합하지만 정작 캐어들어가면 단지 반일감정을 부추길 뿐 대한민국의 무역상황 개선과는 정작 거리가 먼 내용들
정확하게 유럽 경제가 초토화되던 바로 그 시기에 한국 국내에서 터진사건들이다.
목적은 오직 하나
제발 다른곳에 눈을 돌리지 말아줘
나만 바라봐 줘
미디어의 오염을 통하여 국민정서를 타락시키고 국민들이 핵심정보로 접근하는것은 차단한 뒤 고의로 끝없이 반일감정만을 부추겨왔다.
덤으로 헛소문만을 끝없이 유포하였다.
이를테면 대중국 교역로에서 수출 교역로에 대한 값을 있는대로 최대치까지 끌어올렸다
그리고는 한국을 무능한 국가로 유도한 것이다.
그것도 정부가 고의로
위 상황에서는 일본에의한 남한 점령 시나리오도 충분히 발생가능하다.
상황을 잘 모르는 세계 각국의 독촉속에서 마치 어쩔수 없는 일인것처럼
이미 영국 경기는 사상최악이다.
동남아시아 물류허브 집결은 언제 완료될지 아무도 모른다.
일본으로 물류는 점차로 누적될 것이다.
한국은 계속 정부 주도하에 무능한 바보처럼 군다.
결국 어떤 분기가 지나면 대한민국에는 반드시 전쟁이 발생하고 그 주모자들은 국외로 도피하거나 침략자들과 합류하고 기존의 사법기관및 경찰관계 종사자들은 국운을 걸고 쇄국하여야 한다.
To be clear, the Korean government has not intentionally built maritime trade infrastructure for exports to China in the past 30 years.
Japan is an area where logistics from Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia converge.
In addition, Japan is an optimal maritime trade stopover that can connect the same logistics to the United States and Canada, Alaska and South America.
In order to switch from the concentration area of global maritime logistics to trade with the public, it is necessary to pass through Busan in Korea and enter China through Pyeongtaek and Incheon.
If this trade route is abandoned, all world logistics will have to converge on Shanghai, China.
In this case, the tax and logistics costs to be paid to China are so great that all countries have no way to avoid a trade deficit with China.
Southeast Asia is also not a bad area to develop as a global logistics hub.
Logistics from the United States, Canada, Alaska, and South America necessarily need stopovers to enter Southeast Asia.
The Korean government intentionally did not build any maritime trade infrastructure for exports to China for 30 years after the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and China.
Here are some representative incidents that the Korean government has caused so far:
The Cheonan incident
Sewol ferry incident
The Murder Case of the Late President Moo-Hyun Roh
Starting with the above three types of incidents, various conspiracy theorists wearing the mask of malicious commenters spread rapidly.
All of them are suitable as slogans to cry out for the overthrow of the current regime, but if you dig into them, they only stir up anti-Japanese sentiment and are far from improving Korea's trade situation.
These are the events that broke out in Korea precisely at the exact time when the European economy was devastated.
has only one purpose
please don't look elsewhere
please look at me only
After corrupting public sentiment through media contamination and blocking people's access to key information, it has intentionally and endlessly instigated anti-Japanese sentiment.
As a bonus, only nonsense was spread endlessly.
For example, the price for export trade routes in trade routes with China was raised to the maximum possible.
Then, it led Korea to become an incompetent country.
Also, the government intentionally
In the above situation, the scenario of occupation of South Korea by Japan is fully possible.
Under pressure from countries around the world who do not know the situation, as if it was inevitable
England is already at its worst ever.
No one knows when the gathering of logistics hubs in Southeast Asia will be completed.
Logistics to Japan will gradually accumulate.
South Korea continues to act like an incompetent fool under the leadership of the government.
In the end, after a certain quarter, a war must break out in Korea, and the instigators must flee abroad or join the invaders, and existing judicial agencies and police officers must bet on national luck to shut themselves off.
솔직히 노무현 전 대통령님 피살 시점에서 어느정도 느낌이 오던 사안이기는 했지만
나는 그래도 설마 라는 생각이 강했다.
그러나 의혹은 사실이었다.
Honestly, it was an issue that I felt somewhat at the time of the murder of former President Roh Moo-hyun.
I still had a strong thought that it could not be.
However, the suspicions were true.
위 상황 속에서 세계가 살아서 공존하기 위하여서는 한국정부와 일본을 배제한 연합체의 형성이 반드시 필수적으로 필요하다.
대중국 무역협상이 위 사실들을 기반으로 새로운 국면으로 전환되기만 하여도 상하이와 동남아시아를 새로운 허브로 삼을 수도 있다.
중국정부의 선택의 여하에 따라서 무역로는 얼마든지 바뀔 수 있다.
남반구의 호주가 새로운 기점이 될 수도 있는 것이다.
그 경우 한국과 일본은 중국의 손아귀로 떨어진다.
어쩌면 위 상황은 일본정부가 바란일은 아니었을 가능성도 다소 존재한다.
단지 ....
너무 심각한 망상을 진짜로 현실에 옮기는 사람들 곁에 있었다 그들은 ....
일반적인 경우라면 대뇌의 양심을 관장하는 중추의 작용에 의하여서 더이상 생각이 진행되는것을 자동으로 차단당할만한 사안을 거침없이 계획하고 실행해버린 특수한 사람들 곁에 ....
In order for the world to live and coexist, it is absolutely necessary to form an alliance excluding the Korean government and Japan.
Even if trade negotiations with China shift to a new phase based on the above facts, Shanghai and Southeast Asia can be used as new hubs.
Trade routes can change at will depending on the Chinese government's choice.
Australia in the southern hemisphere could be a new starting point.
In that case, Korea and Japan fall into China's hands.
It is possible that the above situation was not what the Japanese government wanted.
just ....
They were around people who turned too serious delusions into reality.
In a normal case, by the side of special people who plan and execute matters without hesitation that would automatically block further thoughts from proceeding by the action of the center that controls the conscience of the brain ....
내가 보았을 때에 이 문제는 진화 발달 과정상의 유전인자의 발현과 관계된 사안으로 보인다.
생명체 특히 사람의 두뇌에 양심과 관계되어 그것으로 사람의 행동을 통제 하는 중추가 존재한다.
진화과정상 불필요한 중추였다면 일찌감치 도태되었을 것이다.
그것은 꿀벌등과같이 집단생활을 하는 생명체들이 진화과정상에 포함되어있기 때문으로 추정된다.
꿀벌이나 개미들의 사회는 인간의 사회 못지않은 분업화와 전문화가 분할되어있다.
그것이 유전인자의 작용이라고한다면 사람의 두뇌에 존재하는 양심을 통하여 생각과 행동을 통제하는 중추 역시 비슷한 사유로서 존재할 것이다.
그것은, 그 종이 자기 자신이 속한 집단 내에서 팀킬을 시도할 경우 그 팀킬을 시도하려는 주체가 죽던가 집단이 죽던가 반드시 둘 중 하나의 결론으로 이어져야 하기 때문에 존재하는 유전인자다.
따라서 그것은 정말로 병리학적 상태하의 정신의 작용이다.
From my point of view, this problem seems to be related to the expression of genes in the process of evolutionary development.
In living beings, especially in the human brain, there is a center that is related to conscience and controls human behavior with it.
If it was an unnecessary backbone in the evolutionary process, it would have been weeded out early.
It is presumed that it is because organisms that live in groups, such as bees, are included in the evolutionary process.
The societies of bees and ants are as divided in division of labor and specialization as human societies.
If it is the action of the genetic factor, the center that controls thoughts and actions through the conscience existing in the human brain will also exist as a similar reason.
It is a genetic factor that exists because if the species attempts team killing within the group to which it belongs, it must lead to one of the two conclusions, either the death of the subject trying to make the team kill or the death of the group.
It really is a pathological mental.
결국 위 상황은 한반도가 중국 또는 미국의 손에 떨어지고 일본이 건재한 상태로 유지될 수 있을 때에 온전히 깨끗하게 결론지어질 수 있다.
그러나 그것은 어디까지나 타국의 무역을 위한 최적의 효율만을 고려한 것일 뿐이다.
조금 효율을 떨어트리자면 미국과 캐나다, 알래스카 남미와 호주의 물류가 그 일부가 일본을 경유하여 바로 상하이로 향하고
그보다 사안이 덜 중요한 물류들은 조금 시간이 걸리더라도 좀 멀리 공해상을 돌아서 상하이로 향한다.
그리고 유럽과 중동 동남아시아 물류는 동남아시아를 경유 후 상하이로 향한다.
중국측에 사전에 양해를 구한다.
어딘가 뭔가 찜찜한 구석이 있으니 당분간만 관세를 면제하여 줄것을 중국 당국에 정중히 요청한다.
그리고 매우 오랜기간동안 한국을 사실상 고사시킨다.
목적은 한국의 국내정세에 대하여 그 상황의 추이를 지켜보는 것이다.
In the end, the above situation can be concluded completely cleanly when the Korean Peninsula falls into Chinese or USA hands and Japan can remain in good health.
However, it is only considering the optimal efficiency for the trade of other countries.
To reduce efficiency a little, some of the logistics in the US, Canada, Alaska, South America and Australia go directly to Shanghai via Japan.
Logistics that are less important than that go around the high seas and head to Shanghai, even if it takes a little longer.
And logistics in Europe and the Middle East and Southeast Asia goes to Shanghai after passing through Southeast Asia.
We ask for your understanding in advance from the Chinese side.
There is something unsavory somewhere, so I respectfully ask the Chinese authorities to exempt tariffs for the time being.
And for a very long time, Korea is virtually withered.
The purpose is to observe the development of the situation in Korea's domestic situation.
모든 사안에는 필수 준비 기간 이라는 것이 존재한다.
그 필수 준비 기간이 얼마나 충분한 시간을 두고 얼마나 알차고 얼마나 충실 하였느냐에 따라서
어떠한 품목의 진품과 가품이 나뉘어진다.
대한민국 수도 서울의 대표 향토 음식이다.
필수 준비기간
즉 손님 상에 그것이 품목으로서 올라오기까지 요구되는 필수 준비기간
그것은 최소 6시간이다.
당연히 연료비 그 하나만으로도
일반 소비자가 쉬이 접하기 어려운 품목이다.
어떠한 물류 인프라가 제대로 구축되기 위한 필수 준비 기간은 그럼 얼마이냐?
최소 30년이다.
이 나라에 6.25 는 언제 발생하였는가?
경부 고속도로는 언제 건설 되었는가?
건설 이후 경부 고속도로를 통한 육상 물류 인프라 구축이 완료된 시점은 그럼 언제인가?
1980년대 후반기
이제부터 대중 무역 기조를 기초 생필 품 수입 의존국에서 주요 수출품목들의 주요 수출국가로 전환하자?
필수 준비기간으로 최하 30년이 필요하다.
그동안 상하이에 이미 구축된 인프라를 써야 하는데
그럼 캐나다, 미국, 알래스카, 남미, 호주 등지에서 출발하는 물류들은 일본 경유 후에 가까운 부산, 평택, 인천을 놓아두고 상하이까지 다시 한 번 더 먼 거리의 공해상을 돌아가야 한다.
최소 30년 후 까지
그런데 지금 이 시점에서의 영국 소비자 물가는
2007 년을 기준으로 gdp 성장률은 -10% 에 가깝고 그시점부터 지금까지 소비자 물가는 총 60% 이상이 상승했다.
유럽 전체
대한민국 국민 여러분들께 진심으로 국가대피 경보를 발령한다.
위 상황은 미국이 중국으로부터 gdp 성장률을 역전당하지 않기 위하여 미국이 유럽 경제를 흡수한 결과다.
그나마 한계치이며 만의 하나라도 그것이 실제로 역전될 경우
그건은 군비 경쟁에 실제적 영향을 끼친다.
무역로는 방법이 없으면 돌아가면 그만이다.
군비는 경제가 뒷받침 되지 못하면 감축될 수밖에 없다.
그 기간이 30년?
방어선이 반드시 후퇴해야할 전략적 선택을 도저히 고려하지 않을 수가 없는기간인데
이미 지금 시점에서 아군 동맹국 전체의 경제가 초토화 되어있다.
당장에 방어선을 뒤로 물리고 무역로를 교체하지 않을 경우 모든 자본주의 진영이 대한민국 때문에 정말로 죽어야 한다.
대피하라 차라리
이곳에 남아있지 말고
이건 내가 초등학교때에 이미 대책이 수립 되어 있었어야 했던 사안이다.
지금 나이 마흔 네살의 중년 중늙은이가 초등학교 다닐 때에 이미 그 때에 모든 대책이 있었어야 했던 일을 지금에야 시작해야 한다는 뜻이다.
대피하라 차라리
이건 그냥 지금까지 UN 상임이사국 5개국중 특정 두 국가의 지도자 분들께
적국의 백성들이라 할지라도
그 백성들을 긍휼히 여기실줄 아는 그러한 마음이 있기를 간절히 바라야만 하는 수준이다.
다른 방법은 한국이 자주권은 살아있는 채로 미국 정부의 52번째 주가 되어야 한다. (알래스카처럼)
ups 와 dhl 자본이 한국 물류를 거의 점령하게 될것
그것은 미국이 중앙집권제가 아닌 연방정부 형태의 국가이기에 가능한 시나리오다.
즉 한국 정부가 미국 연방정부에 포함되는 지방정부 형태로 바뀌어야 한다는 뜻이다.
한국정부를 신뢰하는것이 가능했다면 나는 이런말을 하지 않았을 것이다.
정확히 유럽경제 모든 지표가 최악을 형성하던 그 시기
gdp가 역성장을 하는데 소비자물가는 계속 상승하기만을 하던 그 시기에
한국정부는 고 노무현 전대통령님을 죽음에 이르게 하고 그 죽음을 대상으로 끝없는 헛소문을 유포했으며
천안함 폭침 사건에 C4 계열 폭약이 사용된 사실을 숨기기 위해 1번 어뢰를 조작하고
세월호 사건을 발생시킨뒤 아이들을 고의로 구조하지 않았다.
자그마치 10년간 전국민을 헛소문에 관심이 쏠리도록 사건을 발생시킨것이다.
정작 대중국 수출 무역 인프라는 전혀 구축하지 않고
한중 외교 수교를 끊지도 않고
주요 수출은 미국과 유럽에
주요 생필품 및 산업 생산 거의 모든 자원과 부품 수입은 중국에서
무려 30년을
수입 물류인프라와 수출 물류 인프라는 그 방향이 다를 뿐 동일하지 않느냐?
그렇지가 않다.
정확히 말하면 싱크로율이 50% 수준에 지나지 않는다고 보면 된다.
무엇보다 물량이 다르다.
한국 정부가 대미 대유럽 수출을 전제로 중국에서 수입해오던 물량과
세계 거의 모든 국가들이 제각기 대 중국 수출을 목적으로한 해상 무역 물류의 최소 30~40% 이상을 집결하여 일본과 부산을 지나서 실제 대중국 수출로 전환하는 전체 물류의 인프라는 그 물동량의 차원이 달라지는 일인데
심지어 물류가 집결하는 방향과 수출하는 방향까지 지금까지와는 정 반대다.
무엇보다 인천과 평택 만으로는 항만 시설의 규모 자체가 부족하기 때문에
태안 앞바다 일대 유역의 서해상의 신 항구 개발까지 필요한 일인데
그것도 최소 둘에서 셋이나 경우에 따라 넷 이상의 신항구 개발이 필요한 일인데
(확보 가능한 항만 시설의 확보 가능한 최대 부지 면적에 따라서)
그걸 지금부터 해야 한다.
차라리 영종대교 이후에 그곳에 인천 공항이 아니라 새로운 항만 시설이 들어섰던 것이었다면... 공항은 될 수 있으면 내륙쪽이 더 나았다...
지금 우리나라의 남해안 서해안 일대 거의 전체를 물류 인프라로 개편 해도 모자랄 일이다.
그게 안될경우
그냥 우리나라 자국 이익만을 목적으로 대중국 수출 무역 인프라를 가동 시키고
타국은 죽던지 말던지 멀리 공해상을 돌아서 상하이로 가시오 라고 말을 해야할 지경이다.
의 모든 상황들이 발생한 원인은 단 하나다
아니 사실 여럿이지만 가장 큰 원인은 하나이고 나머지 둘은 부차적인 문제다.
일반 국민은 기업주 또는 국가 통수권자 혹은 고위직의 누군가들에게는
그들의 아주 작은 사소한 실수 하나일지라도
그것으로 자신들에게 조금이라도 해가 오면 반드시 그들을 잡아 죽여야 한다고 외치기 때문이다.
(물론 어떠한 민 형사적 사안이라 할지라도 일단 가해자와 피해자가 실존할 때 법률행위가 발생하지 않을 수는 없다.)
(그러나 그렇다고 반드시 어느 한 쪽을 파멸시켜야만 한다는 식의 사법제도 운영은 그것이 심각한 형사적 사안이나 정신이상등의 행위가 아닌한 재고를 할 수 있는 유연성이 사법제도에 필요하고 거기에는 반드시 국가적인 규모의 기금의 마련과 건실한 재정의 뒷받침이 절실히 요구된다.)
그것이 가장 큰 원인이고
나머지 부차적 요인은 일단 일반 국민들의 소비에 실질적 계획성이 전무하다.
돈이 주어지면 예금자산으로 모아두지 않고 신분상승을 목적으로 주식이나 부동산에 돈을 묶어두려한다.
그래서는 도저히 경기부양이 이루어질 수가 없다
마지막으로 가장 최악의 원인은 정작 국민들이 비 양심적으로 살아간다.
특별히 당장에 실제의 범죄의도가 없는한 계파갈등은 사실 위 셋보다도 더 부차적인 요인에 해당한다.
솔직히 트럼프 전 미국 대통령님 재임 기간동안 어느정도 위 사안의 해결 모색에 근접하는 해법이 제시되었었다.
단지 좀 과격했던것이 흠인데
바로 대중국 무역에서발생하는 지나친 물류비에 대한 보복 관세정책이 그것이었다.
그러나 사람들이상하리만치 그것에 대하여 지나치게 비판적이었다.
그것이 바로 이미지가 팩트를 가리는 것이다.
다만 경우는 오히려 사기 피해자들이 양심에 따라 행동하려다가 사기꾼들에게 속는 경우다.
본론부터 두괄식으로 서술하여 나가자면
지금 당장 중국의 국경 북쪽을 경유하여 군수물자를 지원하여주는 직접지원은 절대 불가능하다.
Right now, direct support for military supplies via China's northern border is absolutely impossible.
그러나 간접적인 군사력 원조는 가능하다.
However, indirect military aid is possible.
즉 다른 방향과 채널을 통한 무력시위를 통한 압박은 가능하다.
In other words, pressure through armed demonstrations through other directions and channels is possible.
지금까지 서방국가들의 우방국들중 아직 개발도상국을 벗어나지 못한 국가들에대한 경제적 지원과 시장 활성화 그리고 군사력의 확장이 그것이다.
So far, among the allies of Western countries, economic support for countries that have not yet left the developing world, activation of the market, and expansion of military power are those.
동남아시아 지역과 인도, 태평양 지역, 중동과 남미, 아프리카를 아우른다.
It encompasses Southeast Asia, India, the Pacific, the Middle East, South America and Africa.
한국을 배제하고 동남아시아 국가들을 개발하여 군사적 공동체를 만든 뒤 일본과 동남아 연합전선을 구축하면서 중동이 백업하는 것이다.
After excluding South Korea and developing Southeast Asian countries to create a military community, the Middle East will back it up while establishing a united front in Southeast Asia with Japan.
그리고 중동의 뒤쪽으로 아프리카역시 점진적으로 개발하도록한다.
And behind the Middle East, Africa should also develop gradually.
이 때 물류는 유럽의 물류가 일본을 경유하여 남미와 북미가 연결되도록 하는데 이 때 유럽과 일본사이에 중동과 동남아시아를 경유한다.
At this time, logistics connects South America and North America via Japan, and at this time, Europe and Japan pass through the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
모든 수출은 대중국 수출 전략으로 기조를 바꾸는 와중에 위 물류라인을 통한 각국 교역과 대중국 수출을 겸한다.
All exports combine trade with each country and export to China through the above logistics lines while changing the basic tone to the export strategy to China.
대중국 수출입 선박운송사업만을 대한민국 물류 인프라에 맞긴다.
Only import and export ship transportation business to China fits into Korea's logistics infrastructure
호주는 국토는 넓지만 대부분이 사막이므로 천연자원 수입국으로 계속 운용하고 남반구 해저자원 탐사를 계속한다.
Australia is a large country, but most of it is desert, so it continues to operate as a natural resource importer and continues to explore southern hemisphere seabed resources.
호주의 핵무장 검토
Review of Australia's nuclear armament
미국과 유럽, 대한민국과 일본이 지금의 경기침체를 빠르게 벗어나면서 동시에 군사적 안보를 목적으로 한다면 주요 생필품 수입 의존국을 전환해야 한다.
If the United States, Europe, South Korea, and Japan quickly get out of the current economic recession and pursue military security at the same time, they must change their major import dependence countries.
대상국은 동남아나 남미, 중동, 또는 호주나 아프리카 지역이다.
The target countries are Southeast Asia, South America, the Middle East, or Australia or Africa.
한국이나 중국으로부터는 아무것도 수입하지 않는것이 낫다.
It is better not to import anything from Korea or China.
관계된 기업들을 그 쪽에 대거 투자만 해 주어도 환경은 자연스레 조성되고 그 이후 무역협정을 다시 맺으면 되는 것이다.
Even if the related companies invest heavily in that side, the environment will naturally be created, and then trade agreements can be concluded again.
급진적 진행은 다소 위험하다.
Radical progress is somewhat risky.
그러나 천천히 그쪽 시장을 대규모로 활성화시킬 준비를 시작하도록 한다.
But slowly, let's start preparing to activate the market on a large scale.
일본을 세계 경제의 허브로 삼고 기존의 유럽 시장들의 물류와 인프라를 한국에서 일본으로 이전시킨다.
Make Japan the hub of the world economy and move the existing European markets' logistics and infrastructure from Korea to Japan.
중동과 남미 아프리카에 현재 서방국가에 남아있는 자금들을 대거 유입시켜 경제개발의 혁신의 기초를 다진다.
In the Middle East, South America and Africa, a large amount of funds currently remaining in Western countries will be introduced to lay the foundation for innovation in economic development.
점진적이어야 하는 이유는 급진적인 시장의 개방을 다시 또 하기에 문제가 존재한다.
The reason why it should be gradual is that there is a problem with radical market opening again.
그것은 현재 자본주의 시장경제 원리와 민주주의 정치 체제간의 이론상의 불일치 지점들이 현실상에서 실제로 일으키는 어떠한 사회적 현상들이다.
They are certain social phenomena that are actually caused in reality by theoretical inconsistencies between the principles of the current capitalist market economy and the democratic political system.
그것이 대한민국에서는 미디어 산업의 실패와 사회의 범죄화라는 결과로 나타났기 때문이다.
It is because it appeared as a result of the failure of the media industry and the criminalization of society in Korea.
사회 필수 기간산업 인력들이 점차로 줄어들고 오로지 이권만을 최우선으로하는 집단들과 신진 계층들이 속속 늘어가는 추세이다.
It is a trend that the number of manpower in essential social industries is gradually decreasing, and the number of groups and new classes that prioritize only interests is increasing one after another.
앞으로의 대한민국은 제대로 된 전문인력을 구하기가 점차로 어려워질 전망이다.
In the future, it is expected that it will become increasingly difficult to find the right professional manpower in Korea.
어떠한 취업이나 자기개발의 목적이 오로지 이권이 최우선이고 자기개발이 최우선이 아니기 때문이다.
This is because the purpose of any employment or self-development is only for interests and self-development is not the first priority.
그것이 민주주의와 자본주의의 이론상의 불일치 지점들중 하나다.
That is one of the theoretical points of disagreement between democracy and capitalism.
모든 인력들이 정말로 순수하게 오로지 자신의 꿈을 위한 자기개발 그 자체가 그 모든 과정의 가장 궁극적 목표가 되어야만 한다.
Self-development itself for the sake of one's own dream must be the ultimate goal of all the process.
그런데 그 목적이 이권으로 변질되면 정작 진짜 전문인력들이 사회 전반에서 점차로 사라져가게된다.
However, when the purpose turns into profit, the real professional manpower gradually disappears throughout society.
알짜배기 핵심의 지식들과 기술들이 점차로 명맥이 끊기고 그 핵심 기술의 주변에 떠다니는 팩트 몇 조각들만이 사회에 가득하게 된다.
The knowledge and technologies of the core of the net exhaust are gradually cut off, and only a few pieces of facts floating around the core technology are full of society.
이미 대한민국은 위성기술에서조차도 중동에 뒤쳐져있다.
Korea is already lagging behind the Middle East even in satellite technology.
그것이 제한 때문이다?
Is it because of the restrictions?
절대 그렇지가 않다.
Absolutely not.
오히려 방종들이 제한을 받지 못한 결과다.
Rather, it is the result of unrestrained indulgence.
NASA 에 취업시켜야 할 인재를 예능 프로그램에 출연시키자
Let's make talented people who need to be employed at NASA appear in entertainment programs
도저히 그 실존인물이 누구라고 거론조차 하기가 미안할 지경이다.
It's almost embarrassing to even mention who that real person is.
그러나 대한민국에서 위 상황은 현실이다.
However, in Korea, the above situation is a reality.
즉 정말로 그 제 3의 인격들을 사회 협상 테이블에 올려 놓기 위하여서는 제도개선과 함께 많은 시간이 필요하다.
In other words, in order to really put those third personalities on the social negotiating table, a lot of time is needed along with institutional improvement.
그리고 그것이 이번의 대한민국의 지난 30년동안의 무역 참사다.
And that is the trade disaster of the past 30 years in Korea this time.
정치권의 누군가 혹은 사회 지도층들간의 누군가가 자신의 과실이나 실수를 인정하는 바로 그 순간 그 사회가 무너져야만 하는 방향으로 지금까지 모든 민주주의 정치 체제와 자본주의 사회가 구성되어있다.
Until now, all democratic political systems and capitalist societies have been structured in such a way that the society must collapse the very moment someone in the political world or someone among the social leaders admits their fault or mistake.
위 과실 행위자의 대상에는 단지 사회지도층들만이 아니라 일반 사회여론을 형성하는 모든 시민들도 포함된다.
The targets of the negligent actors above include not only the social leaders, but also all citizens who form general public opinion.
최고위 지도자냐 혹은 사회 여론이냐 누군가는 과실을 범하였다.
Whether it is the highest level leader or public opinion, someone has made a mistake.
그러나 나는 사회 지도층이므로 면죄 받아야 하겠다
However, since I am a social leader, I will be excused.
어떻게 여론이 실수할 리가 있냐?
How could public opinion make a mistake?
여론도 실수할 수 있다 대한민국 30년 무역 대 참사처럼
Public opinion can also make mistakes, just like the 30-year trade disaster in Korea
나는 그것을 바꾸지 못하면 어느 국가를 대상으로 실험하더라도 같은 결과가 도출되리라고 믿어 의심치 않는다.
I have no doubt that if I can't change that, no matter which country I test with, the same results will be obtained.
유형은 달라도 원인은 항상 동일한
Although the type is different, the cause is always the same
본론으로 돌아와서
back to the point
중동과 남미 아프리카 지역은 지금까지의 자본주의의 병폐가 존재하지 않는 새로운 혁신이 필요하다.
The Middle East, South America and Africa need new innovations where the ills of capitalism so far do not exist.
거론된 국가들이 진정 신뢰성있는 아군으로 발돋움하려면 최소한 대한민국에서 발생한 사회적 부작용 같은 사회 내부적 사안들이 그 국가들의 내부에서 대한민국과는 또 다른 형태로 다시 되풀이 되는것을 막을 수 있는 제도적 보완이 반드시 필요하다.
In order for the mentioned countries to become truly reliable allies, at least institutional supplementation that can prevent internal social issues such as social side effects that occurred in Korea from recurring within them in a form different from that of Korea is essential.
그것은 정말로 자본주의와 민주주의 사이의 이론상의 불일치가 매우 그 부작용들의 큰 원인중 하나로 그것이 해당 국가의 내부적 사항들과 맞물려서 해당 국가의 단점을 더 부각시키게 될 확률이 매우 높다.
It is very likely that the theoretical inconsistency between capitalism and democracy is one of the major causes of its side effects, and that it will further highlight the country's shortcomings in conjunction with the country's internal affairs.
급진적 개혁은 그 사회 내부의 당장의 기존의 가장 힘있는 이들을 위주로 진행되기 때문이다.
This is because radical reforms are carried out mainly by the existing most powerful people in the society.
일례로 대한민국에서는 김구 선생님께서 친일파들의 손에 암살당하신것과 유사한 부작용이 다른 국가에서는 비슷하지만 다른 형태로의 부작용으로 나타날 확률이 높다.
For example, in Korea, side effects similar to the assassination of teacher Kim Gu at the hands of pro-Japanese groups are similar in other countries, but are likely to appear as side effects in a different form.
즉 문제의 소지가 존재하는 인사들을 어떠한 사회의 최고위 지도층으로 만드는 방법은 이번 대한민국의 사회속에 나타난 문제와 유사한 문제를 유발할 가능성이 매우 높다.
In other words, the way to make problematic people into the top leadership of any society is very likely to cause problems similar to those in the society of Korea.
대한민국은 한중외교수립 이후 거의 30년동안 아무런 전략적 역할을 수행하지 못하였고 오로지 여론에만 이끌려다녔다.
The Republic of Korea has not played any strategic role for nearly 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and China, and has been guided only by public opinion.
여론은 그 개개의 인물들이 사회 전반을 통찰할 수 없는 무지에서 비롯된 실수가 내포된 의견들 총 합이었기 때문에 발생한 결과다.
Public opinion is the result of the sum of opinions implied by the mistakes that each individual person has made from ignorance that cannot penetrate society as a whole.
즉 전시에 장수가 휘하 병사 개개의 의견을 굳이 귀담아들을 필요는 없는 것이었는데 그렇게 된 것이다.
In other words, it was not necessary for a general to listen to the opinions of each soldier under his command during wartime, but that is how it happened.
정부 수립의 방법은 민주적이어야 하지만 사회는 구축된 정부의 통제에 따라야만 한다.
The method of government establishment must be democratic, but society must be subject to the control of the established government.
그러기 위해서는 정부의 사회자본 잠식 비율 보다 더 높은 민간기업의 자본잠식 비율을 결코 허용할 수가 없다.
In order to do so, it is absolutely impossible to allow private companies' capital impairment rate higher than the government's social capital impairment rate.
개개의 기업 하나당 국가 총 자본 5% 이상을 절대 허용할 수가 없고 정부 자본 비율 35% 민간 자본 총 비율 65%를 유지하여야만한다.
Never allow more than 5% of the total national capital for each individual company and must maintain a 35% government capital ratio and 65% private total capital ratio.
그래야만 정부가 여론에 일일이 끌려다니지 않고 일관된 정책들을 최대한 민주적인 방법으로 수립할 수 있다.
Only then can the government establish coherent policies in the most democratic way without being swayed by public opinion.
무엇보다 사회 내부에서 기존의 문제가있는 인사들의 영향을 받은 새로운 문제성있는 인사들을 점차로 사회발달 과정상에서 제거하여야만 한다.
Above all, new problematic figures influenced by existing problematic figures within society must be gradually removed from the process of social development.
그러기 위하여서라도 민간이 정부의 통제를 받는 형식의 새로운 민주주의와 자본주의의 법률적 정의와 정치제도의 활발한 연구 및 논의가 필요하다.
To do so, it is necessary to actively research and discuss legal definitions and political systems of new democracy and capitalism in which the private sector is controlled by the government.
그리고 그들이 이제는 군사력을 확장하여야 한다.
And they must now expand their military power.
인도 역시 든든한 우군이 되어줄 수 있다.
India can also be a strong ally.
그러나 그 나라에 대한 시장개방 압력 등은 오히려 역효과를 불러올 수 있다.
However, pressure on the country to open its market may have the opposite effect.
남미 지역도 이는 마찬가지이지만 그나마 든든한 우군이 될 확률이 높다.
The same is true for South America, but there is a high probability that it will become a strong ally.
중국이나 러시아의 영향력에서 가장 먼지역들을 가장 군사력 강국으로 만들어준다.
It makes the most remote regions of China or Russia's influence the most militarily powerful.
그리고 북한이 핵개발을 멈추지 않을경우 핵확산 금지조약을 없앤다.
And if North Korea does not stop developing nuclear weapons, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty will be abolished.
이미 모든 국가가 전부 미국의 동맹국이 되고 난 후에
After all countries have already become allies of the United States
우크라이나를 구하기 위한 협상을 진행하는 한 편
믿을만한 동맹국들을 골라서 차츰 핵무장 수준을 높여가도록 한다.
당연히 모든 국가는 미국의 편이 반드시 되어줄 것이다.
중동 지역은 원래가 수학의 강국이고 이미 독보적인 수준의 위성기술을 보유하였다.
우리나라는 이제는 등뒤의 일본만을 믿고 중국과 대치를 이어가기에는 역부족인 상황
그러나 다른 국가들을 군사력 강국으로 함께 발돋움 시켜나가다보면 차츰 중국과의 단교가 가능할 수 있다
물론 당연히 무조건적인 적대는 옳지 않다.
최종목적은 협상을 통한 사회 정치상황의 양국간 불일치 지점에서 발생하는 불안요소의 제거이며
그를 통한 군사적 긴장의 완화다.
미국이 현재 제살깎아먹기식의 중국과의 경제협력을 지속하는 이유도 위와 비슷할것으로 추정된다.
최대한 양국간의 사회 정치적인 각 양국간 국내정세의 불일치 지점들을 제거하려는 것이다.
그것은 무엇인가를 처음 마주 대할 때의 사람의 심리적인 반응의 변화를 목적으로하는 것이다.
낮선 것이냐?
아니면 익숙한 것이냐?
유대감은 느낄 수가 있는가?
함께 이웃으로 한 동네에서 한 식구 처럼 지낼 수 있는가?
미국과 유럽은 아직 절대로 무너져서는 안된다.
어차피 코로나 사태로인한 경기침체부터 회복하여야 하는데
이미 성장이 고도화된 일본과의 교류만으로는 전체 시장 활성화 폭이 다소 부족하다.
당연히 새로운 시장과 새로운 군사적 동맹국들이 필요하다.
다만 지금까지와는 다른 완전한 체계적 접근이 반드시 필요하다.
우크라이나 사태에 필자가 예민하게 반응하는 이유는 오직 하나다.
만의 하나라도 그곳이 자주권을 상실하는 사태가 정말로 발생할 경우
향후 대한민국의 자주권 역시 항구히 상실될 가능성이 매우 높아진다.
중국의 국경 위 쪽으로 연속적인 전쟁이 발생할 가능성이 높아지는데 그 과정에서 대한민국을 향한 우발적 침공이 실제로 발생할 가능성이 매우 높기 때문이다.
그것은 러시아의 행동에 자극받은 중국의 자주권 보전을 위한 우발적 무력시위속에서 발생할 가능성이 실제로 매우 높아진다.
물론 중국 역시 주한미군이 주둔하는 대한민국을 쉽게 침공할 수는 없다.
그러나 대한민국의 영토 면적이 가변할만큼의 침공이 실제로 발생할 수 있다.
다른 곳 어디라도 오히려 쉽게 건드리기가 어렵다.
(명분상 세계적인 역풍의 공감대가 형성되는 타국에 대한 침공의 감행은 중국도 어렵다.)
(대만을 필두로 현재의 동남아시아 지방으로의 침공이 강행될 수도 있다.)
(차라리 그 이전에 동남아시아 지방을 아국 동맹국들이 선점하여 그곳에 군사력을 재배치 하는 방안도 추진이 가능하다.)
(중동 남미 아프리카를 개발하는 동시에 동남아시아 국가들의 선진화와 군사력을 재배치 하는 작업이 병행될 필요가 있는데 이 과정에서 ...)
(쉽말해서 러시아의 과도한 군사적 행보가 지속되는데 이를 조기에 적절하게 제재하지 못할 경우 중국 역시 그에 영향을 받지 않을 수가 없고)
(이를 제재하기 위한 과정상에서 중국의 안보에 위협이 될만한 국가들간의 군사력 재배치 작업이 또 중국을 자극할 수가 있다.)
(그러면 정말로 불똥이 어디로 튈지 모르는 군사적인 세계적 긴장상황이 실제로 잠깐이지만 발생할 수 있는 것이다.)
(사실 북한이 건재하기 때문에라도 오히려 대한민국 방향으로의 침공은 쉽지가 않겠지만 앞날은 아무도 알 수가 없다.)
(현재의 대한민국의 대북 정책은 오히려 중국에대한 완충 지대를 없애는 방향에 보다 더 가깝다.)
(대북 제재가 지속되다가 북한이 멸망하는 그 날이 대한민국이 지도상에서 사라지는 바로 그날이다.)
(남북관계 조차도 북한이 핵을 포기하지 않을 경우 한반도의 포기와 한민족의 멸망 이외에는 해결 방법이 없다.)
(그러나 북한에 핵 포기를 강요하기 위하여서는 대중국 협상이 가장 중요한 쟁점이 된다.)
(위 상황 속에서 우크라이나 지역 정확히는 중국의 국경 북쪽 지역의 군사적 긴장상황의 발생이나 전쟁의 발생은 실제로 대한민국 안보에는 거의 사형선고에 가까운 치명타다.)
(대중국 협상의 과정상에서 어떠한 돌발요소가 튀어나올지 미래를 아무도 예측할 수 없는 방향으로 일이 진행될 가능성이 높아지는 것이다.)
위 괄호 항목들을 한 줄로 요약하자면 아래와 같다.
1. 중국과 러시아의 군사력이 확장된다.
(더이상 미국의 군사력 확장이 아니다 매우 애석하게도)
(아직 현실이 안보이나?)
(미국의 군사력이 확장되었다면 우리나라가 지금쯤 고구려 영토쯤은 회복하고도 남았다.)
(그러나 이제는 멸망과 망국을 걱정해야 하는 상황이다.)
(도대체 그게 왜 그런 것일까?)
2. 미국은 대 중국 및 대 러시아 포위망의 최전방 지역을 한 단계 뒤로 물려야할 필요성이 잠시지만 발생한다.
3. 그 과정에서 정말로 지도상에서 사라질 수 있는 비운의 국가들이 몇 있는데 거기에는 대한민국이 포함된다.
4. 한국과 북한은 대 중국 방패 역할을 하는 이와 입술의 관계다.
5. 각기 북한은 중국에 대한 방패를 남한은 일본에대한 방패를
5. 한중 외교 수립이후 대북정책은 이 중 입술에 해당하는 북한에 대한 약체화를 끝없이 고수하여왔다.
(순망치한에서의 순에 해당)
6. 북한은 기어이 도저히 참지 못하고 핵을 개발하였다.
(절대 위 내용이 전부도 아니고 일부의 원인이다.)
7. 만약 북한의 로켓 기술이 정말로 단순한 위성 발사체 시험으로 이어질 경우
(정확히는 발사체 기술과 핵실험을 포기하는 대신 실제 궤도에 올려놓을 위성 그 자체에 대한 연구로 모든 계획이 변경될 경우)
(그리고 중국과 러시아가 더이상의 군사력 확장을 재개하지 않을 경우)
8. 위 7. 에서 추가적으로 중국과 러시아가 더이상의 군사력 확장을 하지 않는 경우에 한하여서 미국은 대중국 포위망을 한단계 뒤로 물러서야할 필요성에서 자유로워진다.
9. 위 8. 의 내용을 어떻게든 현실화 하지 못할 경우 한반도는 북의 선 멸망 이후 완전히 사라진다.
조금만 더 요약하자면
1. 방어선이 후퇴한다
(사실 위가 확실치는 않다.)
(지금 중동지역의 경제 활성화가 이루어지고있는것이 방어선을 더욱 든든하게 해 줄 수도 있다.)
(다만 그래도 우크라이나를 구하지 못 할 경우 그 때 발생할 가장 최악의 시뮬레이션이다.)
2. 고립되어 외로이 남는 국가들이 국지적으로 발생한다.
3. 이 때 일본 경제가 저성장의 침체기를 벗어 나서 활성화가 될 수 있느냐 마느냐는 다음의 4. 를 결정한다.
4. 미국이 이미 중동을 바라보고 있는 상황 속에서 일본이 저성장을 벗어나지 못 할 경우 대한민국과 일본은 그대로 적진에 홀로 남은 미국의 동맹국이 된다.
5. 위 4. 는 대한민국의 안보 즉 자주권의 존폐 여부를 결정할 가장 결정적인 사안인데 이 때 일본은 돌발행동을 취할 가능성이 대단히 높아진다.
6. 최종적으로 일본이 살기 위하여서는 대한민국을 재차 병합하여서라도 독자 생존을 도모할 가능성이 비교적 적은 가능성이지만 실존한다.
7. 일본과 중동의 경제협력 여부는 위 6. 을 결정할 가장 결정적인 사안이다.
8. 대단히 아이러니 하지만 일본의 경제가 과거처럼 막강하게 부흥되지 못 하는 이상 대한민국의 안보는 결코 장담될 수 없고 이 과정에서 정작 대한민국에 유치될 외자는 그 총량이 점점 더 부족해지는 상황과 직면하게 된다.
(북한은 이미 ICBM 을 개발 하였다.)
(그러나 그 상황에서 일본이 미사일 방어능력 하나라도 개편하지 않고 지금 현상황을 고수한다는 것은 단순히 비상식적인 일이다.)
(천만 다행히도 어제부로 미국과 일본은 -기시다 총리님- 일본의 방위비 개편안을 통과 시켰다.)
(어쩔 수 가 없다.)
(누군가 눈앞의 중국의 심기를 거스르게 될 지라도 반드시 군사력을 지금 당장 확장하지 않으면 일본이 위험하다.)
(그 말은 무슨 뜻인가?)
(일본이 군사력을 확장하지 않을경우 그 길목에 존재하는 남한은 풍전등화의 지경에 처한다는 뜻이다.)
(그렇다고 남한이 군사력을 확장한다면 어떻게 되겠는가?)
(그건 그냥 단순 정면 충돌이다.) - (이란격석도 그런 이란격석이 따로 없는)
(일본을 믿어야 하고 미국을 믿어야 한다 이 대한민국은)
(그리고 그 국가들의 앞에서 쿠션 역할을 기꺼이 맡아야 하는 것이다.)
(정작 남한의 경제 규모가 소폭 축소되면 한중 외교 수교가 지속 되더라도 대 북, 대 중국 경제 협력 또는 제재를 위한 UN 의 대책의 수립과 작전 운용에는 아무런 걸림돌이 발생하지 않는다.)
(즉 실질적 접경지역 국가-단일 국가 또는 접경지역 모든 국가- 가 그 경제 규모만 작다면 대중국 정책에서 다소 여유를 확보할 수 있다.)
(그 외 후방의 다른 국가들이 경제를 키워야 하는 것이다.)
(위에 추가가 가능한 사안으로 위 상황 속에서 중국에 추가 병합될 가능성이 높은 인접 국가들의 연합인 동남아시아 각국의 군사력이 서로 군사적 연합체를 이루도록 추진할 경우 일본은 유럽과의 경제협력의 든든한 가교이자 강력한 군사적 동맹국을 얻을 수 있다.)
(어느모로 보나 홀로 외로이 떨어져있는 대한민국은 사실 낄 자리도 없고 그냥 단순한 시선끌기에 바람잡이 정도 혹은 등 뒤의 일본을 보호하기 위한 부드러운 소프트 쿠션 정도의 역할 말고는 맡을 역할이 없다 사실상.)
(즉 지금까지의 한 미 일 삼각 편대 기동이 아닌 미국 주도 하에 유럽, 인도, 동남아시아와 일본을 아우르는 군사적 동맹의 결성 및 이를 뒤에서 백업할 중동의 급속 발전이 추가 계획으로 편성 가능하다.)
(이 때 일본은 미국과 남미등과 경제협력을 맺고 유럽의 물류와 인도 동남아시아 물류를 미국과 남미등지와 연결하는 허브를 맡는다.)
(호주의 경우 국토 대부분이 사막이라 경제적으로는 몰라도 군사적 도움을 얻기는 다소 어렵지만 핵무장 여부는 검토가 가능할 수 있다.)
(다만 남반구 해양자원 탐사는 진행될 필요가 있다.)
(해저 천연자원 탐사)
유럽이 지금의 경기침체를 빠르게 벗어나면서 동시에 군사적 안보를 목적으로 한다면 주요 생필품 수입국을 한국이나 중국 대신 동남아나 남미, 중동, 아프리카 지역으로 전환할 필요도 다소 존재한다.
(사실 항공운송이든 선박운송이든 대중국 무역이 아닌 다음에야 물류가 한국을 경유할 이유가 없고 일본을 경유하는편이 동맹국들에게 보다 더 낫다.)
(한국의 무역은 이제 대미 수출에서 대 중국 수출로 전환될 필요가 있다.)
(미국 자본 끌어와서 중국제품을 사는 행동은 이제 그만 해야 한다는 뜻이다.)
(현재 한반도에 유통되는 거의 대부분의 제품이 메이드인 차이나다 그리고 주요 수출국은 미국과 유럽이다.)
(그게 왜 역방향이 되지 않고 그 방향인 것인가?)
(기왕에 한 중 외교 수교를 맺은김에 주요 수출 대상국을 중국으로 삼고 수입을 미국과 유럽에서 하기라도 했다면 .....)
(솔직히 한국을 물류 허브로 삼아서는 더는 동맹국들의 이익의 보전조차 어려운 지경이라는 평 이외에는 해 줄 아무런 말이 없다.)
저기 우리 한국의 모든 아이들아 ㅠ ㅠ
혹시 밥알이 목구멍으로 넘어가니?
위 경제 지표들은 더 이상의 최전방 방어선을 유지하는 것이 불가능하다는 지표들이다.
방어선이 반드시 후퇴하지 않을 수가 없는 수준의 단순 라이언 일병 구하기 이야기가 실제로 되었다는 뜻이다.
영국, EU, 미국 모두가 다 고 물가로 시달리고있고 그중 영국이 가장 힘든 상황이다.
거기에 미국에서는 세법 개정안이 실행될 것이며 + 대한민국에서는 납품단가 연동제가 실행될 예정이다.
여기서 세법개정안은 아예 EU 를 말려 죽이겠다는 수준의 대량학살 선언에 가까운 극약처방이다.
납품단가 연동제는 대한민국에서 향후 앞으로의 수출길이 그야말로 막막하기가 이루 말로 표현조차 못할만큼 처참지경 그 자체이니 줄도산이라도 피해 보라는 수준의 대책이다.
거의 아무런 국가적 전략이 보이지를 않는 수준의 지나치게 단순하기만 할 뿐 실질적으로 어떻게 경기를 앞으로 이끌어갈 것인지에 대한 아무런 비전이 제시되지 않는 수준의 대책이라는 뜻이다.
대한민국은 앞으로 대 중국 무역에서 무엇을 수출할 것이며 무엇을 수입할 것인지 미리 준비하거나 결정한 아무런 준비 품목이 존재하지 않는다.
물론 중국은 아이폰보다는 삼성 스마트폰을 보다 더 선호한다.
그러나 과연 화웨이와 삼성중에서는 무엇을 선택할지 자명하다.
무엇보다 향후 대한민국에서는 더 이상의 반도체 생산에 막심한 차질이 강력히 예상된다.
(전체 매출 총 량이 있는데 그중 극히 적은 일부 라인 이외에는 생산 라인 자체가 더 이상 유지될 수가 없다.)
무엇보다 현재 한국의 무역은 기존전략대로라면
오로지 삼성 하나만 남고 LG, 대우, 현대, 쌍용, 기아, SK 까지 거의 대부분의 대기업들이 모라토리움 상태에서 그 기업들의 자산과 자본들이 유지되기 어려울 수도 있을만큼 극히 비관적인 상황이 전망된다.
자동차 전기차 모두 수출길이 막힌다,
오로지 대미 수출 이외에는 아무런 수출길이 보이지 않는다.
가전제품역시 마찬가지이다.
유럽 식료품 가격이 20%가 올랐다.
기본적인 의류 구매조차 더 이상 거의 불가능한 이들에게 아무것도 수출할 방법이 없는데 아직 대한민국의 대책은 언젠가는 경기가 부양되리라는 수준의 낙관론 이외에는 아무런 전략도 비전도 아무것도 없다.
미래 혁신 도시?
그건 AUE 에서는 사 줄 수 있기는 하지만 극히 적은 양의 수주 뿐이다.
삼성이 제아무리 대한민국에서 가장 큰 기업이라 하지만 주식시가 총액 30%밖에 안된다.
그나마도 앞으로는 거의 반토막이 날 전망이다.
그 30% 남기고 모두가 죽음을 맞이하기 일보 직전인데
이 대한민국의 아이들은 그저 천하태평이다.
포스코 주가가 하락세에서 회복이 안되는 수준이다.
그나마 철강은 세계 각국에 수요가 가장 많은 품목인데도 그렇다.
차라리 삼성은 무너져도 포스코는 무너질 리가 없는 기업임에도 그럼에도 주가 하락세가 멈추지를 않는다.
그것은 대한민국 최고 두뇌집단인 카이스트가 더 이상 유지되기 힘들 수도 있다는 뜻이다.
남은 것은 핵융합 발전과 조력발전 원전등의 에너지사업 일부 정도다.
그러나 모두 당장의 실질적 매출을 기대하기가 어려운 지속 투자가 필요한 사업들이다.
그나마 조력발전은 당장 설계와 시공에 착수라도하면 된다지만 나머지는 그야말로 헛 꿈이요 저 먼곳의 허망한 신기루들이다.
핵융합발전 만큼은 이 대한민국의 마지막 남은 최후의 보루 그곳에 절대 투자가 끊어져서는 안되는데 앞으로의 미래의 지속적 투자유치를 도저히 어느나라에 부탁해야할지가 너무나도 막막하다.
그 기술이 중국의 손으로 넘어가는 순간 그냥 끝이다 국제 정세는
여기서 방어선이 딱 한 발만 후퇴하면 있잖아? ㅠ ㅠ
응 ㅠ ㅠ?
나 있잖아 ㅠ ㅠ
나 어제 순대랑 소주 놓고 천지신명님께 빌면서 울었어 ㅠ ㅠ
저 위의 모든 경제 지표들이 의미하는 바는 ㅠ ㅠ
중국의 군사력과 영향력의 대폭의 증가를 의미해 ㅠ ㅠ
동남아 지역 거의 전체가 중국의 사정권 안에 들어간다고 ㅠ ㅠ
딱 한국이랑 일본 딱 둘만 남고 다 죽는거야 ㅠ ㅠ
그래 위 모든 경제 지표들은 사실 코로나 19 여파야 ㅠ ㅠ
정확히 2022년도부터 시작된 경기 침체이니까 ㅠ ㅠ
(그 이전부터 물가 상승 조짐이 보이던게 2022년에 폭발을 했어 그냥 ㅠ ㅠ)
그런데 그게 도대체 끝이나야 ㅠ ㅠ
천만 다행히도 지금 미국 경제가 대단히 빠른 속도로 살아 나는 중이야 ㅠ ㅠ
이건 영국의 GDP 동향이야
2010년 부근 지점부터 거의 ..... 회복이 안돼 ......
이건 미국의 GDP 동향이야 그래프로만 보았을 때에는 안정적으로 보일 수 있지만 상황은 거의 절망적이야(대한민국에 절망적이라고) 조금있다가 자세한 통계 지표를 보여줄게 ㅠ ㅠ
이건 중국의 GDP 동향이야
정확히 한중 외교 수교가 이 나라를 말아먹은 결정적 간첩질 이적행위였다는 증거밖에 안되는
이 나라에 IMF 가 괜히 터진게 아냐
미국 GDP 총 생산량 대비 중국 GDP 총 생산량을 비교해 보았어
만의 하나라도 저 지표가 역전되면 더이상 한국 주변에 중국으로부터 한국을 지켜주는것이 가능한 국가는 단 하나도 남지 않아 이 지구상에
도대체 무슨짓을 뭘 어떻게를 하면
자본주의 진영 대 공산주의 진영이 서로 자본주의 시장경제 원리 따라서 진검승부로 맞붙었는데 이런결과가 나오는거니?
그냥 너네가 진짜 아무 생각이 없었던 결과 아니었을까?
아래부터 세부 자료들을 보여줄건데 요약하자면
미국이 대 중국 무역 적자 발생분 만큼을 유럽 경제를 흡수하는 방향으로 GDP 총 생산량 상승을 간신히 이끌어왔고
그 와중에 EU 내부에서 프랑스와 영국간 갈등이 소비자 물가지수에서 나타나
2010년 이후 EU 소비자 물가 지수는 대단히 안정적이었지만 영국은 그렇지 않았어
물론 경제 성장지표 즉 GDP 는 영국 유럽할것 없이 모두 침체기였고
그냥 미국이 무너지면 안되었기 때문에 미국이 유럽자본을 흡수한거야
최종적으로 브렉시트가 발생한거고
영국은 지금 사상 최악의 경기침체야
EU 가 영국 자본을 잠식해 들어오는것을 차단한 결과이기는 하지만
정확히 2010년 부근에서 미국의 GDP 가 저성장을 보이기 시작한 지점부터 이 비극은 멈출 방법이 보이지를 않았어
지금 당장 수립 가능한 대책은 주요 교역국의 교체와 대중 무역을 수입에서 수출로 전환하는 방법 뿐인데 정작 대한민국에 물류 인프라조차도 제대로 구축이 되어있지를 않다.
중국으로부터 물건을 수입하는 라인쪽은 평택항에 알리익스프레스를 통하여 구축되었다.
그러나 정작 황당하게도 세계 물류를 집중하여 중국으로 수출을 하려고 하면 그 인프라를 가지고서는 도저히 불가능에 가까운 절망적인 상황이다.
즉 정말로 아무것도 구축된 것이 없고 아무것도 준비한 것이 없는 맨몸뚱어리같은 대한민국의 현주소다.
유럽과 미국 남미와 동남아시아 물류를 부산항에 집중하여 각기 평택과 인천으로 나누어서 대중 수출교역을 시작하여야 하는데...
그 물류 인프라조차도 현재 겨우 반쪽 뿐인 것이다.
이건 있잖아
지금이 아니면 말 해 볼 기회조차도 영원히 사라진 채
도대체 너네가 무슨 죄를짓다가 죽는건지 너네도 모를 수준의 심각한 상황이라서 어쩔 수 없이 지금 강력하게 말이라도 꺼내 보는거야
정작 저 경기침체의 모든 국가들은 그냥 방어선 만 한 번 뒤로 물리면 끝인데
그러면 너네가 진짜 죽어
너네가 정말로 아무 생각이 없었던 거야
이 나라에서 도대체 무엇을 했어야 했던것인지에 대해서 정말로 그냥 아무 생각조차없이 사실상의 역적질을 한거라고
거의 무슨 최면에 취한 아이들같아 보일 지경이라고 ㅠ ㅠ
여기가 아까 말한 대중 무역적자 충격이 미국 실물경제에 지표로 드러나는 부분이야
여기서 부터 좀 더 위쪽의 미국 GDP 성장률 6% 대를 끌어올리기 위해서 유럽에 발생한 일은 아래를 보면 돼
전체 유럽 연합의 GDP 성장률이 0.6% 대야 십년도 넘게
그것이 미국의 GDP 상승률 6% 를 유지하기 위해서 유럽에 발생한 일이야
그것이 중국에 뒤쳐지는 순간 방어선을 뒤로 물리지 않을 재간이 없는 사안이었으니까
그러니까 정말로 Korea? 있잖아?
너네가 정말 죽을 까봐 그동안 유럽이 거의 죽을 지경 빈사가 될 때 까지 대신 피흘려 준 거라고
마지막으로 영국에 브렉시트 파동이 왜 생겨난 건지는 소비자물가 지표를 좀 봐
물가는 대단히 안정적이지?
그런데 전체 EU GDP 총 성장률 0.6%를 벗어날 수 없었던 2010년부터 2017년까지 저 안정적인 물가 성장률의 이면에는
영국의 희생이 매우 컸어
같은 기간동안의 EU 전체 평균 물가 상승률의 최소 5배가 넘는 물가상승률을 영국이 홀로 감당해 온 그 총 기간은 아래에 조금 더 보여줄게
물가 상승률 3%? 별거 아니네?
같은 기간동안 GDP 가 0.6% 성장을 못했는데?
너네 월급 인상률 보다 소비자 물가 상승률이 5배가 넘는 상황을 너네가 한 번 10년 넘게 버텨 볼래?
이 시기의 영국 GDP 가 어땠는지 다시 보여줘야 되니?
지금까지 너희에게 보여준 이 모든 지표들이 정말로 너네 목숨보다도 더 귀한 무엇인가라야 해 너네 인생 속에서
그리고 필사적으로 앞으로 뭘 어떻게 해야하는것인지 방법을 찾고 실행에 옮겨야 하는 시기라고
더 늦으면 그냥 기회 조차도 없어
위 모든 경제 지표들이
지난 40년간 대한민국이 세계 물류 허브의 중심지 역할을 너무나 훌륭하게(?) 이끌어와준 대단히 혁혁한(?) 공로들이거든?
어쩌면 이다지도 철저하게
어떻게 100점보다 0점이 더 어렵다는 바로 그 치밀함으로
어떻게 그거 딱 하나만 피해가니?
너희들의 실수에 대한 스스로의 자인과 반성과 행동의 수정과 학습이라고 하는
바로 그거 하나만 쏙 골라서 ....
즉 서두에 거론된 제 3의 인격이 바로 위 모든 경제지표다.
아니면 앞으로도 계속 지금처럼들 살고 말을래?
어차피 주요 수출국은 미국 유럽이니까 거기 경기 살아날 때까지 기다리면 되겠지?
매우 안타깝게도 유럽 경기 침체 여파의 회복 속도가 매우 더뎌 ㅠ ㅠ
정말로 아주 잠깐이지만 아주 아찔하리만큼 이 나라에 대단히 끔찍한 순간이 정말로 잠시나마 순간적으로나마 정말로 찾아올 수 있거든?
제발 버텨줘 그 잠시를 ㅠ ㅠ
무슨 수를 써서라도
딱 1분만 버텨 보라고 그 상황을
(한국이 위 상황에서 맡을 수 있는 허브는 일본으로 유입되는 세계 물류 일부를 평택항이나 인천항을 통하여 대중국 수출로 연결하여주는 가교 역할 정도다)
(또는 일본의 대 중국 수출의 가교 역할이 있는데 사실 이쪽이 주다)
(유럽이나 동남아시아는 그냥 중국으로 직접 육로 또는 항공 수출을 하는것이 더 낫지만 선박 운송의 경우 일부 물류는 한국을 경유할 필요가 존재하고 남미에서 대 중국 교역을 원할 경우 일본을 경유하여 한국을 지나서 중국으로 이어질 수 있다.)
(중동의 대 중국 교역 역시 선박을 통하여 수에즈 운하를 지나 한국의 인천항이나 평택항을 경유하는 편이 낫다.)
(부산항은 대 일 교역의 중심이 될 수 있고 국내 수요의 경우 부산항을 거쳐서 육로 운송 대중국 수출품-또는 수입품-의 경우 부산항을 경유한 다음 인천과 평택으로 각기 나누어서 중국과 교역할 수 있다.)
(이는 미국과 남미의 물류가 선박운송될 때 일본과 한국을 지나서 중국과 이어지는 해상 운송로다.)
(솔직히 뭘 사도 제대로 된거나 사오기나 했다면 이미지 쇄신을 통해서라도 주요 교역국이 바뀔 수도 있는 사안이었는데)
(정작 중국의 이미지 개선에는 또 부정적인것이 한국이다.)
(즉 중국의 과학기술 분야중 신뢰도가 높은 분야를 골라서 최대한 고급품이거나 최소한 생필품은 아닌 제품을 사 주고 대신 이미지를 쇄신시켜주고)
(정작 생필품은 그쪽으로 수출할 수 있는 형태로의 변화가 필요하다-좀 더 일찍 그랬어야 했다.)
(그 중 의류와 자동차 수출이 꽤 중요하다.)
(다른 제품들 뭐 고무장갑 이라던가 그런건 중국으로부터 수입을 해 오더라도 의류와 자동차는 한국것이 중국으로 수출되는것이 정말로 서로간에도 윈윈 이다.)
(그러나 절대로 그런식으로만 관계가 형성될 수는 없고 일부 고급품들은 정작 우리나라 제품보다 중국제품을 더 높게 평가할 수 있는 그러한 제품들을 이 대한민국이 바로 그것을 실제로 일부 용인을 해 주어야 그래야 정말로 양국 무역의 균형이 정확히 맞아 돌아가는 것이다.)
유럽이 지금의 경기침체를 빠르게 벗어나면서 동시에 군사적 안보를 목적으로 한다면 주요 생필품 수입국을 한국이나 중국 대신 동남아나 남미, 중동, 아프리카 지역으로 전환할 필요도 다소 존재한다.
(즉 중국의 제품들에 대한 부정적인 이미지의 조성 보다는 그 반대를 해 주어야 중국도 우리를 믿고 서방국가의 물품들을 사 줄수가 있는 것이다.)
(말이 나온김에 하는 말이지만 상대국의 이미지를 개선을 하여서라도 주요 수출국이 바뀌지 못한다면 한국의 무역은 더는 살아날 방법이 없다.)
(더는 대미 수출이나 대 유럽 수출의 이익창출을 기대할 수 없고 거의 모든 나라가 대 중국 수출로 전환을 해야 하는데 정작 한국만 또 거기서 그 대열에 합류를 못하는 것이다.)
(심지어 대 중국 수출을 위한 가장 기본이 되는 수출 물류 인프라조차도 장장 30년 동안 아무도 준비하지 않았다.)
(앞으로의 한국이 무역을 통하여 살아남기 위하여서는 중국의 국가 이미지 쇄신에 최대한 협조하는것이 더 낫다.)
(군사적으로는 당연히 미국과 일본을 믿고 협력을 하여야 하고 그들의 의견을 전달 하여야 하지만 또한 역으로 그쪽 국가들에게 중국의 이미지를 쇄신시켜줌으로서 대중국 무역의 흐름과 방향을 지금까지와는 다른 흐름과 방향으로 리더쉽있게 이끌지 못하면 그야말로 최악의 경기침체속에서 국가가 멸망할 수도 있다.)
(중국 제품을 사와서 일부 대미 수출이나 대 유럽 수출을 진행할 수도 있겠으나 그 역이 주가 되거나 균형이라도 맞아야 한다는 뜻이다.)
(한국은 결국 미국을 위시한 세계 각국의 동맹들의 의견에 대한 단순 전달자나 중간에 자리한 외교적 쿠션의 역할 이외에는 아무것도 맡아서는 안된다.)
(위 모든 내용들이 지난 40년동안 오히려 역 방향으로 진행된 결과가 작금의 상황이다.)
(만약 중국이나 러시아측이 더이상 군사력 확장을 재개 하지 않을 경우 사실 위의 모든 내용들은 현시점에서는 그다지 절실하지는 않다.)
(그냥 이웃 국가 정도로 인식하고 차츰 교류를 해 나가다 보면 저절로 군사적 긴장이 완화될 수도 있는것이고 그것이 미국이 지금까지 진행해온 일들이다.)
(일단 거래를 시작하고 교역을 해 나가다 보면 대화가 이루어지고 그러다 보면 협상이란 쉽게 풀릴 수도 있는 것이고 더 발전하면 매우 우호적인 친선관계를 유지할 수도 있는 것이기 때문이다.)
(그러기 위해서는 균형이 중요하다.)
(침체된 세계 경제부터 확실히 되살려놓아야 하고 그 돌파구는 본문 상단에 거론된 국가들의 선진화 추진 뿐이다.)
(그리고 대한민국 경제규모는 그 대신 소폭 축소한다.)
(더이상 단순 스마트폰과 반도체만으로는 경기를 부양시킬 수가 없다 어차피)
(경제를 발전시키고 경기를 부양할 다양한 산업적 기반 자체가 약한 것이다. 왜냐? 국토 총 면적이 작기 때문이다.)
(국토 곳곳에 어디는 자동차가 강력하고 어디는 철강이고 어디는 항공이고 어디는 해운이고 어디는 선박이다 그 외 각종 다양한 산업 기반들이 대단히 건재한 상태로 존재하고 있다가)
(필요할 때에 경기부양에 가장 적합한 품목과 대책들이 바로바로 나와 주어야만 하는데)
(오로지 스마트폰과 반도체에만 집착 하다가는 즉 IT 기술과 미래혁신만을 외치다가는)
(당장의 극심한 경기침체 속에서 이렇다 할 아무런 부양책이 세계적으로 유행하지 못하고 계속 IT 만 외치다가 누적된 미래지향의 꿈이 남긴 경제 거품 위에서 죽어야 한다.)
지금의 세계경제를 활성화시키려면 무엇을 주력 품목으로 생산하여야 하는가?
동남아시아, 인도, 중동, 아프리카, 남미가 원하는 품목들을 생산하여야 한다.
아니면 중국이 원하는 품목을 생산하는 방법도 있다.
(중국이 생산한 품목들을 믿고 사용하기가 싫었다면)
(중국에 그들이 원하는 품목을 만들어서 팔기라도 하라)
예를 들어서 현재 중국 내의 코로나 19 대 확산과 관련하여서 아래와 같은 대책의 도입을 고려하여 볼 수 있다.
바이러스는 사실 인류가 정복하지 못한 자연재해들 가운데에서
인류를 멸망에 이르게 할 수 있는 거의 유일한 자연 재해다.
바이러스 또는 운석 충돌 정도가 아니면 인류가 멸망할 가능성은 사실 거의 없는데 ....
(다른 가능성은 반도체 기술 발전과 깊은 관계가 있으나 그 내용이 워낙 길고 방대하므로 다른 문서에서 다루도록 하겠다.)
요점을 간추리자면
현재 중국 내의 기초과학기술 발전이 어느 특정 분야에서 다른 선진국을 아직 따라잡지 못하였다는 뜻이다.
MRNA 백신의 도입이 현재 중국 내부 사정에서 가장 최우선 선결과제이다.
그것이 아니면 현재 중국 내부의 코로나 대확산을 막을 방법이 없다.
솔직한 이야기로 지구상의 가장 최신기술 백신으로도 아직 잠재우지 못한 코로나 19가 너무 막강한 바이러스라는 사실이 가장 큰 문제인데.....
일단 집단 면역의 형성으로인한 추가 대확산을 어느 문화권에서는 어느정도 실제로 저지하는데 성공하였지만 어느 문화권은 아직 그러지 못하였다고 하였을 때
중국은 적어도 백신만큼은 우리를 좀 믿어주었으면 하는 간절한 바람이 있다.
(솔직히 필자도 단순 봉쇄만으로 어느정도 막을 수 있기를 바랐지만 애석하게도 그 봉쇄에 모든 국가가 협력하지 않았다.)
(그들은 봉쇄보다는 백신을 선택 하였다.)
(다만 필자의 견해로는 단 한번의 전 세계적인 동시 봉쇄가 가장 효과적인 대책이었다.)
(봉쇄 + 백신 접종)
(그러나 이미 중국 내의 봉쇄조치가 사실상 한계에 다다른 상황이기에 더는 동맹국들에게 동시 봉쇄를 요청할 아무런 의미가 없어졌다)
(그동안 중국 국민들이 흘린 피눈물은 너무나 막심했을것으로 추측된다.)
(결국 전세계 동시 봉쇄 조치라는 것은 결국 아무도 해 본적이 없는 일이 되어버렸고 이제는 곧 중성변이 주기다.)
(그런데 하필이면 그 중성변이 주기에 맞물려서 중국 내에 코로나 대확산이 진행되는데 그곳에다가 이제는 우리의 백신을 사달라고 요청해야 할 상황이다.)
(중국은 과연 서방국가들을 신뢰할 수 있을까?)
(중국 국내 사정을 고려할 때에 전세계 동시 봉쇄가 아니었다면 처음부터 해법이 없는 사안이었다 이 상황은)
(중국 뿐만이 아니라 의료기술이 발달하지 못한 다른 국가들의 안전을 위하여서라도 반드시 전세계 동시 봉쇄 조치가 꼭 필요한 사안이었다.)
(그러나 솔직히 필자도 그것을 강력하게 주장하기에 상황이 그리 여의치는 않았던것이 이번 코로나 사태 초창기의 필자의 입장이었다.)
(중국은 곧 모든 제반 상황들을 확실하게 이해하게 될 것이고 그것은 군사력 확장의 재개로 이어질 확률이 매우 높다.)
(물론 역으로 바꾸어 말하여서 이쪽의 백신을 중국이 처음부터 믿지 않은것 또한 중국의 실책이라면 실책이다.)
(어느정도 서방측으로 자금이 빠져 나가더라도 보다 확실한 백신을 믿었어야 했다.)
(솔직히 초창기 코로나 바이러스에대한 백신은 몰라도 외곽 변이 이후부터가 문제였다.)
(어쨋건 당장의 사람들의 생명을 구하지 못하면 그 중성변이 주기에 무슨일이 발생할지 아무도 모르므로 중국은 어떤식으로든 대책을 마련할 것이다.)
(이 쪽의 백신을 사 주던 아니면 거절하던)
(그 이후가 문제다.)
(대한민국은 거의 맨몸에 가까운 상태로 중국의 분노를 맞받아야 할 수도 있다.)
단지 사람의 생명을 구하는 일이니까 라고 하기에는 지나온 길과 상황들이 녹록치가 않다는 뜻이다.
결국 코로나 19는 제 2의 계절성 독감이 되었다.
(적어도 서방국가 라인 측에서 만큼은)
다만 그 전염력과 치명률이 기존의 독감보다 너무나 월등하게 막강하다.
전 인류의 진정으로 국경없는 진정성있는 공동 협력이 없이는 극복하기가 매우 어렵다.
소속 국가와 국경을 떠나서 극복하지 못하면 정말로 인류가 멸종될 수 있는 위험요소로 인식하여 접근하여야 한다 모든 국가가
왜냐하면 어느 국가의 추가 대유행은 이미 극복하였다고 믿은 다른 국가에 또다른 치명타로 작용할 수 있기 때문이다.
워낙 변이 그 자체가 다양하고
굉장히 오랜기간의 변이주기 사이클 속에서도 자체사멸하지 않고 안정적인 변이를 기존의 독감이나 감기 바이러스보다 더 안정적이지만 강력한 수준으로 유지하고 있기 때문이다.
물론 아직 중성변이 전의 외곽 변이에 한정된 내용이다.
만의 하나라도 중성변이에 성공할 경우
14억 인구가 밀집된 중국 내부에서의 집단 대 유행은 코로나 19의 안정적인 중성변이에 최적의 환경적 요건을 제공한다.
부디 가장 최신기술의 백신 도입을 중국 정부에 간절히 바란다 ....
(아마 오미크론 변이 이후 단계의 변이 바이러스들부터는 중국 내에서 개발한 백신은 큰 효과가 없을 가능성이 높다.)
(오미크론은 치명률은 낮지만 기존의 코로나 바이러스들과는 어딘가 묘하게 찜찜하다 할 만큼 다른 구석이 존재한다.)
(기존 코로나 바이러스가 HIV(외곽 유전자) + 일반 코로나 바이러스(SARS 를 기반으로하는 중심부 유전인자) 로 구성되어있었다면)
(오미크론 변이는 거기에 무언가 다른 유전인자가 추가된 형태다.)
(외곽부 유전인자와 중심부 유전인자의 결속이 강화되는 형태로의 다른 유전인자가 추가되어있다.)
즉 1세대 한정판이 될 확률이 높았던 코로나 19는 초창기에는 그럴 전망이 높았지만
지금은 안정적인 중성변이를 충분히 해낼것으로 보인다는 뜻이다.
다만 다행스러운 점은
만의 하나의 낮은 가능성으로 초창기 코로나19 바이러스가 중성변이에 성공할 경우 발생가능하였던 어떤 끔찍한 괴물 바이러스의 탄생 가능성은 사실상 거의 소멸되었고
(초창기 코로나 19는 중성변이 성공 가능성은 낮았고 1세대 한정판이 될 확률은 높았지만 악성변이시 거의 진화 수준으로 강력한 바이러스가 될 수도 있었다)
(그리고 그것은 바이러스가 유발하는 실수들 가운데에서 가장 숙주에게 치명적인 실수인데 공생관계가 무너지는 형태다)
(초창기 코로나 19의 바이러스 유전자 변이 과정은 분명히 그렇게 보였다.)
그러나 오미크론 변이단계 부터는 중성변이가 거듭되면서 차츰 차츰 바이러스 자체의 독성이 약화되는 방향으로 바이러스 유전인자가 변화하였으며 그것은 바이러스와 숙주간의 공생관계가 실제로 대단히 안정적인 방향으로 시작되었음을 의미한다.
(그리고 그것은 인류에게는 거의 사실상의 재앙의 시작이다.)
(다만 독성의 강화나 약화는 아직 속단은 금물이다.)
위 백신 수출은 어디까지나 시기적으로 한정되고 국한된 일시적 수요일 뿐이고
(물론 미래는 장담할 수 없지만 일시적 수요로 끝나기를 모두가 바라야만 하는 품목이다 사실)
어쨌건 본론에 해당하는 세계경제 활성화를 위하여서는 앞으로는 중국이 원하는 품목들을 만들어서 수출하여야만 세계 경제가 진정으로 되살아 날 수가 있다.
부디 중국 만큼이라도 그 내부에서 어떤 품목의 수요를 성장 시켜 주어야만 하는지를 부디 잘 선별하여 주기만을 .....
무엇이 어찌되었든 수출은 상대의 자본을 가져오는 일이니까
(병법에서 이르는 적의 것을 취하는 전략적 무역이다.)
(그곳 현지에 공장을 차려서 노동력?을????? .... 뭘 어떻게?????????)
(도저히 내가 ....)
즉 대한민국은 현재시점에서, 정확하게 1980년대의 경제 구조로 다시 되돌아가야 된다는 뜻이다.
이 나라가 살기 위해서는
그래야만 일본쪽으로 외자가 유치될 수 있고 일본은 그 돈으로 중동과 남미 동남아와 여타의 다른 지역을 도와줄 수가 있다.
즉 일본은 유럽과 남미의 가교역할
그리고 일본과 유럽의 가교 역할에는 동남아시아가
즉 지금까지의 대한민국의 물류 허브 역할이 실제로 일본으로 옮겨 가야한다.
대한민국은 오로지 허브역할 그 이상을 결코 해내지 못했지만
일본은 그렇지 않았다.
그곳은 단순 허브 이상을 해 낼 수 있었다
이는 대치 상황의 유지를 위한 고육지책이다.
(다만 러시아 지역의 전쟁 발발로 인한 국제 정세의 불안 요소의 확장은 지금까지의 동북아 지역에서의 일본에 대한 사실상의 군사적인 긴장을 통한 억제력의 상실로 이어질수도 있다.)
(협상을 통한 일본의 군사력 확장이 아닌 다른 의미로의 일본의 군사력 확장이라는 결과로 나타날 수 있다는 뜻이다.)
(물론 현재의 일본에서는 그러한 행동이 유발될 확률이 대단히 낮다고 본다.)
(그것은 현재의 일본의 시민의식이 그만큼 과거와는 많은 부분에서 달라지고 대단히 성숙한 결과이다.)
자유시장경제 원리는 반드시 민주주의 정부의 통제를 받아야만 한다.
■ Enforcement Rules for Regulations Suggested by the People [Appendix Form No. 1] | (Page 1) | ||
National Proposal | |||
① Title | Minimum profit guarantee system for SMEs (abolition of the lowest price bidding system) Proposal to increase the minimum wage by stage and class (diversification) |
② Submission institution | Office of the Blue House of the Republic of Korea (to His Excellency Jae-in Moon) |
③ Whether the same or similar proposal has been submitted by other institutions | [ ] None [ V ] Yes (submitted by: Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Small and Medium Business Venture Businesses, date of submission: Ministry of Employment and Labor on August 5, 2018, Ministry of Small and Medium Business Venture Business on November 5, 2018) | ||
④ Main proposer | Name | Seonhong Kim 金善弘 | |
Date of Birth | April 25, 1980 | ||
Contribution (%) | Alone 100% | ||
⑤ Co-sponsor | Name | date of birth | Contribution (%) |
⑥ Processing situation Disclosure |
[ V ] Public [ ] Private (excluding title and adoption) | ||
⑦ Processing result notification method | [ V ] SMS (text message) | Mobile Phone Number : | |
[ V ] E-mail | E-mail address: | ||
[ V ] mail | Address: | ||
I submit a proposal from the public in accordance with Article 5 of the 「Regulations on Proposal by Citizens」 and Article 2 Paragraph 1 of the 「Enforcement Rules on Proposal by Citizens」. | |||
January 8, 2019 | |||
Main proposer | Seonhong Kim (signed or stamped) | ||
Sir of the competent administrative agency | (To His Excellency President Moon Jae-in) To the Chief of Staff to the President of the Blue House of the Republic of Korea |
※ The signature of the proposer may be omitted if the proposal is submitted electronically, such as on the website of an administrative agency, where the identity of the proposer can be verified. |
(Page 2) |
⑧ Status and problems In the current global capitalist economic market situation, including Korea, the implementation of the lowest bid system between SMEs and large corporations is a structure that makes it very difficult for SMEs to guarantee proper profits, and thus becomes a very big obstacle to the rise of the minimum wage. There are two or more complex issues that stand in the way of the abolition of the lowest bid system. One is economic and social issues and the other is military issues. Socio-economic issues are none other than the chaos that will result in the implementation country. Consumers do not understand the position of companies. They will definitely sue if there is a disadvantage to themselves. The problem is to create a judicial system in which neither side can suffer too great a disadvantage. I found a solution to the problem while struggling with real estate policy. For details, please refer to the other two national proposals that will be translated soon. A military issue is when the aforementioned social chaos occurs in front of China. Therefore, this issue is an issue that cannot be executed unless the negotiations with China are completed first. However, in countries other than the United States, this social system can be operated on a trial basis, and I hoped that it would be implemented in Korea. The current situation is that the operating profit of small and medium-sized enterprises is between 0.5% and 1%, and in order to pay the workers' wages with it, even the employees of large corporations must receive wages that are not much different from him based on the equity of the minimum wage. Can the economy continue to operate like this forever? Can capitalism operate even if consumers lose their purchasing power? It is a conditional item with a time limit attached. Sometime in the future, if the minimum profit margin of small and medium-sized businesses is not raised to 10% or more, the loss of purchasing power of consumers itself will cause the capitalist society to lose its function after the growth of the market gradually degenerates. It is a system that increases the unit price of SMEs supplied to large corporations by 10%. As a result, the operating profit of SMEs increases tenfold. Workers' wages have at least doubled. Consumer prices only rise by 10% No 5%. just... If only they could avoid filing a consumer class action against a company in their country in front of an enemy country... If they can just spend the money in their hands or hold it in a savings account, instead of tying it up in real estate or stocks. First of all, I write down the contents of the future assuming only the most ideal situation that all the problems have actually been solved and there is no imaginary enemy country. In fact, what people want is the most ideal state. But that is not the case except when raised in the hands of a mother. Now that I'm grown up, I'm going to fight, that's how citizens perceive it. please forgive me But never forget and never be fooled by the citizens There is absolutely no ideal condition on this planet. There is only attunement to situations and only the creation of situations for the sake of attunement. Another problem arises when the minimum profit margin for SMEs is guaranteed at 10%. It's a small problem, but it's a very small problem that small business owners themselves are trying to monopolize their wealth. In order to solve this problem, there is a need to diversify the minimum wage for workers by income class at the beginning of the system implementation for the time being. Order the highest minimum wage where the wealth is distributed right now The minimum wage of workers who need to receive their money, such as small business owners and self-employed service providers, needs to be set at a lower level than that. Considering the purpose of the minimum wage system, this is an impossible problem. It is an unavoidable problem for small and medium-sized enterprises that have received money from large companies to forcibly return wages to workers because they must be charged the highest minimum wage. Even if it is a voluntary increase in wages for workers in small and medium-sized enterprises, that is, the transfer of capital. However, it is only a small problem at the beginning of the system implementation process, and the minimum wage of the two groups can be restored to the same level within about 10 years after the system is established. Detailed measures are described in detail in the improvement measures line below. The important thing is to devise a way to relieve the ethical shock, and currently, there are only accurate publicity, but since publicity cannot replace a person's 10-year life, there are many additional discussions. |
⑨ Improvement plan This agenda was last August 5th, 2018 As an agenda delivered to the Labor Standards Division of the Labor Policy Office of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, This is about the complaint number: 1BA-1807-329853. On my blog https://japhikel.tistory.com It is an agenda prepared to solve the fundamental cause of the difficulty of raising the minimum wage in Korea. Here is the original link https://japhikel.tistory.com/862 This is something that has been further developed. The class that suffers the most damage due to the implementation of the lowest price bidding system in the capitalist market mentioned above is small business owners and self-employed rather than workers. https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/economy/economy_general/973421.html The above article is an official article that says that 8 out of 10 people who started self-employment in the restaurant industry in Korea will close their business within 5 years. And articles with the same content are actually searched for very many articles regardless of media outlets. However, the most recent statistical data related to the self-employed survey conducted by the National Statistical Office of the Republic of Korea is up to 2013. It's nobody's fault. It's just that the wages that go back to workers are so low that workers can't spend money even if they want to spend it. If you only want to buy essential things that you absolutely need while living, you have no choice but to buy only the things that large corporations sell. If you want to buy clothes sold by big companies, buy a car, and buy a house Eating out at a restaurant becomes a luxury In fact, it is impossible to buy food every day unless you are in the top 20% of the income bracket. As a result, 8 out of 10 businesses fail to make up for operating losses within 5 years. The example article is an article that made a chart by synthesizing the number of founders, the number of closures, and field surveys among the data of the National Statistical Office. However, it is very difficult to find data from the National Statistical Office that accurately compiles the rate of business closure, at least for me. In fact, since we literally only looked at the occupancy rate, it is difficult to assert unless we check individually whether the business is closed or full-time. However, according to the data, the ratio of restaurants that have actually moved into a building for more than 5 years is in the 20% range. https://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=101&tblId=DT_1ME0505&vw_cd=MT_ZTITLE&list_id=K2_006_005&scrId=&seqNo=&lang_mode=ko&obj_var_id=&itm_id=&conn_path=K1&path=%25EA%25B8%25B0%25EC%2597%2585%25EA%25B2%25BD%25EC%2598%2581%2520%253E%2520%25EC%2586%258C%25EC%2583%2581%25EA%25B3%25B5%25EC%259D%25B8%25EC%258B%25A4%25ED%2583%259C%25EC%25A1%25B0%25EC%2582%25AC%2520%253E%2520%25EC%2582%25AC%25EC%2597%2585%25EC%25A0%2584%25ED%2599%2598%2520%25EB%25B0%258F%2520%25ED%2587%25B4%25EB%25A1%259C%25EC%258B%259C%25EB%258F%2584%252F%25EC%2582%25B0%25EC%2597%2585%25EC%25A4%2591%25EB%25B6%2584%25EB%25A5%2598%25EB%25B3%2584%252F%25EC%259E%2584%25EA%25B8%2588%25EA%25B7%25BC%25EB%25A1%259C%25EC%259E%2590%2520%25ED%259D%25AC%25EB%25A7%259D%2520%25EC%258B%259C%2520%25EC%2595%25A0%25EB%25A1%259C%25EC%2582%25AC%25ED%2595%25AD%25EB%25B3%2584%2520%25EC%2582%25AC%25EC%2597%2585%25EC%25B2%25B4%25EC%2588%2598%28%25EB%25B3%25B5%25EC%2588%2598%25EC%259D%2591%25EB%258B%25B5%29 kosis.kr In fact, other than this issue that needs to be addressed is how the franchising industry distributes profits and losses. In addition, although special workers are also in a blind spot, they are issues that fundamentally depend on how much wages are distributed to regular workers. In other words, side effects caused by not paying enough wages to regular workers are already appearing in various forms throughout society. However, for the franchise industry, it already has a profit distribution structure, but since it can actually cause other side effects as much as the negatives of the lowest price bidding system between large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises, this document deals with the contents. In fact, the issue of special employment positions cannot be answered unless the lowest-price bidding system is abolished and the franchise profit distribution structure is improved first. For example, it is to first improve the wages of workers who receive subcontracts from the original contractor and receive subcontracts again. First of all, we need to improve the profit distribution structure that leads to subcontracting, but if we go in the reverse order, everything in front of it will go bankrupt. Shall we say, for instance, popping the champagne too soon? How can I convince them? How can I convince them? Don't worry and commit Then I lose the vote? Do you still think citizens are worth trusting? You can go with whatever stupid idea they're thinking. Really join hands with the Republicans Really work with business owners Please really stick with the judiciary and the police. If you really take control of the army, it's just fine. They are groups that simply do not have the ability to create political organizations themselves. At least Korea is definitely like that. American citizens are probably different. Already 10 years ago, the public opinion in the United States to abandon Korea exceeded the majority. It's an impossible poll without a good degree of military savvy. It's a level that even game companies could have known. Korean people know a little bit now. because that I said High-ranking people, of course, they are knew before me. But they gave up persuading the Korean people. Korea should go to the recruitment system rather than the conscription system in the future. In order for the government, the judiciary, the police and the military organizations to be prepared to jointly suppress the rebellion of the people. In order to implement a policy to return wealth to them, Korea is in a situation where it has to take and suppress each and every one of its people's sudden actions. Someone knows first, someone a little earlier in the middle, and some people don't know until someone says it. It's just that those who don't know until the latest have the right to vote. back to the point For example, the following issues are not taken into account or are being dealt with reduced. Between small business owners and head offices in the franchise industry The location of the store, the ratio of the floating population to the resident population within the radius, the distribution of major consumption age groups, the total number of affiliated stores belonging to the franchise and the ratio of competing stores in the same industry within the radius of the store location, etc. Factors that clearly affect the operating profit distribution structure Why the hell do we have to discuss these things? Because that's the factor that affects their mental state. In Korean proverb, Mencius' mother moved three times for Mencius' education. There is a proverb called. It is said that he moved three times in search of an area with luxurious children, fearing that he would grow up to be a bad child in the gap of bad children. It is a proverb about the effect of the environment on human beings. Of course, it varies a little from person to person. It's just that I'm going to try it once in the environmental purification dimension. on a trial basis in only one specific country prepared to suppress them. Taking this into account Reorganization of appropriate profit distribution between the head office and franchisees Quarterly or semi-annually, or according to changes in the conditions of the location Franchise to headquarters or headquarters to franchisees It means that the structure should be changed to allow each other to apply for adjustment of profit distribution when needed. 'Cause even if it's the same burger king There is a difference of more than 10 times between the New York store and the Hoisington store in Kansas. Labor-Management Cooperation or Dialogue to Raise the Minimum Wage The government's policy towards the small business franchise industry and convenience stores has now reached its limits. If you ask them to tighten their waist anymore We might go bankrupt. The polarization between the rich and the poor not only in Korea but also in the entire world economy is bound to get worse. Big corporations and leaders will use the economic recession as a weapon to gain an excuse to exploit the common people even more viciously. Of course, it will appear more seriously in other places than in capitalist countries. And the citizens of capitalist countries are not interested in that. A more realistic solution is It is to save small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have been virtually excluded from the wealth distribution process. The alternative is to guarantee a certain minimum profit for SMEs (based on suppliers) and It is to introduce a fair quality competitive bidding system based on the same minimum profit within the same public bid price. At this time, there may be a gap in reality between the supplier and the subcontractor. This is because the reality of each company is diversified depending on the type of business such as delivery, subcontracting, service, broadcasting and communication, and distribution. The introduction of the quality competitive bidding system and the guarantee of the minimum profit for small and medium-sized enterprises This means that it is necessary to add a business procedure that applies different guarantee standards. Of course, if this minimum profit rise also exceeds a certain threshold, the effect on the economy will be applied at a different rate than before. In the current situation, this is absolutely necessary. For example, a small and medium-sized company that supplied bronze valves to Toshiba When the operating profit applied to the bronze valve was 0.5% Even if this operating profit is raised to 20 times the size by 10% The ratio of this reflected in actual consumer prices is not a 20-fold difference, but less than 1/10. It is simply focusing on the fact that the unit cost of all parts required for a product only increases by 10% compared to the existing price. In other words, the actual operating profit of SMEs is It rises by the ratio of the guaranteed minimum profit and the size of the previous operating profit. The actual delivery unit price and the consumer price inflation rate are different from this, which is to focus on rising. If the total turnover is 5 billion From the previous 0.5% operating profit, you will get a profit of 25 million won. When this guarantees 10% operating profit This means that an operating profit of KRW 500 million will be generated. No matter how much you think about it, this room feels like a large company spending too much. In fact, it is also attractive that the amount that large companies have to bear is not so large. For example, if Hyundai Motor Company produces a car, The total number of parts that go into a car easily exceeds about 30,000. All of them are made by other small and medium-sized companies and delivered to one large company called Hyundai Motor Company. the total price of all these parts Let's say it's 30 million won. Let's just say it's the equivalent of a new car. (I don't know the price of Genesis, but let's say Genesis.) Small and medium-sized enterprises have experienced operating profits that are more than 20 times higher than the basic operating profit. It's just a story where the total parts delivery price goes from 30 million won to 33 million won. Some luxury cars have a process of being produced and distributed, and accordingly, warehouse costs, logistics costs, land rental costs, facility costs necessary for actual vehicle production, facility maintenance costs, employee wages, building rental costs, various taxes and , Branch office attraction costs, product promotion costs, costs for CF production and broadcasting advertisements, actual contracts and delivery, or related incidental costs required for exports, customs duties and taxes separately imposed by the local country in the case of exports, and port or air travel. Additional transportation and logistics costs will be incurred. Here, the unit price of delivery is just a story of adding one more spoon. In fact, even if parts suppliers raised operating profit from 0.5% to 10% In fact, the price of a new car produced and sold by Hyundai is more likely to rise by less than 1%. (It is not that one particular large company is the problem, but that the corporate culture around the world has not properly recognized this part. In the process of forming early capitalism, this is the only problem that was not properly visible to people.) Someone knew it first, someone found out a little later, and someone didn't understand or tried to use it even if someone said it. Maybe it's because it's over 200 years ago? But This is because the total number of small and medium-sized businesses that supply these 30,000 parts looks large. Large corporations that have exploited this psychological and moral weakness without properly distributing the profits to them. while monopolizing their own interests Vertical corporate culture and military corporate culture And while creating a perfect reception environment, lobby, and various rebates to reign like a king, It is also that various social ills are spreading like cancer cells. From the following, I will write a story assuming that it is the most ideal peacetime, where there are no enemy countries and no class action lawsuits by citizens, as mentioned above. There are two types of countermeasures: military countermeasures and social institutional countermeasures. Military countermeasures have already been mentioned on Facebook, and social countermeasures, please refer to the other two documents. However, the other parts that I had to tell you too briefly on Facebook will be delivered again in a little more detail. but If we change this wealth distribution structure to be more fair, The central axis of the country's economy will revive, Even in small and medium-sized enterprises, various employee benefits that were possible only in large companies, For example, securing consigned daycare centers for employees’ sons and daughters, Securing health facilities, Increased convenience of resting facilities; Not necessarily a facility problem A real rise in wages is possible. The life of the middle class could be more prosperous, an increase in total domestic consumption, Above all, the supply and demand of equipment and systems that can protect the safety of environmental protection facilities and employees can be smoothed out. For example, new businesses related to all industries will be provided with opportunities and foundations for new start-ups and success. Sports facilities, daycare centers, attracting companies investing in environmental protection facilities, companies related to safety equipment and safety facilities, transportation, commuter bus medical offices, etc. In fact, an opportunity will be provided that will enable quantitative expansion of the domestic economy. not only Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), whose manpower supply and demand itself has become smooth, will be able to resolve job search difficulties. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have been able to recruit manpower more leisurely Because those employees no longer need to play 1 person, 2 or 3 roles like Superman, The working environment can be improved and even shorter working hours can be reduced. In other words, most of the problems of modern society are solved at once. In addition, the employment rate of employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which account for the majority of the entire population, and the actual working environment and reduced working hours increase wages all at once, resulting in an increase in the people's income itself. Total domestic consumption will rise As the success rate of small business start-ups, currently only 7%, has risen significantly, Service industry, logistics, distribution, transportation, advertising industry, broadcasting and communication industry, etc. Other industries that seem unrelated also It is through this increase in national income that the market itself has the effect of reviving. All of these industries were in fact receiving a fair share of profits, but This huge market right on the supplier side and not elsewhere because everything is dead With an operating profit far below the profit share ratio received Everyone was mired in a long-term recession. because I didn't know the cause The solution itself could not come out. At this time, the process of selecting a supplier and In the preparation of policies such as the fair bidding process and supplier selection criteria, etc. In other words, in the entire process of bidding and receiving orders, The very thing the government has never been able to do to big business Efficient and legitimate inspection and coordination of corporate business becomes possible. Illegal lobbying, unethical hospitality culture, various rebates, slush fund formation, and even activities of ghost companies, etc. It will be possible to limit Practically all malicious phenomena that betray certain ethics and justice prevalent throughout society Even the number of establishments in the entertainment industry It becomes possible for the actual control to be exercised by the state. If the lowest-price bidding system disappears and the lowest profit is guaranteed, what criteria should be used to select suppliers? It's quality. Who will arbitrate? the country does. So, let's try a pilot operation in Korea. In addition, among the new industries mentioned above, companies that need to fall under the national key industries are operated by the state or the state is deeply involved in their operation. We can lay the groundwork for a drastic rise in all three revenues and national power. This is when a business in a new field expands. Here, it becomes an institutional device that can realistically prevent large corporations from being too deeply involved. For example, companies can lead the environmental protection industry in earnest, which until now was not possible due to lack of money. in a new start-up or small business At this time, there is no need to worry about international price competitiveness. It is true that the quality of the product itself rises significantly, but the rate of price increase does not reach it. Like, there's an 800 dollar Tico somewhere There's a $900 Ferrari somewhere else Unless someone really only has $800 There is simply no one in this world who would choose Tico. (Of course, this is a hypothetical price, but it means that the actual competitiveness will be like this.) Some companies work for $1000, some companies work for $1100. However, there is a 10-fold difference in operating profit between the two companies. Let's stick to quality competition. Of course, 10% alone may be somewhat insufficient. However, it can go up to 20%.The minimum wage is pre-determined Anything more than that is a bunch. Overall, the total number of incidents varies between companies with superior parts quality and those without. Companies that cause more accidents get caught up in more lawsuits. This in turn leads to reduction in manpower and deterioration in quality. Prior to that Anyone who uses a finished product with superior quality parts and one that does not know right away. Just stepping on the accelerator and hearing the engine revving, as any aficionado knows, There are unusually many flaws in the same basic design There are exceptionally few flaws in the same basic design. Users know just by hearing the sound of the engine running. When there is a 10-fold difference in operating profit, a company that returns it to quality and a company that does not Goods from countries with twice as many gross national incomes and those from poorer countries. The average income of a country's citizens is the quality of the products produced in that country. Would you like to use our products? Would you like to use Japanese products? like the franchise industry. As explained above, the distribution of operating profits is based on the exact principles and principles of the market economy. Free redistribution should always be possible. In other words For each individual store of the affiliated store In fact, it is necessary to redistribute profits according to the size of operating profits that can be generated by the affiliated store. For business owners starting out for the first time By clearly presenting the blueprint of the actual limit of operating profit that can actually be generated by the store It is important not to put new entrepreneurs on the brink of bankruptcy. The more these people go bankrupt, the more Our new fathers will be in debt It's because the national economy is going to be that much difficult. Currently, the success rate of startups in Korea is less than 20%, as explained above. This is when 100 people start a business Within 6 months, 50% of the total, or 50 people, will go bankrupt and sit in a pile of debt. This means that only 20 people succeed for more than 5 years in one position. This has gone from 7% to 20% with so many improvements and state support. Of course, this is the biggest cause of insufficient wages for workers in small and medium-sized enterprises, but that does not mean that the system does not need to be improved. This is because if the institutional irrationality that exists there is not improved, someone will go bankrupt unjustly even if the minimum wage rises. The solution exists. In Seoul, the solution is already in operation, but half because there is no minimum wage increase. Every 500m, 1Km and 2Km radius of the store Ratio of resident population to floating population, distribution of the population by age group, actual major sales product groups and sales status in the past, Analysis of successful and unsuccessful industries in the region within 5 years number of competing stores, the degree to which people are away from or adjacent to their main routes of movement; currently distributed throughout the region If you compare and analyze the sales status of all affiliates, with an accuracy of nearly 70%. It is possible to calculate the operating profit that can be expected in the store. This is according to the membership level such as paid member or free member in the current government agency. We actually operate a site that provides information Because statistics are real It can be applied in real life right away. For example, the self-employment support center in Seoul This information is provided on the small business comprehensive support portal or similar government agency operation site. Analyze real statistics. http://www.seoulsbdc.or.kr/main.do However, it is currently being operated only by the city of Seoul, and the above information is not yet a mandatory agreement between the franchise owner and the head office, and is being used as indirect data that is difficult to directly affect the reorganization of the actual operating profit distribution structure. However, if we reflect it in the terms of the contract between the actual franchise and the head office under the leadership of the state, it is as follows. In this way, for all newly established or existing affiliated stores The size of sales and operating profit that can be expected Depending on the number of competing franchisees or the total number of franchisees affiliated with the franchise (If the total number of affiliates is large, there is no need for a large amount of private payment to be borne by the franchisee in the franchise, right? It is okay to lower it a little.) (This content is quite burdensome for latecomers when new start-ups in the new franchise industry are established. The problem is clearly recognized, but it is the most effective way to limit excessive competition caused by excessive new start-ups in the franchise industry and crowds of latecomers. Since it is an improvement plan based on a pure market economy principle, it seems that it can be applied as it is without the need to search for further improvements.) Prevent bankruptcy by providing accurate information to franchisees Based on these accurate data Quarterly or semi-annually, etc. Regular operating profit redistribution and Or, according to changes in competitors within a certain radius of the franchise or changes in the total number of franchises belonging to the franchise, etc. fluidly For example, within a certain radius of the affiliated store If the number of franchisees in a competitive industry increases, the franchisee owner applies for adjustment to the head office or If all affiliates belonging to the franchise increase by a certain percentage or more All affiliate store owners make a request to the head office in solidarity, or Or, conversely, if the total number of franchisees decreases or competing franchisees disappear within a certain radius, the head office requests individual or collective redistribution to the franchisees. There are very realistic system improvement plans. Of course, franchise franchise owners must have a solidarity with each other. Based on this realistic distribution of operating profits, Regarding the statutory minimum wage that the franchisee can actually afford Or for the number of employees who can operate It is necessary to establish an objective criterion It becomes the government's job to do what is necessary for the actual increase in the minimum wage. In a word, if the legal minimum profit is provided to small and medium-sized businesses, the appropriate minimum wage can be calculated immediately, but franchises require other standards. This means that there are currently quite a few franchisees that have to go bankrupt while trying to pay the legal minimum wage, depending on the reality the franchisee is facing. And regarding the amendment to the current minimum wage law in Korea, It is right to apply the minimum wage unconditionally only to the basic salary. The current improvement plan is not a plan to increase the actual wages of workers, but rather It's more like a gradual shear. This isn't right. Again, as explained earlier In case the minimum profit is guaranteed for small and medium-sized enterprises Financial resources such as welfare benefits for small and medium-sized enterprises (maternity leave, childcare center, sports facilities, health facilities, medical office, reduced working hours, improved employment rate, and application of various flexible working hour systems) will be provided. At this time, in the process of quantitative expansion of the economic scale through the establishment of new infrastructure such as the increase in actual national income and the expansion of new industrial facilities, In addition to the small business franchise convenience store industry Across all industries, it will be able to bring about substantial increases in sales and operating profits. Of course, since it shows a differential growth rate in the operating profit growth rate by industry, In line with this differential growth rate It is also necessary to differentiate the application standards of the minimum wage by industry. Of course, when thinking based on the basic spirit of the minimum wage, The minimum wage must remain constant According to the growth rate of real income for each industry It would be correct to calculate the statutory minimum wage that meets the reality of the industry with the smallest rate of increase among them. If you do things like that The increase in operating profit of SMEs is passed on to the business owners. Since the actual distribution of wealth can never be carried over to workers, We must take this opportunity to expand the fair distribution of wealth through differential application of the minimum wage that absolutely meets the reality of each industry. If it is not calculated based on the lowest income class, it is impossible to calculate the same minimum wage. Then, what is the benefit of guaranteeing operating profits to small and medium-sized businesses? But, embarrassingly, if you implement this policy to return wealth to the citizens, the citizens will riot. They will never understand why their next door neighbor lives better than they are But now we have to force it. There are so many social problems to be solved, and the seriousness of them cannot be expressed in words. Even if I only tell you the wholesome parts It looks like this: In the meantime, it will be possible to expand various facilities that small and medium-sized businesses could not do because of lack of money. Various wastewater treatment facilities, pollution prevention facilities, soot blocking, toxic substance purification system from factory chimneys, other various pollution prevention facilities and safety facilities, expansion of safety equipment, improvement of related laws and regulations, and actual enforcement, As well as In the meantime, even this facility investment related to direct product production will be financed to solve all the problems that have not been properly carried out. It will also be possible to attract and start up new industries and companies related to the establishment of infrastructure for new national infrastructure facilities. In other words, through the quantitative expansion of the real economy A real economic revitalization can be achieved. This is because the free finances of SMEs and the gross national income increase together. At first, it will be difficult to raise the minimum wage drastically. First, after the improvement of the system for small and medium-sized enterprises is completed, the current minimum wage can be doubled. If the minimum profit margin of small and medium-sized businesses is 20%, there is no problem even if you proceed together. Of course, the state must force companies to improve all the systems described above. However, franchises can prevent excessive bankruptcy in the early stages of implementation if the minimum wage is differentially adjusted assuming their own operating profit distribution structure described above. When actual sales increase Based on the above-mentioned system improvement and maintenance contents, First select the actual objective standard for the number of employees that can be operated by each store (Selected based on a certain percentage of the store's actual expected sales) It is right to divide the number of employees equally and present a minimum wage standard suitable for this. To give a specific example If store A's expected monthly sales are $10,000 If the calculation of distributable wages is only $3000 after store operations and franchisee profits, With this $3000, it is right to limit the number of employees that can be operated to two in line with the spirit of the minimum wage. After all, the actual applicable minimum wage for this store would be $1500. In other words, the core of this system improvement plan is to regulate the number of employees who do not comply with the basic spirit of the minimum wage. (By the way, if it's really New York, the same McDonald's can make an operating profit of $ 1 million a month, but there can be other stores expecting $ 10,000 in reality) (In that case, rather than fully reflecting the difference in sales to the minimum wage, it should be possible to turn a portion of the total franchisee's payment into the minimum wage.) (Of course, there must be individual head office support for stores that inevitably have small operating profits.) However, if the number of employees is excessively increased according to the needs of the franchisee Regarding wage arrears rather than unconditional regulation. The state monitors the feasibility of realistic necessity, Through the application of public insurance The state compensates the employee for a certain percentage or all of the unpaid wages first, It is urgent to introduce generous policies such as regulation or punishment only when the same incident is repeated and causes substantial loss to the national treasury. For example, a 24-hour convenience store Literally, business hours are 24 hours. Divided into weekends and weekdays Even if the franchisee and his family step out at least 4 people Considering the stable operation and vacation according to the needs of manpower, there is a realistic need that stable operation is possible with 6 or more people and 8 people or less. this is fair enough Limited to cases where the franchisee fails to provide the franchisee with accurate information on the expected amount of sales that can actually be expected from the store, due to force majeure reasons or sudden poor performance, or the head office that attracts the franchisee due to the fault of a government agency or the head office that has attracted the franchisee Depending on the seriousness of the case or the proportion of negligence The government prepares the public insurance described above in advance, and the ratio of mistakes or negligence of the head office is calculated. The country and the franchise headquarters share the insurance money in a certain ratio It is right to pay wages to employees who are in arrears. (Alternatively, it must be possible to cover it with private payments from the head office. Both the profits of the franchisee and the minimum wage of the employees) (No matter how good the sales of the New York store are, it is not a franchise if only one store is operated, so why should the franchisee be solely responsible for the operating loss of a store that inevitably has poor operating profits?) Let's improve The state should also be able to limit the attraction of excessive franchisees that are difficult to pay the realistic minimum wage. Even for these restrictions, the introduction of the above system is necessary. If it is possible to effectively limit the excessive attraction of such bad and insolvent affiliates Actual start-up success rate will lead to a stable increase It will be possible to rescue those who are unlucky to go bankrupt due to excessive investment in advance. It will be possible to prevent the human loss of the country in advance. Prevention of these human losses is also a means to effectively control the bankruptcy of the actual household economy. This can be anything else. For example, in one neighborhood, Pret-a-Mange or Aubonpain or Hale & Hati or Panera or Paris Baguette, one of them suddenly has dozens of stores competing in one neighborhood. Killed all the small business baking industry that was already there After all other rivals have died In the meantime, after removing all the childish affiliates, leaving only one As the franchise almost monopolizes the money in the neighborhood It is possible to get rid of a very serious bad habit of obtaining stable profits. In the meantime, there are so many people who have gone bankrupt in Korea. This is when the system is further refined and widely applied. Excessive competition among small business owners In the competition between small business owners and conglomerate franchisees, A more favorable, fair and reasonable competition structure will be created for small business owners. This is done by effectively controlling the country's human and economic losses. It can be the basis for qualitative growth of the real economy. After the financial holdings of SMEs and the minimum wage of their workers increase and the improvement of the franchise system is completed, they start to consume in earnest. Of course, employees at large companies will also see a wage increase again at this point, but The rate at which this increase in wages is reflected in actual consumer prices is It's such an insignificant amount that it's meaningless to count percentages. This is the birth of an enormous number of emerging classes throughout this society. It should never be subject to the free will of citizens. This is an issue that must be done under complete control under strict state leadership. It does not matter what the capitalists in the early days of the industrial revolution that occurred in England argued for the lowest bid system. How the hell they didn't know that for over 200 years is the big question. finally All these rising costs simply need to be reflected in consumer prices. So Expenses due to increase in delivery unit price And after the quantitative expansion of the economy, all the wage increase costs of employees at the headquarters of large corporations can be added together and reflected in the consumer price index. The actual rate of consumer price inflation would be less than 3%. It is a percentage that consumers can afford. It is an improvement plan that has nothing for large companies to lose. Currently, information on subcontracting and subcontracting is missing. If possible, among the contents of the system improvement plan mentioned above by the state Based on the spirit of introducing a fair quality competitive bidding system, which company Regarding the ratio of total holdings and capital Limiting the operation of excessive subcontractors We need a system to improve the quality of employment by increasing the number of directly managed companies and direct employees. This is the establishment of the basic spirit of a fair nation and It is absolutely necessary to prepare measures to improve the quality of life of actual workers. This means that there should be a limit on the number of subcontractors relative to the size of the prime contractor. In order to limit the number of subcontractors that exceed the profit that can be generated from the size of the prime contractor, more in-depth research data from experts is needed. And with that data, we can limit over-outsourcing too. However, what is essential is that it cannot be done with only actual statistical data, and a larger-scale big data analysis based on it is needed. It is necessary to be able to calculate the number of subcontractors suitable for the size of the prime contractor through simulation. This will improve the quality of employment. Employees whose job security is guaranteed and whose quality has been improved Of course, since I received a reasonable education, For example, people like me and beginners in society Instead of struggling between the ideal and reality All of them, including myself, will be guaranteed the authority and position to organize their own unions and have reasonable conversations with companies. However, it is necessary to prevent it from suddenly spreading into a tragic situation similar to a consumer class action lawsuit or riot, and to stabilize the system first. They have already become a group that should not be persuaded through negotiations. They are a group of people who mistakenly believe that if they don't like it, they will hold on to anyone and if they get angry, something will happen. If this continues, they will think that even if a company goes bankrupt or some part of society is actually ruined, it will be over as long as they satisfy their greed. They already think that the leaders of society are deliberately exploiting them. What matters is the subhuman habits that have been altered in the process. It's just something that can't be done in front of the enemy country, but they don't think so. Because the number of tasks to be handled is so large and so vast, it is a task that requires planning for 10 or 20 years and carefully building the infrastructure. China is now becoming powerful, and South Korea is currently the only country capable of radically pushing for social reform under the threat. After moving the economic hub to Japan, pilot implementation is now essential to revitalize the domestic market without withering away this country. The global economic hub must first move to Japan. In this country, we can do what all capitalist countries have been unable to do because of the military vacuum caused by so rapid social chaos. And we just need to expand it country by country. The implementation of these large-scale policies Of course, all information must be disclosed transparently to the public. Practitioners and experts in related fields In addition, a separate window for collecting realistic and comprehensive opinions from economists should be prepared. It has to actually work. In addition, from existing experts from various levels on all the details necessary for the actual improvement of the system. We must accept petitions with an open mind. The following are some of the issues that will cause extreme confusion in the early days of institutional reform. 1. Excessive consumer class action lawsuits as anyone would expect This has also provided other supplements at a level where the penalty can be properly returned to them. It will be covered in detail in the next translated document. 2. The second problem is the tying up of capital. real estate and stocks As for the real estate problem, to be honest, I think it would have been difficult to find a solution in a country where the territory was not limited. It is the one-family, one-home ownership principle. For single-family multi-household owners, limited qualifications are given by selecting the housing lessor qualifications This, which feels somewhat like suppressing freedom, is in fact a desperate measure to protect the basic rights of the people. It is a false prejudice in early capitalist society that mistakenly believes that what cannot be a free option is a free option. How can house ownership be a free choice? It is an essential element of life, but it was the mistake of early capitalism that did not consider the limited land area. Again, details are covered in another second document, Real Estate Measures. What the two reform plans have in common is a plan to prevent loss of public resources such as national land and social capital as much as possible through the creation of a social common fund, and to share the cost differentially among the people by income class. What the two reform plans have in common is a plan to prevent loss of public resources such as national land and social capital as much as possible through the creation of a social common fund, and to share the cost differentially among the people by income class. Investing in stocks is also something that investment experts have to do, but in fact, it is not necessary for the general public to participate. Why should the general public, who owns 1% of society's total capital, invest money in stocks? Issues that must be presented as qualifications starting from sufficient capital holdings for investment qualifications This has not yet been formulated in detail, but measures can be developed if they are made I don't own enough capital but want to invest? At least those who cannot bear the risk of investment failure on their own should be excluded by law. Please excuse me why this reform has to be compulsory from the start. 3. The third problem is the military issue As a matter of course, excessive social chaos in a confrontation with the enemy itself causes serious security problems, so it is sufficient as a justification to force the people. Fortunately, South Korea is always Defcon 4. From the beginning, real social reform in this country is never an issue to be left to citizen autonomy. There are few countries that will never miss an opportunity if the radicals succeed in overthrowing the government even once. 4. I don't want to mention the last 4th problem at all, but it is a very serious special phenomenon of social degradation caused by the existence of TV in capitalist society. TV is not capitalism it's just an invention Even if it was in communist society, it would have played the same role more strongly, but in any case, it is a serious factor that will change into a very special aspect in capitalist society. It is an extremely evil social phenomenon that occurred in the process of suppressing the press by the government. It is bound to be a very brazen expression, but magazines are targeting women who appear on TV stations. It's disgusting that the public sees it, but the more serious problem is what magazines originally did. To put it mildly, gossips To put it more strongly, it is the act of gaining personal gain through useless gossip or bad daydreaming. What is important is that if a situation in which a certain amount of capital is given to them actually occurs What actually happened in Korea No matter what they say, they are simple idiots if they don't have capital in their hands, but they have enough capital to overrun the current broadcasting station. It is the worst risk implied in a capitalist society, but it is currently in progress in Korea. This is a case where a group of criminals held capital in a capitalist society. It is already at a serious risk level. So far why enforcement of coercive reforms is absolutely necessary in this country This is because it is a country whose capital was transferred to criminal groups in a confrontation with the enemy. However, there are serious problems with the reform proposal itself. It is not only a problem of domestic large suppliers This is a problem for companies that supply to overseas companies.. 10% increase in delivery price overseas company For example, companies like Toshiba Convincing them, of course, is not an easy task. Warehouse costs, logistics costs, land rental costs, facility costs required for actual product production, facility maintenance costs, employee wages, building rental costs, various taxes paid to the government, sales office attraction costs, product promotion costs, actual contracts and delivery , or related incidental expenses required for export, in the case of export, customs duties and taxes separately imposed by the local country, as well as tax deductions for transportation costs and logistics costs through ports or air First of all, we negotiate as far as we can try to negotiate on this side. . Or by entering into a new trade agreement with the country A certain portion is slightly advantageous to the country It can be easily solved by changing some contents of the treaty. Of course, excessive concessions should be avoided. It has to be at a reasonable level. However, if persuasion is not possible, the Korean government will have to provide the supplier with the lost operating profit as the gain. However, we need funds other than the national treasury. No matter how much tax revenue increases, government support is extremely difficult and this also requires a joint solidarity fund. And the only downside is that there is no choice but to place a national limit on the number of beneficiaries. The point is whether the counterpart country's firm accepts the terms. Reducing other costs equal to the cost increase or new trade agreements Perhaps if only one company agreed to the agreement, it could be quite successful. Finally When the minimum profit guarantee system for SMEs is actually introduced If this system is expanded and retroactively applied to all consumer price reflections, In what industry, in what industry The overheated competition of cutting off one's own weight We can completely block it. They must adhere to the statutory minimum profit margin. Attracting consumers with excessive gifts and giveaways taking advantage of in an unfair way, or As in the story of Paris Baguette A specific company decides to kill the alley and suffers losses for a certain period of time Selling things at excessively low prices Raising prices when all commercial districts are dead and monopolized We can block such behavior at its source. All of the above has been a matter of sincere concern for all the years of my life and has been one of the purposes of my life. When I actually did political activities on Facebook for a long time (I confronted the foreground in front of the Gwanghwamun marching line during the Sewol Ferry incident). I have been living under severe attacks both online and offline. Cheonan incident summary file link https://japhikel.tistory.com/346 Among the bubble jets that can be checked on the link, the full displacement of the ship hit by the torpedo is more than eight times that of the Cheonan. Another problem is the terrain that the Cheonan passed through. The place where the Cheonan sank was at a depth of 8m The important thing is that explosives made by gunpowder were actually used. Not long after this incident occurred, the Sewol ferry incident occurred and I became a protester. I presume that the cause of the sinking of the Cheonan was an explosive deliberately planted by someone at a depth of 8m. Former President Moo-Hyun Roh Murder Case Link https://japhikel.tistory.com/364 https://japhikel.tistory.com/490 After this incident, the expression that someone committed suicide appeared as an open secret in Korea. There is almost no bloodstain where the person fell. Someone must have wanted to block the occurrence of public opinion about this in a very strong way. Right now, in this Republic of Korea, capital is excessively concentrated in those classes that should not be excessively concentrated. If it is only a domestic matter, there is no reason to speak abroad. Now, the problem is that they have grown in power enough to threaten even existing government organizations. I don't want to mention it, but I see the main culprits that caused the Itaewon incident as those classes or the young people whose minds are seriously polluted by those classes. To be honest, I would like to ask not to expect anything from Korean children born after the 1980s. It is a serious case in which the suppression of the media and the silence of the people by the government have developed in a very bizarre direction. This is the reason why I had no choice but to say in a Facebook message that I would rather abandon Korea. As a new class group created under the leadership of government organizations threatens government organizations, Finally, ‘Why did the government block the use of diving bells?’ https://japhikel.tistory.com/480 No matter what reason the Sewol sank, if the diving bell had been put in on time, the lifesaving achievements would have been different from what is now known. but was not put in. Embarrassingly, the protagonists of the protests at the time of the Sewol Ferry incident were adults in the 1970s. Because children born after the 1980s are already sympathetic to the nefarious ways to shut down the media. They do not know what rallies and demonstrations are, and they do not know what political expression of opinion is. |
⑩ Expected effect If Korea is actually reformed in a very strong coercive way, Or, if the above case is actually put into practice on a trial basis in any country in the world that is currently very peaceful politically, socially and culturally, other than Korea. We will save the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the working class who have been neglected in the process of wealth distribution. The state will be able to hold in its hands the actual power to relieve the majority of the ills of modern capitalist society. to solve all the economic problems real quantitative expansion of the global economy, Environmental issues, safety issues, labor rights issues, distribution of wealth through minimum wage increase, reduction of working hours, issues of improving working environment, quality improvement, and product development investment, as more capital is concentrated and operated, all industries around the world Welcome to this era of true innovation. Strategically, South Korea judges that it should be abandoned. What Korea has done over the past 40 years has made China rich and strong. Trust American public opinion Korea is now a country that can really be abandoned. The Korea-US-Japan triangular formation can never be operated. It seems that the Korean people have already decided that they do not care if they become a tributary of China. I'm just providing information because I really miss this social supplement system. Perhaps in Korea, I judge that there is a very high possibility that the Hong Kong situation will be reproduced soon. This is because now is the time to move the economic hub to Japan, not Korea, even by force. Of course, this country can never be safe. please remember A king does not have to die to save one of his subordinates who made a mistake. Korea is a country that existed in a position where they had to be prepared to die from the beginning. I urge you to make good use of the paper materials sent to Science magazine together with MD. Thank you for keeping this country alive. You may want to stop now. Until the moment when military preparations are completed, there seems to be no reason to sacrifice allies anymore unless there is a special change in Korea's economic and foreign policy. Rather, abandon Korea and protect the other allies, and you will win. |
How to write |
① Title: Write a title that implicitly summarizes the contents of the proposal to be submitted. ② Submission agency: Write down the administrative agency to submit the public proposal. ③ Whether the same or similar proposal has been submitted to another institution: Determine whether the same or similar proposal has been submitted to another institution and mark , and if so, write the submitting institution and the date of submission. ④ Topic Proposer: The person who made the greatest contribution to the establishment of the national proposal. If the contribution is the same as that of the co-proposer, it is decided through agreement between the proposers and written down. ⑤ Co-sponsor: Fill out when a public proposal is jointly established. ⑥ Whether or not to disclose processing status: Decide whether or not to disclose the processing status and reception of public proposals via the Internet in real time, and mark . ⑦ Method of notification of processing results: Decide the method to be notified of the reception and processing status of public proposals, mark , and write down the detailed contact information of the indicated method. ⑧ Current status and problems: Describe the current status and problems of government policies, administrative systems, and administrative operations related to the contents of the public proposal in detail. ⑨ Improvement plan: Write down specific creative ways to solve the problem. ⑩ Expected effect: Write down the expected effect when the improvement plan is applied. |
210mm×297mm [preservation paper 70g/㎡] |
I generally agree with the contents of Saving Private Ryan.
It's fortunate that they achieved that goal, once they set out to do it, but that's...
If I were Private Ryan and I was on the battlefield with a gun, I think my choice would have been a little different.
There was an order from the superior to come back alive in that situation, but he really came back alive while killing his colleagues.
Right now, this Republic of Korea is just Private Ryan.
But the king must not hope that Private Ryan will come back alive.
■ Enforcement Rules for Regulations Suggested by the People [Appendix Form No. 1] | (Page 1) | ||
National Proposal | |||
① Title | Comprehensive real estate measures Mitigating real estate investment risks through the establishment of a social common fund and 1 household, 1 house principle |
② Submission institution | Office of the Blue House of the Republic of Korea (to His Excellency Jae-in Moon) |
③ Whether the same or similar proposal has been submitted by other institutions | [ V ] None [ ] Yes (submitted by: Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Small and Medium Business Venture Businesses, date of submission: Ministry of Employment and Labor on August 5, 2018, Ministry of Small and Medium Business Venture Business on November 5, 2018) | ||
④ Main proposer | Name | Seonhong Kim 金善弘 | |
Date of Birth | April 25, 1980 | ||
Contribution (%) | Alone 100% | ||
⑤ Co-sponsor | Name | date of birth | Contribution (%) |
⑥ Processing situation Disclosure |
[ V ] Public [ ] Private (excluding title and adoption) | ||
⑦ Processing result notification method | [ V ] SMS (text message) | Mobile Phone Number : | |
[ V ] E-mail | E-mail address: gkstprjs@gmail.com | ||
[ V ] mail | |||
I submit a proposal from the public in accordance with Article 5 of the 「Regulations on Proposal by Citizens」 and Article 2 Paragraph 1 of the 「Enforcement Rules on Proposal by Citizens」. | |||
July 15, 2020 | |||
Main proposer | Seonhong Kim (signed or stamped) | ||
Sir of the competent administrative agency | (To His Excellency President Moon Jae-in) To the Chief of Staff to the President of the Blue House of the Republic of Korea |
※ The signature of the proposer may be omitted if the proposal is submitted electronically, such as on the website of an administrative agency, where the identity of the proposer can be verified. |
(Page 2) |
⑧ Status and problems Owning multiple houses by an individual or owning multiple houses by a single household actually violates the spirit of the Constitution. The reason is the national land or all immovable assets built on the national land Due to the nature of the asset, it not only utilizes the country's limited resources, Without it, even one person would be in trouble. In a situation where land is limited Certainly, assets that utilize national land It cannot be viewed solely as an individual property. Therefore, buildings, land, bridges, ports, airports, roads, all other auxiliary facilities, and houses where people live Just for the sole reason that it is an asset in the form of utilizing national land, a limited resource of the country. Since they are all the same tangible assets, I argue that the legal definition itself should be completely separated from other liquid assets. Current assets and immovable assets are already separated, but In fact, I am advocating reform in a direction where the ownership of multiple real estate assets, like liquid assets, is no longer possible Are buildings and bridges more like personal property? Or is it more like a public asset? Of course, there is no one living in the house other than the members of the household, but can the house be classified as an individual property? It's just that I applied what I couldn't do in reality with a wrong perception so far. In the past national system, a detailed plan to select who to be a legal housing rental business was made. It is a problem that the state cannot establish on its own, so it has left the role to the individual. can't keep doing that All citizens must be equal At this time, if an individual takes in a tenant who does not own a home as the owner of a multi-housing property At this time, the relationship between the landlord and the tenant becomes similar to the relationship under the state system in the past. Above all, if individuals are allowed to own multiple houses in modern society, there is one more realistic problem that is different from the past. It is no longer possible to discover new lands other than those already known. That means if someone is allowed to own multiple homes, someone must be forcibly taken away. The total number of house in the country is significantly greater than the total number of households in the country. So, Even if extra house is really exists in the country, but the reality is that it doesn't. On the contrary, in almost all countries the reality is the opposite. In fact, it is very difficult for a country to build more houses on its land than the total number of households. How is it that someone tells someone you have several and get out of the house you were in? Of course, even if you do that, house prices in the metropolitan area and those in provincial cities can never be the same. So what is different? The consumer class that lacks the possession of social liquid assets It is possible to solve the difficulties of all social capital flows caused by simply tying capital to real estate for the purpose of raising the status. All households can own a home at a reasonable price. In fact, the main purpose is to raise the minimum wage, because the money should never be tied up in immovable assets. The money is money that needs to be returned to the purchase of legitimate business products or to deposit assets in banks. If the money continues to flow into real estate or stocks as it is now, capitalism will soon perish no matter how much the minimum wage rises. The problems that seem somewhat contradictory to the purpose of the existence of capitalist society are not reflected in present-day capitalist society. It is a measure to alleviate those parts. For some reason, it is very contradictory to the purpose of capitalism's existence. The very issues that need to be considered by someone and have actually existed This proposal is linked to the minimum wage increase bill and the judicial structure reform bill. Also, the new definitions of social assets applied to this proposal can be equally applied to stock investments. To be honest, I don't want to see the following news on TV anymore. I believed in the fund and entrusted asset management (investment), but why did I suffer a loss? Should the fund compensate for the loss? If someone loses money by investing somewhere, it is the responsibility of the individual who invested it thoroughly. Citizens of modern society are unable to move in front of real estate and shout loudly about stocks, but there is no real value. Those who cannot make up for their investment losses on their own They do not want to admit that they are blinded by gambling. The upsetting part is they just can't be persuaded. Because they are so strongly hypnotized by image marketing Now society must put an end to the controversy, even if forced. Risk of investment failure If you do not know what difficulties your family will experience at once You never go out of your way to invest It can never solve the big talk No one can be sure unless it is the size of the assets you currently have. In order for your rant to succeed, someone must lose as much as you gain from your investment. I will invest $100 and make $10,000? please leave this society It should be limited to a single case where any one of the companies you invest in happens to have really explosive growth. By the way .... is that company your racehorse? Never touch an individual's stock With the above contents, society should be able to force all citizens. To be honest, this is almost the movie Saving Private Ryan. First of all, avoid countries that can never collapse In a country that really doesn't care if it collapses, it is necessary to try to do this by force. Originally, citizens should have been able to know and act on their own, but the reality is not so. back to the point Investment in real estate assets is less risky than stocks, but social capital is tied up in one place for more than a certain period of time, hindering capital circulation. House is not a consumer product, but an essential element, and it is no longer allowed to own multiple homes for one household. Lastly, if you invest in real estate assets other than house and lose money, the probability of that is low, but if even one of the ten thousand occurs, For example, if a building is built but there are no tenants, A bridge was built, but it is difficult to recover the investment due to low traffic The owner of capital who unsparingly invested too much capital to build such a social public asset It is too unfair to suffer huge losses with just one mistake. Individuals who invest in house In addition, to individuals, organizations or corporations investing in the construction of the above public assets I advocate the establishment of a system in which society can provide a public fund to partially compensate for the loss of the investment. Owning one house per household is to prevent overheating of speculation. How many houses do you think there are in this country, so who are you to dare to insist that I own multiple houses? |
⑨ Improvement plan Before defining the detailed implementation of real estate measures, there are nine principles from a more macro perspective. However, the information below assumes Seoul, the capital of Korea, and may differ from country to country. 1. Never increase the supply of house in the metropolitan area anymore. There is no reason to increase housing supply in areas where supply is already saturated, including major cities. It's good if speculators don't get swindled. 2. For humanitarian reasons, it is absolutely forbidden to evict residents who already live there. 3. Rather, it is stated that the supply of residential land will be reduced step by step in the metropolitan area or large cities in the future. 4. In fact, at each new urban division setting stage, the residential land area is necessarily reduced at a certain rate. Of course, it is necessary to publicize and compensate existing residents. But to be clear, there are no more houses in the metropolitan area. 5. Introduce new constitutional provisions and (about the issue of home ownership, which is no longer considered private property) It is clearly stated that all households must have one house per household. 6. Ownership of multiple houses is limited to those designated by the state. And the state must be managed by the state It is allowed only to carefully selected operators at the level of state-owned enterprises, and absolutely not allowed to the rest. 7. Because land is the foundation and everything of a nation Managing it efficiently is definitely the first duty of the country. Therefore, we make it clear that we will not tolerate any objections. 8. Restrictions on holdings of other land by individuals, corporations, organizations, etc. are defined as follows in each clause. ⓐ It is not necessary for the individual land purchase rate to be high, but If the proportion is too small, the economic activities of individuals who really need to purchase land may be restricted. Considering the scope of individual freedom of economic activity After calculating the rate that the country can use in proportion to the area of the country anew every year The ratio of corporate holdings to individual holdings is equal to the cap on the market capitalization of stocks in the stock market. It is adjusted by adjusting the limit line newly every year. ⓑ An individual's ownership of a building is defined independently of house. Buildings can be owned, leased or sold by individuals in the course of asset management. Unless there is a specific expedient in the acquisition process, it is possible for one person to own multiple buildings. It is also sufficient as a factor that hinders the utilization of national land and the efficient land management of the country. If it is not included in the legitimate asset management of an entity such as a general corporation Owning a large number of buildings, in which all economic activities are completed only by owning a large number of buildings and receiving rent, After declaring to the public that the state regards it as a subject of regulation and that there are many factors that impede the state's effective land management, In fact, holding a large number of buildings during the management of the entire asset, when it is not the distribution of assets that is unavoidably necessary, is also It is necessary to plan and implement step by step the conversion of all those extra buildings into other sound asset management or business forms. It is to induce an individual to keep only one of the buildings acquired by chance and dispose of the rest. This is to avoid excessive rent increases. If a speculation frenzy blows on a street where commercial buildings are concentrated, tenants will have to pay excessive rent. ⓒ There may be a problem in that the amount of buildings owned by individuals is significantly reduced. This can lend funds necessary for individual investment from the common fund proposed in this proposal. In the direction of possessing one building from one household, including one individual and its household members However, a limit is needed on the proportion of the total amount of privately owned buildings in the target area. In other words, unlimited loans are not possible. Only an appropriate amount of money loan at the level of investment from the common fund is possible, and Of course, we need to check carefully whether they can repay. This is the task of sorting out whether they are really an investor or not. Existing bank loans are restricted from real estate transactions. Bank loans are limited to only one house for the household to occupy. Existing bank loans and loans from this fund are combined only for large-scale rental projects or for holding buildings for investment. The market is maintained, but overheated speculation is prevented. By reducing unnecessary excessive demand Perhaps the demand for existing real estate sales will decrease to less than half of what it is now. Precisely confined to the house The real estate market is overheating because the price threshold for house is low and it is legal to own multiple houses. However, house is a limited resource that is not enough to allow anyone to have multiple houses. 9. This is not the intention of the State to infringe on the private property of individuals. It is only that some restrictions on the freedom of some individuals are necessary for the state to effectively manage its land. Originally, it was not an issue that anyone had to force, but certain tears that all members of society should have endured and shed. Because of other things that no one can do It has now become a matter of coercion. Continuing to publicize and put into practice that this is an issue that must be understood by all citizens. The first measures to realize the above detailed implementation principles are as follows. It is the establishment of national public insurance for the construction and operation of all immovable assets in the country, such as housing, land and buildings. The official name of the insurance is ‘State-certified insurance that guarantees the risk of investment in housing, land, and buildings.’ Details of the above insurance are as follows. ‘State-certified insurance that guarantees the risk of investment in house, land, and buildings.’ 1. Purpose of Establishment House, land, forest, building, other large-scale civil engineering projects such as bridges and road construction, etc. In all economic activities to generate profits as an investment in real estate assets, the following risks must be borne by the investor himself/herself. This is to provide a clue that the utilization of national land is operated by relying on gambling business. (provides an excuse for investors to take profit based on the risk of failure) In addition, the rise and fall of surrounding commercial districts, the implementation or non-implementation of national projects, the transfer or transfer of existing national infrastructure facilities, the construction or demolition of specific facilities due to other natural disasters or natural disasters, etc. Due to force majeure reasons that cannot be overcome by the investor's individual efforts alone, The fluctuation range of the price and profit is actually very large, and it is impossible to overcome it with the efforts of individual investors alone. Therefore, someone must guarantee compensation against the risk of asset management failure, and the most suitable means for this is the establishment and operation of public insurance. It is not only a problem with large-scale civil engineering projects, but especially in the case of housing, food, clothing and shelter are among the three most essential elements of human survival. Therefore, the implementation of the provisions of the law prohibiting the possession of multiple houses by one household with one household, which will be enforced in the future, For that reason, it must be implemented indispensably in consideration of the population density compared to the land area. In addition to implementing that policy The homeowner's house price has fallen so absurdly due to the above irresistible price fluctuation factors. At this time, as an additional disaster, it is common to be accompanied by the realistic need to sell the current house and move to a new house. When the matter reaches this point, it is common that the hardship is never overcome or endured by individual efforts alone, so the purpose of establishment is defined as follows. * Summary of the final purpose of establishment * Therefore, the ultimate goal is the realization of the equal rights of the people and the strategic full-scale relocation of the national land corresponding to national strategic assets (completely new urban development) with the top priority only on the efficient operation and utilization of the national land. To this end, in view of the specificity of real estate measures that the strategic utilization of national land is actually more in line with the national interest, the realization of equal rights is an issue that is closer to the realization of social justice than the value of protecting individual private property. The purpose is to provide a cause for the state to interfere in the operation of immovable assets corresponding to the private property of the people. In addition, the price of assets that utilize national land corresponding to national strategic assets has risen excessively or fallen excessively. Excluding bad factors that hinder the effective management of national strategic assets from the market The purpose of the establishment of this public insurance is the salvation of individual citizens who, due to the high price itself, have to face a situation where it is impossible to overcome hardships with only individual efforts when the price fluctuates.* *In other words, the ultimate goal is to reduce the excessive economic risk between all economic entities caused by the actual operation of all floating assets to a minimum risk.* *Ultimately, the ultimate goal is to completely redeploy the national territory through the development of a completely new city.* In other words, instead of guaranteeing the risk of failure with insurance, the people must follow the government's control to balance price stability and stable supply and demand. That is the main gist of the establishment of insurance. In addition, the state can save individual citizens who will find themselves in tragic situations that inevitably occur in some cases. 2. Details of implementation (1) As a rule, all investors who purchase all houses, buildings, land, forests, etc., pay insurance premiums corresponding to a certain percentage of the value of the real estate property every quarter. At this time, the calculation of the appropriate insurance rate and the value of the insurance product and the actual insurance premium to be paid by the subscriber The probability and amount of insurance money to be paid to all subscribers and actual beneficiaries relative to the total insurance amount It is right to verify with the state and establish all detailed systems in specific companies selected by the state among numerous professional insurance companies scattered in the country. (It is correct that the state also calculates the entire process together and verifies the data.) (2) The premium paid must be managed by an insurance company selected by the state or under the direct control or management of the state, similar to the public asset management of the national pension. (3) The premium paid in this way is similar to the second national pension. But on a much larger scale, the state takes the form of a legitimate business entity or investor in economic activity within the state. This provides a practical platform for the state to intervene at any time in all economic activities within the state. At the same time, based on the direct operation of such huge public funds, the state will be able to provide a foothold for financial funds that the state can almost directly control companies as a legal corporation. Of course, it can promise stable payment of insurance money to beneficiaries who have to pay insurance premiums. (Actual payment is also possible) (4) At this time, the reason for payment of the insurance money shall be determined. This is as follows. (a) The rise and fall of surrounding commercial districts, implementation or non-implementation of national projects, relocation or transfer of existing national infrastructure facilities, construction or demolition of specific facilities due to other natural disasters or natural disasters, etc. Due to force majeure reasons that cannot be overcome by the individual investor's efforts alone, the range of fluctuations in the price and profit is actually very large. If it is impossible to overcome this problem only through the efforts of individual investors (b) For the above reasons, the actual necessity of disposing of immovable assets whose price has suddenly fallen too sharply and purchasing new immovable assets is close to compulsion, regardless of the will. (b-1) In the case of (b), when the homeowner actually falls into the above situation under the one-household-one-house principle to be implemented in the future If possible, the state should be able to provide the beneficiaries with insurance payments or replacement housing at an appropriate price up to a level where it is practically possible for existing homeowners to purchase a new home. (b-2) In case the victim is not the homeowner in (b), the following separate damage compensation measures are prepared. (c) With respect to item (a), if the objective of the investment is not only the decrease in price but also the building tax of the tenants, such as the building. Or when a rapid rise in the price of real estate damages the economic activities of tenants. Both belong to the subject of damage relief or adjustment. (Reason for payment of insurance money to building owner or tenant or reason for adjustment of interests between economic entities) (d) For subsection (c), among tenants who have already had to suffer similar damage in the past, the tenant's economic activities are clearly recognized as contributing directly or indirectly to the increase in the price of the building concerned. For example, if it is clear that the art and cultural activities of existing tenants have revitalized the local commercial district, such as Hongdae Cultural Street or Gyeongju-specific commercial district. (At this time, there are not many artists who can be said to have revitalized the surrounding commercial district, and since the achievements and efforts of the entire commercial district contributed to the simultaneous rise in building prices in the surrounding commercial district, it is correct to look at all direct and indirect contributions.) (However, indirect contributions are usually very difficult to be recognized unless there are many direct contributors around.) (However, confirmation of the actual factual relationship is always the most important, and instead of relying on a specific case to make a judgment, establishing a clear factual relationship for all cases is the first principle to determine damage relief, profit and loss adjustment between economic entities, or payment of insurance money. do.) At this time, the building owner has a clear obligation to compensate the tenants for their hard work, which has increased the value of their real estate assets. This is due to problems in the system in which the risk of failure had to be borne only by individual investors, in which price fluctuation factors were simply defined as irresistible factors, and all profits and all risk factors of failure were left to individual investors. The tenants could not actually receive fair compensation. Although this was actually a commercial district that was revitalized by the efforts of the tenants, there was, of course, a legal basis to ask someone for an economic share of the hard work, but it was a system in the past that was somewhat lacking. However, when this public insurance is established, the entire risk of damage is not borne by individual investors, so different economic entities, such as investors and tenants, contribute to the formation of the price of a single real estate asset. Remedies for damages to tenants, economic compensation for damages to building owners, or national arbitration in the event of a conflict of economic interests between two different economic entities are possible. The government also prepares a basis for managing or mediating, and uses it as a stepping stone to establish a legal system for damage relief through civil lawsuits for past cases. (e) In most cases, buildings themselves function as public goods, such as bridges, roads, ports, and airport facilities. It is difficult to see it as right any longer for the state to continue neglecting the current situation of managing profits and losses solely by managing them as individual assets and relying solely on the management of individual assets. After all, the biggest meaning of establishment of this insurance is all houses or buildings, land, forests, bridges, aviation, ports, various facilities, roads, etc. All immovable assets are, in the end, not private property of individuals themselves, but rather are public goods or more like public assets or items essential to human survival. It is no longer just a vague idea based on vague national sentiment, but a more specific and clear system to actually concretely implement the concept in reality. Also, the biggest beneficiary of the establishment of this insurance will be the building tenants. Therefore, it is the most important and most difficult point in calculating the specific criteria such as the calculation of insurance premium, selection of payment target, insurance premium payment amount and damage relief amount. f) For the item of (a), if the sudden rise and fall of the surrounding commercial district, on the contrary to the increase in price, causes a uniform decrease in the price of the surrounding buildings, the individual building owner must bear the risk of all investment failures with the existing real estate measures alone. did. This also affects all other economic entities conducting economic activities in the form of tenants in the surrounding commercial districts, as in the case of rising prices. It becomes a realistic barrier in this case as well, the murderous building tax. Even in this case, a large number of bankrupt businesses in the region collapsed in a domino fashion. This is also a case where the national loss is very large. So is also subject to the damage relief of this public insurance and guarantees a portion of the damage amount against the fall in real estate prices. but usually more Suddenly, the building tax itself, which has become difficult for tenants to pay, is paid by the government instead of a certain percentage of insurance money. In this way, the economic loss of real estate investors should be greatly mitigated and the tenants should actually be protected. (g) In the case where anyone invests in any immovable property within the country, or constructs or purchases real estate to the extent that this public insurance can cover the above concept In order to prevent investors, owners, or builders from going bankrupt due to a sudden drop in prices, the main point of the detailed content is that the national public insurance that has seen the amount of damage actually compensates from part to all of it on a case-by-case basis. (Compensation measures such as monetary compensation, purchase and redevelopment of property, etc. are separately subdivided below.) (h) In connection with (f) in relation to (g), when a decrease in real estate prices in a specific commercial district within a certain radius of a certain area actually occurs Instead of insurance money to be paid to investors, the state purchases all buildings from investors in a lump sum at an appropriate price level. Investors are economically compensated for the risk of asset management failure in case of investment failure by purchasing all real estate assets in a lump sum. After that, redevelopment of the entire area, other civil engineering projects, or immediate re-implementation of national projects Alternatively, more fundamental measures are prepared, such as purchasing only some buildings and then constructing specific facilities that can support the commercial district as a national project. In principle, it is additionally prepared in addition to the payment of damage insurance for building tax. (5) Other auxiliary facilities such as bridges, roads, airports, ports, and other various facilities necessary for the country, etc. Concerning a business in the form of constructing it or constructing immovable assets through construction, civil engineering, etc., and receiving the usage fee as income In fact, it should be seen that a sufficiently reasonable system is already in operation. However, there are still many ills caused by frequent antagonisms between economic entities in society, such as road fee disputes, which are still social issues. Therefore, it is a project subject that needs to be additionally considered sufficiently reasonable and incorporated into the insurance plan to prepare countermeasures. In particular, privatization of national civil engineering projects is a project that causes major side effects. For example, in the case of Korea's Yeongjong Expressway and Yeongjong Bridge, road usage fees are very high. It therefore imposes a very high economic burden on all commuters and all road users. Of course, it is not high enough to impoverish the lives of ordinary people, but that is because it was only one of all public usage fees. Approximately $3 to $10 per trip is the burden of the vehicle driver. If it happens to be a common usage fee for all social and public facilities instead of one, the country will be ruined. This is a problem regardless of the transparency, rationality, fairness, legality, or morality of the project. All other bridge facilities and all road facilities in all areas of Korea do not require a corresponding usage fee. Only in the case of Yeongjong Bridge (all privatized civil projects), the usage fee is particularly high. Therefore, the actual social issue that this proposal aims to address is that it actually imposes a very large economic burden on all users of the facility. In addition, the above Yeongjong Bridge is only an example, and there are many similar cases nationwide. All of these are social issues that arise in newly built bridge facilities across the country as privatized civil engineering projects that prioritize the business feasibility of private companies rather than government orders, unlike before. (In other words, it belongs to the case of side effects of privatization for national civil engineering projects.) In order to resolve this imbalance, within the framework of the above insurance system, existing national public projects and newly privatized projects are classified and placed within the framework. It is necessary to be able to preserve the preservation of profits for such large-scale civil engineering contractors by actually paying them as insurance money. The source of revenue is based on the total amount of premiums paid in full and the total separately earned proceeds from the management of the entire asset. This should be applied as if the payment of public health insurance premiums is the financial support that hospitals receive from the state for the use of medical services. (Preservation of corporate profits through payment of insurance money) Or, it should be operated with the same concept as the items of medical benefit for individual citizens. (Like the result of a reduction in hospital facility usage fees according to the individual economic situation of each citizen) (6) Also to all real estate tenants and all real estate users. It may be realistically necessary for all economic entities to pay a small amount of insurance premiums. This should be applied after carefully examining the level of benefits and the level of obligation to pay. It can be subdivided from a few tens of dollars at most to a few dollars or at least a few tens of cents. (At most, several hundred dollars, several thousand dollars, tens of thousands of dollars, or hundreds of thousands of dollars, or in some cases, several million dollars in insurance premiums may also occur depending on the economic entity.) (The standard for the difference in premiums above can be set according to the ratio of assets held to the total amount of social capital of a corporation or organization.) (It is irrelevant to the business field that the organization or corporate corporation aims for.) (All corporations, etc. that require a building must pay insurance premiums. It is calculated as a percentage of the total amount of capital held by the corporation or group enterprise compared to the total amount of social capital.) (Paying insurance premiums for the general public with 1% of total social capital is meaningless.) The purpose of establishment and operation of this insurance is as follows. It is to reduce economic losses among all economic entities that occur from the construction, purchase, sale, or ownership of all immovable assets to a minimum loss. The purpose of the above establishment is to, ① Through the above insurance, the country can more efficiently manage the country's primary strategic asset called national territory. ② And presenting a new blueprint and vision for a more systematic and planned new city construction plan is the main purpose of the insurance establishment. This information is not me. Neither who Im a not this information. For example, how much of the country will be used as housing How much will be selected as the site for the industrial complex, etc. In terms of where to build the airport and where to place government offices, (As well as how far to select the site for facilities needed by companies, etc.) So far, there has been only urban planning to the extent of selecting as the last resort the site required for each construction within the remaining site for each local government in the existing city. However, in the future, the state will design blueprints and visions in advance, such as the amount of residential land, the amount of land for government departments, the amount of land for public facilities, the amount of necessary facilities for businesses, and the amount of industrial complexes for the entire national territory and the entire metropolitan area. (how efficiently the whole country will be managed) In addition, the most important purpose of establishing this insurance is to be able to actually strategically renew the arrangement itself according to the blueprint that was originally planned in advance for the whole country. but in the future The state designs blueprints and visions in advance for the entire country and the entire metropolitan area, such as how much housing sites are arranged, how much government offices are arranged, how much is required for public facilities, how much is required for companies, and how much is arranged for industrial complexes. (how efficiently the whole country will be managed) In addition, from the original, the whole country was completely relocated according to the newly planned blueprint, It is the most important purpose of establishing this insurance until it can actually be strategically renewed. for example In Korea, the supply of housing land is reduced to less than 5 million residents in the metropolitan area. (Because the state can send direct orders from the central administrative agency to local governments through the establishment and funding of the above public insurance in which local city to build residential housing for the rest of the population) In addition, the metropolitan area is newly reorganized by prioritizing the securing and selection of sites necessary for the construction of core infrastructure necessary for the nation in the metropolitan area as a top priority. Facilities necessary for all companies are forced to build those facilities south of the metropolitan area. Except for core facilities to represent the nation's honor and very few core corporate facilities (such as head office buildings), the formation of commercial districts necessary for the survival of the resident population in the metropolitan area is extremely limited. Direct all corporate headquarters and all corporate facilities to be built in the provinces. In other words, all core facilities of essential companies are dispersed to the provinces. (Even if it is a large company, the headquarters building should be located in the province if necessary.) (In order to achieve less than 5 million resident population in the metropolitan area, most corporate headquarters buildings must move to the south of the metropolitan area.) In addition, the people who have to live with the company are plannedly distributed across the country together with the company. In doing so, it promotes truly balanced national development. This also serves as an example of how the state strategically manages the national territory according to the previously prepared blueprint. Also this In addition to reducing the concentration of population in the metropolitan area, It can also be used to solve the phenomenon of regional selfishness that occurs during the construction of various government facilities. (Really, our country or each country can strategically operate as a public use where, in what amount, and for what purpose the national land of this country will be used in the central administrative agency.) (In addition, through the above public insurance, the actual information on the operation and amount of the fund can be transparently disclosed to the public.) (Of course, even so, some areas have no choice but to have poorer facilities than others.) (In that case, the central administrative agency should reduce the percentage of the resident population in that region and appropriately distribute it to other regions.) (7) Lastly, regarding the collection of insurance premiums and payment procedures for construction companies, etc. Until now, there are virtually no construction companies that can continuously receive orders, and there are a lot of companies and individuals that have gone bankrupt or are in a pile of debt in the process of repeating dissolution after achieving results in a short period of time. Therefore, in the future, business feasibility will be reviewed in public insurance, and in granting business qualifications, companies aiming to receive continuous orders and companies that want to dissolve (liquidate) after short-term profits will be selected in advance. Thereafter, after the insurance premium is pre-collected, appropriate insurance money is paid at a level that does not cause significant damage to the company or corporate group and its employees aiming at dissolution after generating profits according to the degree of damage or damage to the company to which profits are to be distributed after the business. give. In addition, in the case of companies that aim to continuously win orders, companies that can continue to support even if their profits fluctuate to some extent Public insurance selects limited companies (companies that can re-pay insurance premiums by raising profits in the future) and continuously supports the companies. In addition, there was an error in the above selection work, or it was difficult to select at the time of the start of the construction, but as the construction progressed, only companies that needed liquidation after short-term profits The state really orders the company to disband after short-term profits, specifying measures to prevent further damage to the company. The above public tasks are also one of the many tasks that this public insurance can perform. (In addition to this, many other aspects need to be considered, but in fact, most of them could not be solved because a separate fund did not exist before.) (Therefore, it is only necessary to find and apply a solution that fits the reality in accordance with the purpose of establishment and operation of this public insurance.) In fact, operating a construction company is one of the businesses with the most ups and downs. This is the result of the reckless development of the national territory that was unavoidable in the reality of the past, when the main purpose of the development of the national territory was not the form of development with careful planning, but the rapid economic development at the maximum speed. Solve the above problem as follows. establishment of public insurance Restrictions on Qualifications for Building Acquisition Constitutional clarification of the principle of one household, one house Prohibited from owning multiple single-family homes Creation of a balance of preservation of profits from other existing state-run soil projects and private civil engineering projects The state systematically manages construction company registration, business maintenance, and dissolution orders after short-term profits. Finally, to enable permanent strategic development of the national territory (This is because the state practically plans all construction and civil engineering every year, quarterly, semi-annually, 5-yearly, and 10-yearly.) (The construction demanded by the private sector is that the company or business I run has developed this much, so I don't know about national planning and I have to build something on this land.) (However, before that, the state plans in advance that there is only this much land for businesses here.) (Of course, the site must be reserved in advance in preparation for demand from the private sector. How? By relocating facilities and personnel in a balanced manner across the country) (In the above process, some large companies really have to relocate their headquarters to the provinces.) (In fact, it is one of the extremely rare things to select a large-scale site that requires a new site-manpower required after the site is moved, unless it is a large company.) (Or when a new growth engine appears and a new company is created) (To that extent, the central administrative agency can predict the site in advance.) (As the scale of insurance grows, the personnel and government departments consult with each other.) When the above point is reached, the ups and downs of the construction industry will no longer be as extreme as in the past. It also makes it possible for all businesses to operate under more systematic state control. up to Concludes the chapter of ‘nationally recognized insurance guaranteeing the risk of investment in housing, land and buildings in Korea’ The second measure in the actual implementation of the 9th principle of the detailed enforcement rule of comprehensive real estate measures at the top of the text is as follows. Concerning the management of assets of individuals through the acquisition of housing rental businesses and buildings, unlike the past, the government strictly verifies the qualifications and promotes measures to strictly limit the granting of such qualifications. The official name is ‘Nationwide Building Asset Management Qualification Restriction’. The housing rental business should never be granted to the private sector any more, except for state-owned enterprises such as the Korea Land Corporation or LH. Also, in the case of a building, as a concept of managing personal assets, it is correct that it is an item that can be invested for the distribution of capital or for the future. However, it is important that all economic activities and administration of state affairs in this world cannot be carried out without going through buildings. In other words, it is a public good or an item with stronger characteristics as a public asset rather than a private property of any one individual. In this situation, the case of asset management, which concentrates and manages all capital only on one building, becomes a problem. This is because it is one of the asset management techniques in which there is a structural contradiction in which the risk of investment failure cannot but be compensated by inflicting damage on other economic entities called tenants. Therefore, this cannot be defined as a correct form of individual asset management. Rather, it corresponds to a very undemocratic old investment technique of the past, in which the risk of failure in asset management by an individual investor is actually a method of making up for the loss of the original investor by erroneously incurring economic responsibility to a completely different economic entity. The above is an act that can no longer be defined as a legal investment activity in a modern democratic country. The above is not something that only happens in small businesses. All those buildings where large corporations have entered should never have their value plummet, so the phenomenon of population concentration in the metropolitan area will never be eradicated. However, since overcrowding in the metropolitan area is the root of all social evils and crimes, it must be resolved. (I'm in the capital, you're in the province) (Never more.) (Rather follow state control) However, no matter how close a building is to a public good, and even if it is a valuable part of the national land that is difficult to see only as a private property, the state cannot regulate it alone without the help of public insurance. Therefore, the establishment of public insurance was promoted as the first countermeasure. In this public insurance, it is the right direction to recruit investors who want to own buildings, verify their qualifications, and permit acquisition of buildings only for those who can acquire qualifications and purchase insurance as building owners. (Selecting a suitable person as an investor for the management of building assets) (Selection of qualifications as a payer and recipient of insurance premiums) If possible, the ratio of assets invested in buildings to total holdings does not exceed 20%. (The above ratio is flexible depending on the opinions of others who are more experts than me, but I recommend the above ratio.) (The reason is the maximum ratio that can prevent the risk of investment failure from being at least directly linked to the investor's failure.) In fact, even if the assets concentrated in buildings exceed 10% of the total assets, normal or efficient building asset management becomes a very difficult task. (If asset management is concentrated only on buildings without specific other economic returns and other assets combined, the investor will inevitably think of something else - a bad kind.) (Because he invested in a way that he had no choice but to drive himself into a corner. Just for the purpose of raising his status) Therefore, it is possible to own a building at a rate not exceeding 10% of the holding assets, and it is appropriate to restrict further building acquisition qualifications except for those who can acquire qualifications suitable for building asset management and subscribe to public insurance based on special rates. do. (However, in that case, a significant number of buildings would lose their owners.) (Therefore, among those who are already building owners, the above qualification system is established as a ratio of selectively selecting buildings that can be purchased from public insurance and buildings that cannot be purchased, and gradually increasing the amount of buildings with public insurance.) (If we do that, someone in the future will appear with an investor who fits the above ratio.) (because the value of all immovable assets gradually declines) (To be precise, since there is no change in the total amount of real estate and total demand, there is no significant change in the total amount of value. However, the value decreases in certain areas and increases in certain areas. However, as the central public insurance holds them together, social capital loss actually close to 0) (However, the total value of all real estate assets has decreased by at least 20% or more in some cases by more than 30% than now, and that is the real estate bubble) (Real estate reform requires an investor who can actually withstand the change in the value of this large-scale real estate asset in the early stages and the change in the total value, but it is impossible unless it is the state) (Even the state is not feasible before establishing a second source of revenue, such as the above public insurance) If possible, asset management in the form of concentrating all capital on buildings should never be allowed in the private sector, unless it is a public insurance operator or Korea Land Corporation LH. Finally, the principle of real estate measures For facilities that are not recognized as necessary by the state, construction of facilities in Seoul is prohibited. (purchase or ownership is also not allowed) After examining whether it is possible to distribute to the Gyeonggi area, various facilities that are less important should be allocated to places other than the metropolitan area. (The above should also be able to be enforced almost semi-forcefully.) (In the case of holding all immovable assets individually, depending on the case, someone must go bankrupt and someone must get rich at once, which stimulates the greed of others, but since the national territory is limited, in fact, without encroaching on the private property of others You can't achieve what you want.) (Therefore, asset management in a way that minimizes the impact of changes in the value of all real estate assets on economic agents in a form in which a third economic entity, neither the state nor the people, actually owns almost all building assets under state management is nationally required.) (Due to the nature of real estate assets, when the value of one asset goes up, the value of another goes down.) (Conversely, if the value of something goes down, the value of something must go up that much.) (This is because there is little change in the total volume and number of consumers, only the population fluctuates.) (Rather, in the above process, holding a large amount of immovable assets by individuals forms a bubble and infringes on the private property of others.) In doing so, it promotes the balanced development of the true nation very systematically. (It is not to move the national backbone to the provinces, but to create practical economic effects in the provinces, not the metropolitan area, by relocating all of the facilities of large corporations to the provinces.) (so that people can live there) The metropolitan area must be the nation's backbone to be the first to be allocated priority for the use of its land. Such measures may have been unnecessary if the population was not large, but the current population density in Korea is too high relative to the land area. Therefore, it must be enforced inevitably. However, considering one chance in ten thousand that can be missed, please review the implementation step by step after going through numerous discussions and data verification. The content that almost all the facilities necessary for the operation of the company, not just simple industrial facilities, are transferred to the province. Representative facilities Only private facilities sufficient to represent the nation's image should be allocated to parts of Seoul and the metropolitan area. In fact, in Seoul, only those facilities recognized as absolutely necessary by the state can be promoted. In addition, the details of the measures for rent and monthly rent that are needed right now, the justification for the establishment of the above public insurance, and all real estate measures that need to be implemented in the future are summarized below. In other words, the departure and appropriateness of the reasons derived from it as a conclusion are separately organized below. Lease and monthly rent measures If there is an excessive tax increase on the ownership of multiple homes or if real estate prices fluctuate, the multiple homeowners will delay disposing of their private property for the risk of their investment failure. Instead, the lease fee is raised to compensate for the damage to tax payment or the risk of investment failure due to real estate price fluctuations, and the total amount of damage must be returned to the lessee. In fact, in the case of a lease, it is not completely free from the question of whether it can be classified as an investment in an individual's immovable property. In almost all current real estate markets, it is standard practice for a lease to follow the change in officially announced price, even if it is not the title of the real estate asset. However, it is very difficult when the burden goes up together with the monthly rent. (There may be differences from other regions to some extent, but monthly rent tenants are monthly rent tenants.) However, apart from the above Even in terms of house price stability (The factor causing bubbles in the current real estate market is that the land is limited and someone owns multiple houses.) (A bubble is also formed in the price of a building because the resident or floating population is excessively concentrated in a specific area due to the reckless development of the land.) (Even without such a bubble, there are very few expensive buildings.) (Above all, overcrowding makes crime prevention very difficult.) Therefore, the ownership of multiple houses by individuals should be prohibited at source. In addition, as a business operator, a person who is not qualified to conduct a rental business at an appropriate price for a lessee based on a legitimate method must sell multi-housing houses to the government at a standard market price or lower price, except for a house owned by the person himself/herself. (Possession of any multi-housing other than for rental business purposes is prohibited at the source) (For rental business, qualifications are granted to carefully selected operators) Accordingly, the government must supply the designated rental business with a quantity at an appropriate price for the purpose of preserving the national treasury, and then continue the rental business. In the case of maintenance as above, almost all households will own one house. The bubble in price is going down enough that almost all current jeonse tenants are no longer jeonse tenants but the owners of houses. However, it is very likely that the place of residence will change. Almost all buildings become state-owned assets and are likely to be relocated or demolished as well. However, since the state holds and manages real estate assets across the country, the impact of initial losses can be minimized. Where prices go down, where prices go up For other special facilities such as bridges, ports, and air facilities, or roads, the constructor is, in effect, the operator of the asset. For them, investment loss is a business that should not exist, but if even one investment loss occurs, the risk must be borne by the constructor under the current law. This is a very unreasonable system, so it must be seen as a target of relief in this public insurance, so that the insurance rate is cheap and the insurance benefit is the largest. As for industrial complexes such as factory facilities, there is no major problem with the current system as long as the state takes the lead in creating housing sites in various parts of the country in a planned way. However, if a company that has to relocate existing facilities suffers a loss, insurance will provide relief. The point is that they themselves request sites close to the large corporations they have to supply. For balanced development in reality, each conglomerate must move its head office building to various parts of the country as noblesse oblige and leave a symbolic building in the metropolitan area. The government should never give up the capital in favor of corporations. Infrastructure and military facilities that are essential nationally, such as various power plants, are originally planned and led by the state. However, if the other issues immediately above are not resolved, the government will not be able to overcome regional egotism. What will the private sector do when they defeat the government? Land is the country's first asset. The government should win and the private sector should lose However, since it is impossible under the current law to require multi-housing owners to give up their private property, all relevant laws under the Constitution must be amended. The contents are based on the nine principles at the top of this proposal. To supplement the legal ① National land is a limited resource, and in times of high population, such as the present era, there is a very high possibility of infringing on the private property of others because it tries to fully guarantee the property rights to the private property. ② If someone owns more than two houses in a time when the population is large like the current era, it can be almost impossible without actually robbing other people's private property. There is still room in the country, but it is never enough. ③ Therefore, for all types of immovable assets that can be held privately by individuals, in addition to housing, land or all building assets, limiting the number of holdings to one house per household does not infringe on the private property of others. more in line with the spirit of the Constitution. ④ Separate bylaws shall be prepared for land or buildings. Addenda of ④ above Regarding the limitation of the ratio of individual or corporate holdings of other land or forests and the holding of buildings, etc. ⓐ land or forest ⒜ Trading and utilization of immovable assets in land or forests is also an economic activity utilizing land, the country's primary asset, just like housing or buildings. An individual purchased a whole forest to commemorate his family, built a cemetery, and prepared a park. The area is also a problem, but the following problems occur. Where there is an individual's grave in the place where the state intends to build a road Or if it's someone's farmland or a vacant land where no work is being done, a wasteland. Compensation may vary depending on the nature of the matter or economic activity being carried out there, but the individual must yield the land to the state. For this purpose, the establishment of public insurance is absolutely necessary. Therefore, it is not necessarily necessary for the individual land purchase rate to be high. Paragraph (a) of the above supplementary provision applies to corporations as well. However, if the proportion is too small, the economic activities of individuals who really need to purchase land may be restricted. Therefore, considering the scope of freedom of individual economic activities, the government calculates a new ratio every year that can be allowed in proportion to the size of the national territory. do. In the case of organizations or corporations, the possession of land to leave the land as wasteland is absolutely not permitted. Also, any group or corporation cannot own too much land, just like an individual. A limit line must be established for the amount of possession of buildings or facilities in the forest area of Toniza that can be allowed to be owned by a specific group in relation to the area of the country. The land is never completely private property. National land is the nation's first asset, but because the people have to live, it tolerates a certain portion of privatization, and absolutely no one can become an individual, group, corporation, or even a company. The equal right of the people to all immovable assets is fully guaranteed only when the state is the first owner of all land. The detailed bylaws are as follows. ⒜ - 1 Of course, an individual land purchaser must not purchase land unnecessarily and leave it idle for a long period of time unless there is an absolutely necessary demand. ⒜ - 2 There must be restrictions to some extent unless the purpose is to create actual economic effects by actually using the land for any purpose. (a) - 3 The purpose of living there, using it as a cemetery, farming, building a new house, building a warehouse or other facilities necessary for individuals, or using the land must be clear, and the state must continuously manage and supervise it every year. . ⒜ - 4 Regarding ⒜ - 3 above, the existing public service manpower alone is not enough manpower, but if the insurance corporation in this proposal is newly launched, manpower can be supplemented to some extent. entrusts services to institutions of ⒜ - 5 The permissible range newly calculated every year should change every year, so it is announced every year that only a small amount should be purchased with some margin. (a) - 6 The method of calculating individual holdings adjusts the ratio of corporate holdings to individual holdings of stocks by adjusting the limit line of individual land holdings every year, just like calculating the stock market capitalization ratio cap in the stock market. ⓑ building Individuals owning buildings, regardless of housing, can be owned, rented, or sold by individuals in the course of asset management. As long as there is no special expedient in the acquisition process, it is possible for one person to own multiple buildings. However, this is also a factor that hinders the utilization of national land and efficient land management by the state. Therefore, if it is not included in the legitimate asset management of an organization such as a general company, the state must report and limit the ownership of a large number of buildings in a form in which all economic activities end just by holding a large number of buildings and receiving rent. . In the above case, it is not limited to one building originally owned, and after paying for the disposal of the remaining buildings, it is ordered to convert it into another more sound business. This is the same even if it is an association or corporation or organization, and national discipline can never be straight if a specific group or organization is allowed to occupy or possess more than a certain percentage of the entire country. Therefore, as with the land above, the state always calculates the maximum upper limit of the number of buildings that individuals, corporate groups, corporations, corporations, etc. can own every year. A person who owns more buildings than the limit must convert the buildings he/she owns to a form of other sound asset management or business, leaving only a certain amount. ⓒ Bridges, ports, roads, airport facilities, and other facility buildings where facilities operated by companies will be located Businesses' economic activities are the fundamental driving force that sustains the country. However, the problem is the amount of land that the company actually occupies. It is more important that the country is overthrown than that national competitiveness is lagging behind. If the current democratic state puts only competitiveness first and then really gives up the capital and land to a specific company and is overthrown, the democratic state will no longer exist on this earth and will return to the absolute monarchy system. Enterprises are private property. History has already proven that it is inefficient to establish successive kings and is not helpful to the future of the country. The exceptionally high competitiveness of any particular company is only because the owner of the company did a good job at that time, but there is absolutely no guarantee that the future will do the same. Therefore, the state should never allow any company unlimited total holdings of national land or stocks, even in order to maintain national competitiveness of a genuine hundred-year-old system, and must limit the holdings to less than 5% of the entire national territory. Can a certain company grow even if the proportion of the country occupied by it is restricted? The other part that the company doesn't do well is that other companies do well. Therefore, in order to prevent any type of octopus-style expansion, no matter which company it is, the proportion of land occupied by the facilities that the company needs must be limited. The same goes for roads, bridges, ports, and airports, as well as factories. If one company built a road, another company should build a bridge, and if one company built a port, another company should build an airport. Until now, it has happened by chance in the market economy principle, but in the future, the above criteria will be required. If attracting dinosaur companies for national competitiveness was capitalism in a democratic society so far In the future, it is necessary to proceed with the project in the direction of promoting joint bidding with several companies for state-led projects. Enterprises are indispensable for attracting national competitiveness. But it cannot be allowed to erode the state just because it is private property. On the contrary, even if public enterprises grow larger than private enterprises, there is no obstacle to attracting national competitiveness. Almost all dinosaur companies that have already grown too large need to be converted into state capital. Since the total amount of capital is not enough with the launch of the National Pension Service, it is necessary to recover the capital in a legitimate way by adding the launch of other funds for the reform of the judicial system other than this public insurance. Each fund is managed by the state, but has the characteristics of both state and private property. This is unavoidable even for the protection of the manpower of the owner's family. In private methods, excessive expedients must be perpetrated by business owners to protect themselves, and in reality, many people follow them. All citizens must be guaranteed equal rights. Supplement legal content. ① National land is a limited resource, and if the property rights to the private property are completely guaranteed in a time of high population like the present era, there is a very high possibility of infringing on the private property of others. ② If someone owns more than two houses in a time of high population like the current era, it can be almost impossible without actually robbing other people's private property. There is still room in the country, but it is never enough. ③ Therefore, for all types of immovable assets that can be held privately by individuals, including housing, land, or all building assets, the number of possessions is limited to one house per household so as not to infringe on the private property of others. Therefore, it is rather more in line with the spirit of the Constitution. ③ -1 The above content becomes a legal standard that is commonly applied to the following ④ supplementary provisions for land, forests, buildings, facilities, etc. and their detailed supplementary provisions. ④ Only the state is the only economic entity that can possess more than 5% of the national land area compared to the total land area. If public affairs do not take precedence over the possession of private property, national discipline cannot stand straight. The state is endangered, and expedients in the form of infringing on the private property of others will inevitably emerge. Therefore, the following supplementary provisions and detailed additional provisions are irreversibly newly enacted as laws of national dignity. The land is never completely private property. National land is the nation's number one asset, but it is only allowing a certain portion of privatization because the people have to live. Therefore, it is the land that can never become the property of any individual, group, corporation, or even a corporation. Religious organizations are no exception to this. The equal rights of the people to all immovable assets are fully guaranteed only when the state is the first owner of all land. In other words, all legal definitions and concepts of asset management for the national land and all immovable assets based on the national land must be changed to something other than the concept of private property so far. It is to change the concept of simple occupation of the land during the period of survival of the people as much as the people need for survival to the diplomatic allocation of public order in a form tolerated by the state. This is the primary basis for calculating premium rates for this public insurance. ⑤ For land, forests, buildings and facilities, separate bylaws are prepared as follows. Addenda in ⑤ above Restrictions on the percentage of personal or corporate holdings of land or forests, holding of buildings, bridges, ports, roads, airports, various factory facilities, and all types of facilities that can be held by the private sector ⓐ land or forest ⒜ Transactions and utilization of immovable assets in land or forests are economic activities utilizing land, the country's primary asset, just like housing or buildings. An individual purchased a whole forest in order to commemorate his family, built a cemetery, and prepared a park. The area is also a problem, but the following problems occur. Where there is an individual's grave in the place where the state intends to build a road Or in the case of someone's farmland or an empty vacant land where no work is being done, that is, a wasteland. This is a standard that is also applied to cases where the size of private property that a company wants to hold becomes excessively large and interferes with the performance of state duties. If a country's competitiveness requires powerful giant corporations, it replaces them with public corporations. Inevitably, too many expedients must be perpetrated in order for private business owners to protect their property on their own. This not only loosens the nation's discipline, but also poses too great a risk factor that could collapse the nation. Compensation may vary depending on the nature of the matter or economic activity that is going on there, but the individual must yield the land to the state. For this purpose, the establishment of public insurance is absolutely necessary. Therefore, it is not necessarily necessary for the individual land purchase rate to be high. Paragraph (a) of the above supplementary provision applies to corporations as well. However, if the share is too small, the economic activities of individuals who really need to purchase land may be limited. (The ratio of the total land area to the permissible area of land available for purchase by individuals) Therefore, considering the scope of individual economic activity freedom, the state calculates the ratio that can be allowed for individual asset management in proportion to the size of the country every year. In the case of organizations or corporations, the possession of land to leave the land as wasteland is absolutely not permitted. Also, any group or corporation cannot own too much land, just like an individual. A clear limit on the ratio of land or forest land, buildings or facilities that can be owned by a specific group to the national land area must be firmly enacted as a law. The detailed supplementary provisions of the above paragraph ⓐ are as follows. ⒜ - 1 Of course, an individual land buyer must never purchase land unnecessarily and leave it idle for a long period of time unless there is a clear economic demand essential for economic activities. (a) - 2 There must be some restrictions on the purchase of land or forest land by an individual, unless the purpose is to create actual economic effects by actually utilizing the land for any purpose. ⒜ - 3 The economic purpose of living there, using it as a cemetery, farming, building a new house, constructing other facilities such as warehouses necessary for individuals, or using the land must be clear. The state must continuously manage and supervise this every year. ⒜ - 4 Regarding ⒜ - 3 above, the existing public servant manpower alone is extremely insufficient for the necessary manpower for the monitoring and inspection. However, if the new insurance corporation in this proposal is newly launched, manpower may be supplemented to some extent. If they alone lack manpower in areas or issues, be sure to entrust the service to carefully selected companies or separate institutions. ⒜ - 5 The permissible range newly calculated every year should change every year, so it is announced every year that only a small amount should be purchased with some margin. ⒜ - 6 Individual holdings of land and forests are calculated in the same way that the ratio of corporate holdings to individual holdings of stocks is calculated as the cap on stock market capitalization in the stock market. In addition, the exact specific limit range of individual land holdings is adjusted in a way that is newly adjusted every year. ⒜ – 7 Any company, organization, corporation, or other group must be sanctioned if the share of land occupied by a single group exceeds 5% of the entire country. In addition, all land or forest buildings or facilities outside the restricted range must be returned to the national treasury. Exceptionally, in the case of religious facilities, each local government or each city and county requires at least one religious facility. In view of this, a clear and specific limit on the percentage of land occupied by all sects of around 10% is established, and the total range of land area reserved. However, more than two or three unnecessary religious facilities in each city, county or administrative district must be returned to the national treasury regardless of denomination. ⒜ – 8 are clear restrictions on all religious facilities that must be applied regardless of denomination to the total amount of national religious facilities scattered in the country. All religious facilities, regardless of denomination, cannot occupy more than 10% of the national land. Currently, the three major denominations of the Republic of Korea, Catholicism, Buddhism and Protestantism combined, must be limited within a line that does not exceed 6% of the entire country. Other new sects cannot occupy the territory by pushing out existing sects. If the ratio of the land area occupied by religious organizations exceeds 10% of the total land area by religious group or denomination Even if only Catholicism, Buddhism, and Protestantism are considered, this is 30% of the entire country. This is just an overly nonsensical management of the land. Administrative offices, police stations, courts, military facilities, companies, power plants, and factories are occupying the lands where religious organizations should be located. In fact, this is an absolute reason why it is very difficult for religious facilities to occupy more than 5% of the land area occupied by a single sect compared to the total land area. Only the state is the only economic entity that can possess more than 5% of the total national land area. Religious facilities, etc., are not essential to the survival of people, so unlike corporations, each sect cannot occupy more than 2% of the national land. In addition, all denominations in total cannot be allowed to occupy more than 10% of the entire country. ⓑ building Individuals owning buildings, regardless of housing, can be owned, rented, or sold by individuals in the course of asset management. Therefore, as long as there is no special expedient in the process of acquisition, it is possible for one person to own multiple buildings. However, this is also a sufficient factor to hinder the utilization of national land and the effective land management of the country. Therefore, if it is not included in the legitimate asset management of an organization such as a general enterprise, the possession of a large number of buildings in which all economic activities are completed simply by simply receiving rent while owning a large number of buildings is regarded as a subject of regulation by the state be sure to limit In the above case, it is not limited to one building originally owned. Then, after paying for the sale of the remaining building, he orders it to be converted into another, more sound business. At this time, if there is no other business to convert, it guarantees the attraction of new bank account deposit products that guarantee higher interest rates than usual. This is also a major task of this public insurance corporation, allowing investors to choose between purchasing a kind of insurance product and attracting general deposit balances. There is an all-too-difficult degree of stimuli between large amounts of money tied up in immovable assets and conversion to sufficient bank deposits. An increase in the total amount of cash assets held by banks can guarantee companies more loans and lower interest rates on loans. Otherwise, ultimately, an increase in the minimum wage cannot be expected. (For individual stock trading, additional proposals will be prepared) This is the same even if it is a corporation or a corporation or organization. National discipline can never stand upright if a specific group or organization is allowed to actually occupy or possess more than a certain percentage of the entire country. It means that the national economy can stand upright only by preventing too much social capital from being tied only to immovable assets in an excessive amount. Land is simply owned by the state. Therefore, as with the land above, the state always calculates the maximum upper limit of the number of buildings that individuals, corporate groups, corporations, corporations, etc. can own every year. A person who owns more buildings than the limit must convert the buildings he/she owns to a form of other sound asset management or business, leaving only a certain amount. Only the state is the only economic entity that can possess more than 5% of the total national land area. ⓒ Bridges, ports, roads, airport facilities, and other facility buildings that will house facilities operated by companies Businesses' economic activities are the fundamental driving force that sustains the country. However, the problem is the amount of land that the company actually occupies. Democracy is by no means synonymous with capitalism. Currently, the two social systems coexist by chance, but this cannot be the case in the future. The current market economy situation is a situation where it is strongly predicted that the capitalist market economy principles will come into an extreme head-on collision with the democratic political system. Because the democratic political system pursues politics as public. However, because the capitalist market economy principle is based on relative evaluation, it is a system in which those with more capital must rise to the top of society. In this proposal, it is intended to restrict companies and capital in a position that must rise to the top of the total amount of social capital as absolute private property, and to be managed by the state's public assets. The standard is limited to cases where there is a need for the total area of the national territory and facilities occupied by the enterprise to exceed 5% of the entire national territory. (Although it is obviously possible to change the total amount of the total land occupied area limit above, this proposer proposes that it does not exceed 10% even if allowed at the maximum.) The reason why the antinomy of the two social systems has been maintained until now is because of the extremely dedicated noblesse oblige of a very small number of high-ranking members of society. The patience of the absolute society was not there at all. The noblesse oblige that any citizen has practiced in the central part of the country Or the spirit of noblesse oblige, which they have simply unilaterally demanded from the social leaders, Or, in response to the noblesse oblige, social recognition corresponding to the duty as a citizen Rather, all the people refuse to apply it to their lives. In such a social atmosphere, the head-on collision of capitalism with democracy must be limited. In any case, preventing the country from being overthrown is more important than ensuring that national competitiveness lags behind. This is because, under any circumstances, acts that are beneficial to the enemy of the state, i.e., acts of transfer are never tolerated. Also, it should never happen that the property of a person whose share of social capital belongs to the top of the society is transferred to another country. The exceptionally high competitiveness of a particular company is only because the owner of the company did a good job at that time, and there is absolutely no guarantee that the same will happen to future generations. Above all, a single company cannot run a country. It means the division of the country soon. The most serious part is this. If a company's assets are seen as entirely private property, the company can change the country it belongs to if it doesn't like the country. The purpose of the existence of a business is the pursuit of profit. However, if the ratio of the total amount of occupied capital to the total amount of social capital rises indefinitely, should it be regarded as private property? If the ratio of occupied assets to the total amount of social capital is excessively high, the pursuit of profit by the enterprise must become synonymous with the pursuit of profit by the country to which it belongs. That is the only noblesse oblige that companies can actually do. This is because if even one of them is completely private property and the company defected to another country, all citizens would be scammed by the company. However, under current law, corporations are private property. Therefore, no public service can ever suit the type of individual who can just leave for another country if he doesn't like the country. That's why they can't do politics, they can't maintain public order, and most of all, they can't run the military. So far, the social role of corporations exists only in the increase of their capital stock itself. It means that the legal definition and character of assets must be changed in the future to increase the total amount of social and public assets, not the infinite increase of personal private property. Most importantly, no matter how large a company grows, there cannot be only one company in a country. This is a division of the country. This is because if even one of them is completely private property and the company defected to another country, all citizens would be scammed by the company. However, under current law, corporations are private property. Therefore, no public service can ever suit the type of individual who can just leave for another country if he doesn't like the country. That's why they can't do politics, they can't maintain public order, and most of all, they can't run the military. So far, the social role of corporations exists only in the increase of their capital stock itself. It means that the legal definition and character of assets must be changed in the future to increase the total amount of social and public assets, not the infinite increase of personal private property. Most importantly, no matter how large a company grows, there cannot be only one company in a country. This is a division of the country. If the current democratic state only prioritizes national competitiveness, and then really gives up the capital and land to a specific company, and the state is overthrown by the company, the democratic state will no longer exist on this earth. All democracies must return to de facto dictatorships. It is an overly inefficient system that can only be established by encouraging too much corruption in the dual political and social system. Above all, history already proves that establishing kings from generation to generation is overly inefficient and does not help the future of the country. The exceptionally high competitiveness of a particular company is only because the owner of the company did a good job at that time, and there is absolutely no guarantee that the same will happen to future generations. I am a top 0.1% talent, so my son is also a top 0.1% talent? It is something that nature decides, and it is absolutely not something that people can decide. Innate intelligence quotient, social empathy, and firmness of ethical conscience are only determined by nature and God, and it is possible to overcome them to some extent through acquired efforts, but those acquired efforts cannot surpass innate nature. All talents must undergo strict and fair evaluation only under strict state supervision. Even for that purpose, it is absolutely impossible to allow any specific individual, group, corporation, etc. to occupy more than 5% of the national land. Only the state is the only economic entity that can possess more than 5% of the total national land area. Therefore, in order to maintain strong national competitiveness in the true future, the state should never allow any company unlimited total holdings of national land or stocks, and in the case of national land, its holdings must be limited to less than 5% of the entire national territory. All enterprises that are strongly required to exceed this requirement must change the entire asset holding concept and the legal nature of assets under the national public asset management system. Can a certain company grow even if the proportion of the country occupied by it is restricted? The other part that the company doesn't do well is that other companies do well. And that company is better than a public company. Therefore, in order to prevent any kind of octopus-style expansion, no matter which enterprise it is, restrictions must be placed on the percentage of the total area occupied by the facilities required by the enterprise. This applies not only to factories, but also to roads, bridges, ports, and airports. If one company has built a road, another has to build a bridge, and if one has built a port, another has to build an airport. So far, it has happened by chance in the market economy principle, but in the future, the above absolute standard is absolutely necessary. Only the state should be able to build airports, ports, roads, bridges and other facilities in a proportion exceeding 5% of the total land area. Attracting mega corporations for national competitiveness has been capitalism in a democratic society so far. However, in the future, it is necessary to proceed with the project in the direction of promoting joint bidding with several companies, etc. for the project led by the state. Enterprises are indispensable for attracting national competitiveness. But it cannot be allowed to erode the state just because it is private property. On the contrary, even if public enterprises grow larger than private enterprises, there is no obstacle to attracting national competitiveness. In other words, almost all giants that have already grown too large now need to be converted into state capital. Since the total amount of capital is very insufficient with the launch of the national pension, it is necessary to recover the capital in a legitimate way by adding the launch of other funds for the reform of the judicial system other than this public insurance. As a legitimate attraction and operation of public capital, in accordance with the legitimate market economy principle, the system will be newly reorganized so that all giant corporations will be subject to public asset management belonging to state-owned property in the future. -Owned real estate and all companies that need to have land occupancy rate of total real estate exceeding 5% of the total land area- This is because it is only when the corporate culture is transformed that democracy and capitalism can coexist in the future. Each fund is managed by the state, but has the characteristics of both state and private property. This is unavoidable even if it is for the protection of the manpower of the owner's family. In private methods, excessive expedients must be perpetrated by business owners to protect themselves, and in reality, many people follow them. All citizens must be guaranteed equal rights. 법리적인 내용을 보충하자면 ① 국토는 한정된 자원으로서 현재의 시대처럼 인구가 많은 시기에는 그 사유재산에 대한 재산권을 온전히 보장하려 하여 주기에 오히려 타인의 사유재산을 침해할 가능성이 매우 크다. ② 만약 지금의 시대처럼 인구가 많은 시기에 누군가가 집을 두 채 이상 보유하기 위하여서는 실제로 타인의 사유재산을 사실상 강탈하지 않으면 거의 불가능에 가까운 일이 될 수 있다. 아직 국토에 여유는 있지만 절대 충분하지는 않기 때문이다. ③ 따라서 주택 이상 토지 또는 모든 건물자산까지 더하여서 개인이 사적으로 보유하는 것이 가능한 모든 형태의 부동 자산에 대하여 그 보유 수량을 1가구에 1주택으로 제한함이 타인의 사유재산을 침해하지 않으므로 오히려 헌법정신에 더욱 부합한다. ③ -1 위 내용은 아래 ④ 토지나 임야, 건물 및, 시설 등에 대한 부칙 및 그 세부 부칙 등에도 공통으로 적용되는 법률적 기준이 된다. ④ 전체 국토 면적 대비 보유 국토 면적이 전 국토의 5%를 초과하여 보유할 수 있는 유일한 경제주체는 오로지 국가뿐이다. (전 국토의 부동자산 가치 총량에는 전혀 아무런 변화가 없이 단지 어딘가가 가치가 오르면 어딘가가 가치가 하락할 뿐인것이 부동산 시장이다.) (따라서 이를 사유재산화할경우 개인 투자자는 불가항력적인 재난적 요소에 따라서 그 투자가 성공할수도있고 실패할 수도있다.) (그러나 국가가 정부와 민간 양쪽에 속하는 기금으로 전체 부동자산을 소유하고 이를 국민 개개인에게 할당할 경우 국가가 부동자산을 운용함에 있어서 발생하는 국가 전체의 부동자산의 국지적 가격등락이 그 기금이 보유한 전체 자산 총량에 전혀 지장을 주지 않는 선에서 모든자산을 매우 효과적으로 관리할 수 있다.) 공무가 사적인 재산의 보유보다 우선하지 않으면 국가의 기강이 바로 설 수 없고 국가가 위태로워지며 타인의 사유재산을 침해하는 형태의 편법이 반드시 출현하게 되므로 불가역적으로 아래와 같은 부칙과 세부 부칙 등을 새로이 국가의 존엄한 법률로서 제정한다. 국토는 절대로 온전한 사유재산이 아니다. 국토는 국가의 제 1 자산이지만 국민이 살아야 하기 때문에 일정부분의 사유화를 용인하는 것일 뿐 절대 그 어느, 누구의 개인이나 단체 법인 심지어 기업의 것도 될 수가 없는 것이 바로 국토이다. 여기에는 종교단체 역시 예외가 될 수 없다. 모든 국토의 주인은 오로지 국가가 제 1 주인이라야만 모든 부동 자산에 대한 국민의 평등권이 비로소 온전히 보장된다. 즉 국가의 국토와 그 국토를 기반으로 하는 모든 부동 자산에 대한 자산 운용의 모든 법률적 개념을 현재까지의 사유재산의 개념이 아닌 국가가 국민에게 국민의 생존에 필요한 만큼 국민이 생존하는 기간동안의 국토에 대한 단순 점유를 국가가 용인하여주는 형태의 외교적인 치안령의 할당과 같은 개념으로 변경하는 것이다. 이는 본 공공 보험의 보험 요율 산출의 제 1 근거가 된다. ⑤ 토지나 임야, 건물 및 시설 등에 대하여서는 별도의 부칙을 아래와 같이 마련한다. 위 ⑤ 의 부칙 그 외 토지나 임야의 개인 또는 법인 보유량의 비율 제한 및 건물 보유와 교량, 항만, 도로, 공항, 각종 공장 시설 및, 민간에서 보유하는 것이 가능한 모든 종류의 시설 등에 대하여서 ⓐ 토지나 임야 ⒜ 토지 또는 임야에 대한 부동 자산의 거래 행위 및 그 활용 역시 주택이나 건물과 마찬가지로 국가의 제 1 자산인 국토를 활용한 경제 행위이다. 개인이 가족의 추모를 위하여 어느 임야를 산림 통채로 구매하여 묘지를 조성하고 공원등을 마련하였다. 그 면적이 문제이기도 하지만 다음과 같은 문제가 발생한다. 국가가 도로를 건설하고자 하는 곳에 개인의 묘지가 있는 경우 혹은 누군가의 농경지나 아무런 일도 하지 않고 있는 공지 즉 황무지인 경우가 그러하다. 이는 기업이 보유하고자 하는 사유재산의 크기가 지나치게 커져서 국가 공무 수행에 방해가 되는 사안에 대하여서도 공히 적용되는 기준이다. 국가의 경쟁력을 위하여 강력한 거대 기업이 필요하다면 그것은 공기업으로 대체한다. 민간 기업주가 자력으로 스스로의 재산을 지키고자 함에 있어서는 필수 불가결하게 너무나 많은 편법이 자행되어야 하고 이는 국가의 기강을 해이하게 할 뿐만 아니라 국가를 무너트릴 수도 있는 위험 요소가 너무 크다. 그곳에서 진행되고 있는 사안이나 경제 행위의 성격에 따라서 보상은 차등할 수 있으나 반드시 개인이 국가에게 그 토지를 양보하여야만 한다. 이를 위하여서도 상기 공공 보험 설립은 반드시 필요하다. 따라서 개인의 토지 구매율이 굳이 꼭 반드시 높아야 할 필요는 없다. 위 부칙 ⒜ 항은 법인도 마찬가지이다. 그러나 너무 그 비중이(개인의 구매 가능한 토지의 허용 면적 대비 국토 총면적의 비율) 적어지면 정말로 토지 구매가 필요한 개인의 경제 활동에 제한을 받을 수 있으므로 개인의 경제활동의 자유의 범위를 고려하여 국가가 국토의 넓이에 비례하여 허용하는 것이 가능한 비율을 매년 새롭게 산출한다. 단체나 법인 등의 경우 역시 땅을 황무지로 놓아두기 위한 토지의 보유는 절대 허용될 수 없다. 또한 그 어떠한 단체나 법인 기업일지라도 너무 많은 토지를 보유할 수 없기는 개인과 마찬가지이다. 국토 면적 대비 특정 단체에게 보유가 허용될 수 있는 토지나 임야 건물이나 시설 등의 보유량에는 반드시 그 명확한 제한의 범위가 확고히 제정되어야 한다. 위 ⓐ 항의 세부 부칙은 아래와 같다. ⒜ - 1 당연히 개인 토지 구매자는 반드시 경제활동에 꼭 필요한 명확한 경제적 수요가 있는 것이 아닌 한 불필요하게 토지를 구매하여 장기간 묵혀두는 일을 하여서는 절대로 아니된다. ⒜ - 2 반드시 그 토지를 어떠한 목적으로든 실제로 해당의 토지를 활용하여 실제의 경제효과를 창출하려는 목적이 아닌 한 개인의 토지나 임야 등의 구매에는 반드시 어느 정도 제한이 발생하여야 한다. ⒜ - 3 그곳에 거주하거나 묘지로 쓰거나 농사를 짓거나 주택을 새로 짓거나 기타 개인에게 필요한 창고등의 시설 등을 건립하거나 그 토지를 활용하려는 경제적 목적이 분명하여야 하고 국가는 이를 매년 지속적으로 관리 감독하여야 한다. ⒜ - 4 위의 ⒜ - 3에 대하여 현존 공무원 인력만으로는 도저히 그 감시 감찰에 필요한 필수 인력이 매우 부족하지만 본 제안서상의 새로운 보험공단이 새롭게 출범하면 어느 정도 인력이 충원될 수 있으나 그들만으로도 인력이 부족한 지역이나 사안 등은 엄선된 기업이나 별도의 기관 등에 필히 용역을 맡기도록 한다. ⒜ - 5 국가가 매년 새롭게 산출하는 허용범위는 매년 변동되어야 하므로 좀 여유 있게 소량만 구매할 것을 매년 공지한다. ⒜ - 6 개인의 토지 및 임야 등의 개인 보유량 산출 방식은 주식의 법인 보유량 대 개인 보유량의 비율을 증권 시장의 주식 시가 총액 비율 상한제를 산출하는 것과 같이 개인의 토지 보유 제한량의 정확한 구체적 제한 범위를 매년 새로이 조정하는 방식으로 조절한다. ⒜ – 7 어떠한 기업이나 단체 법인 그 외 집단이라 할지라도 단일집단이 보유한 국토 점유 비율이 전 국토의 5%를 초과할 경우 반드시 이를 제재하고 제한 범위를 벗어나는 모든 토지나 임야 건물 또는 시설 등을 반드시 국고로 환수조치 한다. 예외적으로 종교시설의 경우 각 지자체마다, 또는 각 시군마다 하나 정도는 필수적으로 필요하므로 이 점을 감안하여 10% 내외의 전체 종파에 대한 국토 점유면적 비율에대한 명확하고 구체적인 제한 보유 국토 면적의 총 범위를 마련하되 각 시군이나 행정구역에 둘 셋 이상의 불필요한 종교 시설은 반드시 국고로 환수한다. ⒜ – 8 위는 국가 내에 산재한 전체 국가 종교시설 총량에 대하여 종파를 막론하고 공히 적용되어야 할 전체 종교시설에 대한 명확한 제약사항이며 종파를 막론하고 모든 종교시설은 전 국토의 10%를 초과하여 국토를 점유할 수 없다. 현재 대한민국의 주요 3대 종파인 천주교와 불교 개신교를 합하여서 전 국토의 6%를 넘지 않는 선에서 제약 범위가 주어져야 한다. 그 외 신흥 종파등은 이미 기존에 존재하고 있던 종파를 밀어내어서 국토를 점유할 수 없다. 종교단체가 점유하는 국토 면적의 비율이 각, 종파별로 전 국토의 10%를 초과할 경우 천주교, 불교, 개신교만 고려하여도 전 국토의 30% 면적이다. 이는 지나치게 비상식적인 국토의 운용일 뿐이다. 행정 관소가 들어서고 경찰서가 들어서고 법원이 들어서고 군 시설이 들어서고 기업이 들어서고 발전소가 들어서고 공장이 들어서야 할 부지를 종교단체가 차지하는 격이다. 사실 종교시설이라고 할지라도 단일 종파가 차지하는 국토 면적이 전체 국토 면적 대비 점유 면적 비율이 5% 를 초과하여서는 매우 곤란한 절대적인 이유다. 전체 국토 면적 대비 보유 국토 면적이 전 국토의 5%를 초과하여 보유할 수 있는 유일한 경제주체는 오로지 국가뿐이다. 각 종교시설 등은 그것이 사람의 생존에 반드시 필수적인 시설이 아니므로 기업과는 다르게 각, 종파별로 전 국토의 2%를 초과하는 국토의 점유를 절대 허용할 수 없으며, 절대로 모든 종파를 총 합 하여서 전 국토의 10%를 초과하는 국토의 점유를 절대 허용할 수가 없다. ⓑ 건물 개인의 건물 보유는 주택과는 무관하게 개인이 자산의 운용 과정에서 보유하거나 임대하거나 판매하는 것이 가능하므로 그 취득의 과정에 특정한 편법이 없는 이상 일인의 다 건물 보유가 충분히 가능하다. 그러나 이 역시 국토의 활용 및 국가의 효율적 국토 관리에 저해를 끼칠 요인으로는 충분하다. 그러므로 일반적인 기업과 같은 단체의 정당한 자산 관리에 포함되지 아니한다면 단지 다량의 건물을 보유한 상태로 단순히 임대료를 받는 것만으로 모든 경제활동이 끝나는 형태의 건물 다량의 보유는 이를 국가가 규제의 대상으로 보고 반드시 제한한다. 위의 경우 본래 소유한 하나의 건물까지는 제한하지 않으며 나머지 건물을 처분한 값을 치뤄준 뒤 그것을 보다 건전한 다른 사업으로 전환하도록 명한다. 이 때 딱히 전환할만한 다른 사업이 없는 경우 통상보다 보다 더 높은 금리의 이자를 보장하여주는 새로운 은행 계좌의 예금상품의 유치를 보장하여준다. 이 역시 본 공공보험공단의 주요 업무로서 일종의 보험상품 가입과 일반적인 예금 상품의 유치중에서 투자자가 선택할 수 있도록 하여준다. 대량의 자금이 부동 자산에 묶여있는 것과 충분한 은행 예금 자산 유치로 전환되는 것 사이에는 너무나 현격한 수준의 경기 활성화 정도의 차이가 존재한다. 은행의 보유 현금 자산 총량의 증가는 기업에게 보다 많은 자금의 대출과 보다 낮은 금리의 대출 이자를 보장하여줄 수 있다. 그것이 아니면 궁극적으로 최저임금 상승은 절대 기대할 수가 없다. (개인의 주식거래에 대하여서는 추가적인 제안서를 작성할 것임) 이는 사단이나 법인 기업이나 단체라 할지라도 마찬가지로서 어느 특정 집단이나 단체에게 전 국토의 일정 비율 이상의 실제적인 점유나 보유를 용인하여서는 절대로 국가의 기강이 바로 설 수가 없다. 절대 너무 많은 사회 자본이 지나치게 많은 양으로서 오로지 부동 자산에만 묶여있는 상황을 막아야만 국가 경제가 바로 설 수 있다는 뜻이다. 국토는 그냥 국가가 보유하면 된다. 따라서 위 토지와 마찬가지로 국가가 개인이나 기업 단체 사단 법인 기업 등이 보유할 수 있는 건물의 숫자를 그 최대 상한선을 반드시 매년 새롭게 산출한다. 그 제한선보다 많은 건물을 보유한 자는 반드시 보유한 건물을 일정량만 남기고 다른 건전한 자산의 운용이나 사업의 형태로 바꾸어야 한다. 전체 국토 면적 대비 보유 국토 면적이 전 국토의 5%를 초과하여 보유할 수 있는 유일한 경제주체는 오로지 국가뿐이다. ⓒ 교량, 항만, 도로, 공항 시설 및, 기업이 운용하는 설비 등이 들어설 다른 시설 건물 기업의 경제활동은 나라를 지탱하는 근본 원동력이다. 그러나 그 기업이 사실상 점유하는 국토의 량이 문제다. 민주주의는 결코 자본주의와 동의어가 아니며 현재 두 사회체제는 우연한 기회에 공존하고는 있으나 앞으로도 그럴 수는 없다. 현재의 시장경제 상황은 자본주의 시장경제 원칙이 민주주의 정치 체제와의 극심한 정면충돌을 하게 될 것으로 강력히 예측되는 상황이다. 왜냐하면 민주주의 정치 체제는 공의로서의 정치를 추구하는데 자본주의 시장경제 원칙은 상대평가에 기반하여서, 보다 많은 자본을 가진 이가 반드시 사회의 정점에 올라서야 하는 제도이다. 본 제안서에서는 이에 대하여 반드시 사회 자본 총량에서 그 정점에 올라서야만 하는 위치의 기업과 자본을 절대 사유재산으로 용인 하지 않고 반드시 공적 자산 관리를 받도록 제한하려는 것이며 그 기준은 그 기업이 점유하는 국토 총면적 및 시설 등의 총면적이 전 국토의 5%를 초과하여야 할 필요성이 존재하는 경우로 제한한다. (위 국토 총점유 면적 제한 총량은 유동이 분명히 가능은 하지만 본 제안자는 최대로 허용하더라도 10%를 초과하지 않는 것을 제안한다.) 두 사회제도의 이율배반이 현재까지 유지된 것은 극소수의 사회 고위층들의 지극히 헌신적인 노블리스 오블리주 때문이다. 절대 사회의 인고는 그곳에 전혀 없었다. 어떠한 국민도 국가 중추부에서 실행하여온 또는 단순히 일방적으로 사회 지도층들에게 일방적으로 단순히 요구하기만 하여온 그 노블리스 오블리주 정신에 걸맞는 그에 대응하는 국민으로서의 의무에 해당하는 사회적 인고를 정작 자신의 인생에 적용시키기를 오히려 모든 국민들이 거부한다. 그러한 사회적 분위기 속에서 자본주의가 민주주의와 정면충돌하는 일은 반드시 제한받아야 한다. 어떠한 경우에도 국가가 전복이 되는 것을 막는 것이 국가 경쟁력이 뒤처지는 것보다 더 중요하다. 어떠한 경우에도 국가의 적에게 이로운 일 즉 이적행위는 결코 용납될 수 없기 때문이다. 또한 사회 자본 점유 비율이 그 사회의 정점에 속한 이의 재산이 타국으로 넘어가는 일이 발생하여서는 절대 안된다. 어느 특정 기업의 경쟁력이 유달리 높아지는 것은 단지 그 시기의 그 기업주가 일을 잘한 것일 뿐 그 후대도 그렇다는 보장은 절대 없다. 무엇보다 단 하나의 기업만으로는 국가가 운영될 수도 없다. 가장 심각한 부분은 바로 이것이다. 기업의 자산을 온전히 사유재산으로 볼, 경우 그 기업은 국가가 마음에 들지 않으면 소속 국가를 바꿀 수가 있다. 기업의 존재의 목적은 이윤의 추구이다. 그러나 그 이윤의 추구가 사회 자본 총량 대비 점유 자본 총량 비율이 무한정 높아지면 그것을 과연 사유재산으로 보아야 하는가? 사회 자본 총량 대비 점유 자산 비율이 지나치게 높은 경우 그 기업의 이윤의 추구는 그 기업이 속한 국가의 이윤의 추구와 반드시 동의어가 되어야만 한다. 그것이 기업이 실제로 행할 수가 있는 유일한 노블리스 오블리주다. 만의 하나라도 그것을 온전히 사유재산임을 용인하였다가 그 기업이 다른 국가로 귀순이라도 하게 되면 전 국민들은 그 기업에게 사기를 당하게 되기 때문이다. 그러나 현행법상 기업은 사유재산이다. 따라서 국가가 마음에 들지 않으면 다른 국가로 떠나면 그만인 그러한 유형의 개인에게는 그 어떠한 공적 업무도 절대 맞길 수가 없다. 그렇기 때문에 그들은 정치를 할 수 없고 치안을 유지할 수 없으며 무엇보다 군을 운용할 수 없다. 현재까지 단지 기업의 사회적 역할이란 오로지 자신들의 자본 총량의 증식 그 자체에만 존재할 뿐이다. 그것을 개인 사유재산의 무한정의 증식이 아닌 사회 공적 자산 총량의 증식으로 자산의 법률적 정의와 성격을 앞으로는 반드시 바꾸어야만 한다는 의미이다. 무엇보다 더 중요한 것은 어느 한 기업이 아무리 크게 성장하여도 국가에 기업이 단 하나만 있을 수도 없다. 이는 곧 국가의 분열이다. 만약 현재의 민주주의 국가가 단지 국가 경쟁력만을 최우선으로 하다가 정말로 특정 기업에게 수도를 내어주고 국토를 내어주고 국가가 기업에게 전복이라도 된다면 더는 민주주의 국가는 이 지구상에 존재하지 않고 사실상의 전제왕권 체제로 되돌아가야 한다. 그것은 이중의 정치 사회 제도 속에서 지나치게 많은 비리를 조장하여야 겨우 성립될 수 있는 지나치게 비효율적인 제도이다. 무엇보다 대를 이어 왕을 세우는 것이 지나치게 비효율적이고 결코 국가의 미래에 도움이 되지 않음은 이미 역사가 증명한다. 어느 특정 기업의 경쟁력이 유달리 높아지는 것은 단지 그 시기의 그 기업주가 일을 잘한 것일 뿐 그 후대도 그렇다는 보장은 절대 없다. 내가 상위 0.1% 인재였으므로 내 아들도 상위 0.1% 인재이다? 그것은 하늘이 정하여주는 것이지 사람이 정할 수 있는 사안이 절대 아니다. 타고난 지능지수와 사회적 공감도와 윤리적인 양심의 굳건함은 그것은 오로지 하늘이 정하여주는 것이며 후천적 노력을 통한 어느 정도의 극복은 가능하지만 그 후천적 노력이 선천성을 뛰어넘을 수는 없다. 모든 인재들은 오로지 엄정한 국가 관리 감독 하의 엄정하고 공정한 평가를 받아야만 한다. 그것을 위하여서라도 어느 특정 개인이나 단체 법인등에게 전국토의 5%를 초과하는 국토 점유를 절대로 허용할 수가 없다. 전체 국토 면적 대비 보유 국토 면적이 전 국토의 5%를 초과하여 보유할 수 있는 유일한 경제주체는 오로지 국가뿐이다. 따라서 국가는 진정한 백년지대계의 국가 경쟁력을 유지하기 위하여서라도 어느 기업에게도 국토나 주식등의 보유 총량을 무제한 용인하여서는 절대 아니되며 국토의 경우 반드시 그 보유량을 전 국토의 5% 미만으로 제한하여야 한다. 이를 초과하여야 할 필요성이 강력하게 요구되는 모든 기업은 반드시 국가 공적 자산 관리 체제하로 전체 자산 보유 개념과 자산의 법률적 성격을 바꾸어야 한다. 어떤 특정 기업이 점유하는 국토의 비율을 제한하여도 과연 그 기업은 성장할 수 있을 것인가? 그 기업이 잘하지 못하는 다른 부분은 다른 기업이 일을 잘하면 된다. 그리고 그 기업은 공기업이 더 낫다. 따라서 그 기업이 어느 기업일지라도 어떠한 유형의 문어발식 확장일지라도 그것을 반드시 막기 위하여서는 기업이 필요로 하는 시설이 점유하는 국토의 총면적 비율에 반드시 제한이 가하여져야 한다. 공장 시설뿐만 아니라 도로, 교량, 항만, 공항 모두 마찬가지이다. 어느 기업이 도로를 건설하였다면 교량은 다른 기업이 건설하여야 하는 것이고 어느 기업이 항만을 건설하였다면 다른 기업이 공항을 건설하여야 한다. 현재까지는 시장경제원칙 속에서 우연히 그렇게 되어왔으나 앞으로는 반드시 위와 같은 절대적인 기준이 필요하다. 오로지 국가만이 전 국토 면적의 5%를 초과하는 면적의 비율로서 공항과 항만, 도로, 교량 기타 각종 시설등을 건립할 수 있어야 한다. 국가의 경쟁력을 위하여 초거대 기업을 유치하는 것이, 지금까지의 민주주의 사회 속의 자본주의였다면 앞으로는 국가가 주도하는 사업에 대하여서 여러 기업 등에게 공동 입찰을 추진하는 방향으로 사업을 진행할 필요가 있다. 기업은 국가 경쟁력의 유치를 위하여 필수 불가결하다. 그러나 그것이 사유재산이라 하여서 국가를 잠식하도록 둘 수는 없다. 오히려 공기업이 민간 기업보다 더 크게 성장하여도 국가 경쟁력의 유치에는 아무런 지장이 없다. 즉, 이미 너무 크게 성장하여버린 거의 모든 거대 기업들을 이제는 국가 자본으로 전환할 필요가 있다. 기업의 존재 목적은 단순한 이윤의 추구이다. 그러나 그것을 무제한 용인하여줄 아무런 이유가 없다. 전체 사회 자본 총량 대비 누군가의 사유재산 점유비율이 지나치게 높은 상황이라는것은 단순히 국가 경제에 지나치게 비 효율적인 요소로 작용한다. 국가에 필요한 다른 사업을 진행하여야 할 다른 기업들이 전혀 성장할 수가 없게되기 때문이다. 즉 사회자본 총 량에서 가장 높은 자산의 점유비율을 항시 국가가 점유하고있어야 민주주의와 자본주의가 서로 충돌하는것을 겨우 막을 수 있는 것이다. (이 때 적정 비율은 국가 지분 35% 이상 민간 자본 총 비율 65% 이내가 가장 적정 비율이지만) (민간 기업 개개의 기업에게 최대 허용가능한 자본 잠식 비율은 기업 1개당 5% 이상은 상당한 사회적 논의가 선행되지 않을 경우 불가하다.) (경우에 따라서 1개 기업이 10% 이상의 사회 총 자본 잠식 비율을 보유하는것은 도저히 불가한 수준이다.) (위 10% 이내 비율은 오로지 공기업이 아니면 허용될 수 없다.) (위 내용은 사실 기존의 자본주의 시장경제 논리만으로는 이해될 수도 없고 실행되기도 어려운 사안이지만) (여러 동국들과의 공동 발전을 위하여서는 필수 불가결하게 선결되어야 할 사안이다.) (지속적으로 어떤 국가는 저임금 근로형태를 벗어나지 못하는 상황이 장기화 되면 지금까지의 선진국들 이외의 그 어떠한 새로운 동맹국도 발굴할 수 없다.) (무엇보다 전체 시장 규모의 실질적인 양적 팽창을 위하여서는 일단 최저임금부터 올라야 하는 것이다.) (지금의 5% 와 최저임금 상승 이후의 5%는 비율만 같은 비율이지 사회 자본 총 량이 달라지는 문제다.) (최종적으로 동맹국들간의 긴밀한 군사협력이 하나의 유기체 처럼 작용하기 위하여서는 적어도 군사작전만큼은 하나의 국가처럼 움직일 수 있는 시스템이 필요하다) (특정 섹터의 전체 동맹국 군사 협력과 움직임이 개별 국가의 개별 군사행동이 아닌 하나의 국가의 군사작전이 될 수 있어야 한다는 뜻이다.) (어느 국가는 발사체를 어느 국가는 탄두를 어느 국가는 유도기술을) (그것이 협력이다.) 국민연금 출범만으로는 자본 총량이 매우 부족하므로 본 공공 보험 이외의 사법제도 개편안을 위한 다른 기금의 출범까지 더하여서 정당한 방법으로 자본을 회수하도록 한다. 정당한 공적 자본의 유치와 운용으로서 정당한 시장경제 원리에 따라서 앞으로는 모든 거대 기업-보유 부동 자산 및, 전체 부동 자산의 국토 점유 비율이 전 국토의 5%를 초과할 필요성이 존재하는 모든 기업- 들을 국가 소유 재산에 속하는 공적 자산 관리를 받는 기업들이 되도록 새롭게 제도를 정비하고 기업문화를 전환하여야만 민주주의와 자본주의가 앞으로도 공존하는 것이 비로소 가능하기 때문이다. 각 기금들은 국가의 관리를 받지만, 국가 재산과 민간재산 양쪽의 성격을 띄도록 한다. 이는 그 기업주 가문의 인력의 보호를 위하여서라도 이는 어쩔 수 없다. 사적인 방법으로는 기업주가 자신을 보호하기 위하여 과도한 편법이 자행되어야 하며 실제로도 많은 무리가 따른다. 모든 국민은 평등할 권리를 보장받아야 한다. The legal definition is as above. And, starting with the existing housing problem, we will solve the system implementation process. However, in the process of implementing the system, there is bound to be emotional and physical resistance from existing multi-housing owners. However, for now, it is necessary to convince them that sacrifice is inevitable and implement it. Regarding the immediate increase in property tax and the proposed tax increase for multiple homeowners, I express the following views. If a multi-homeowner holds out that he will not dispose of his own house as it is his private property, there is virtually no way in the current law to force the sale of the non-disposal. However, the act of requesting an increase in the lease price by the amount of the tax due to the fact that the tax burden for the punitive meaning of the tax burden has increased by the taxpayer should be illegal even now. The target designated by the government to pay the tax is the owner of multiple homes, and there is no legal basis for the tenant to pay the tax instead. If the person who is subject to additional tax collection by owning multiple houses is the owner of multiple houses, how can he become a lessee? Therefore, for houses owned by multi-householders who demand an increase in the lease price from the lessee by the amount of the increase in real estate property holding tax and various taxes, the state should separately enact a law prohibiting confiscation or an increase in the jeonse price, and enforce it at least compulsorily. For example, if the lease value of the tenant increases by the punitive tax imposed on the multi-housing owned by the lease business owner This is a step in which additional value-added tax, equal to the increase in the lease price, should be imposed on multi-homed owners again, even forcing the tenant to return it. In terms of the reality of the Republic of Korea, owning more than one house per household is an act that clearly violates the constitutional right to equality from the perspective of the ratio of supply and demand. This is because food, clothing, and shelter are the three essential elements for human survival, and they are obvious public goods that cannot be thought of as simple consumer goods. The same is true for the increase in the absolute amount of land holdings by corporations. Like the 30% upper limit in the stock market right now, there is an appropriate upper limit. actually needed This will contribute to vitalizing the private market and stabilizing land price increases. can Most importantly, the state must have its capital We are fully committed to fulfilling our duties as a nation while showing off our soundness. is that you have to be prepared. The most important of these is to secure sufficient state land that can immediately start construction of additional necessary infrastructure in addition to the national infrastructure that exists right now. Even if I slander it as my personal opinion, I have nothing to say, but it is actually very difficult to accommodate more than 7 million people in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon as the maximum resident population in the metropolitan area of Korea. It is appropriate to go down to 5 million or less. In fact, now the state is forced to secure state land. In fact, the state-owned land holdings are currently absolutely insufficient. In the end, this situation is not a situation where the state has to obtain individual concessions, but a compulsory matter. However, for now, it is most appropriate to proceed in the direction of selling houses to multi-homed people through tax hikes rather than forced confiscation. After public insurance has been established, it must be acquired from insurance and sold to rental business operators or home buyers according to the insurance system according to public business. But it's hard to do that all of a sudden before or in the early days. Therefore, the most benefits should be concentrated when a multi-homed person sells a house to a specific non-homeowner, whether or not he or she is familiar with them. Other than that, it is desirable to proceed with the work by viewing all of them as objects of punitive taxation. However, the stability of the house price itself can be created in the short term by the above method alone, but in the long run, when the housing supply is reduced, the house price naturally rises again. This is because everyone in the metropolitan area wants to come and live. But that would never be allowed. In the end, it means that first solving the current situation, in which all surplus land and buildings in the capital city of Seoul are already saturated due to the maintenance of housing sites and related commercial rights, is a priority priority over balanced national development. Of course, I am not opposed to the existing Korean government's policy to expand housing supply in Seoul. When the goal is to stabilize real estate prices, supplying new units for 300,000 households can be a sufficient countermeasure. If one more clause, which prohibits the ownership of multiple houses by law, is implemented in addition to that countermeasure, the officially announced land price and house price in Seoul will be very stable. However, I express the following views on all future facilities to be built in the metropolitan area step by step. The development of housing sites is to expand the volume to areas other than the metropolitan area, and the top priority is to secure state-owned land in the metropolitan area where national key infrastructure facilities can be built at any time. The method of moving a housing site to a place other than the metropolitan area may be simpler than you think. This is because almost all citizens who have to go to work have to move along with their workplaces if they transfer almost all facilities of all companies existing in Korea to the south of the metropolitan area. In the case of buildings, there are virtually no significant means of regulation right now. This is because, unlike houses, buildings are not essential purchase items that all citizens must own. Therefore, there is currently insufficient justification for sanctions such as a heavy tax burden close to forced confiscation, such as coping with the housing market, or other means of punitive meaning. However, the world cannot be maintained without economic activities, and buildings are the center of all economic activities. Therefore, there is currently no justification for special sanctions against those who already own buildings, except for the method of presenting a more stringent standard for individual building acquisition procedures step by step. However, until this public insurance and related judicial systems are fully settled, detailed measures must be fully discussed. However, it is clear that the sanctions of the transitional period are not unnecessary at all. This is because the formation of a commercial district itself is impossible if the price of a building is not stable. This is because not only commercial rights but also any institutions, facilities, organizations, corporations, or corporations cannot be maintained without the building being the foundation. Therefore, there are no major obstacles for the state to continuously create and implement measures for price stabilization of real estate assets under the pretext of the need for efficient land management. However, the legal basis for special sanctions against a single person owning multiple buildings is currently somewhat lacking, including cases where people who already own multiple buildings speculate on them and form bubbles in price formation. As a starting point for the discussion above, it is appropriate to prepare a transitional measure limited to the case of intentionally evicting a tenant who had been imposing a murderous building tax on them. As for building tax, even if the building price rises, some increase in building tax is unavoidable in order to protect the people who created the existing commercial district. However, it is reasonable when the building tax rises in tandem with the increase in the tenant's actual revenue. Because the tenant contributed to the increase in the price of the building above, even if the tenant demands a fair share of the increased price of the building, there is no excuse from the landlord's point of view. It is also necessary to prepare a system for redress of rights through civil lawsuits. In other words, if the official land price changes due to the formation of commercial rights, a measure that guarantees the building tenants a certain share of the changed official land price is suitable as a starting point for discussing detailed measures for the above issues. (Because there are many people who have already suffered such damage, so it is necessary to go through some damage relief retroactively for a certain period of time.) However, most of the current building owners are forcing each commercial district business owner who created the existing commercial district to pay excessive building taxes before earning actual profits. It's not right. No matter how much someone is a building owner, if the increase in the price of the building he owns has nothing to do with his efforts or achievements, but the value of the real estate asset rises, it causes the following immoral social phenomenon. The landlord sits still and deliberately ignores the contributions of others and kicks out the person who actually contributed to the price increase. Above all, it is a part that can act as a major impediment to the country's economic development. No matter how small a business is, if it goes bankrupt one after another, the ripple effect is too great. And the people get used to such immoral social phenomena, and such human resources gradually rise toward the center of society. Therefore, it is necessary to further strengthen the verification process for qualification requirements in the building acquisition process of both individuals and corporate groups. It is a just cause for the state to regulate the selfish act of trying to earn profits alone by unfairly raising the price of a building. Creating a speculative market falls under the above. (It insists that what is equivalent to national public property is private property.) (And trick others into saying public property is private property.) (Then steals the private property of others created by the trick.) (In reality, the existence of a limited supply is faked as if there is an infinite supply.) (Above all, when the value of real estate increases somewhere, the value decreases somewhere, but there is no change in the total asset value of the entire country.) (Because the area does not change from the beginning.) (This is a side effect of excessively privatizing the part that necessarily requires public asset management.) Or, even though those who created the existing commercial district are the contributors to the actual building price increase, they ignore it. And it compulsorily imposes a building tax on tenants that is difficult for building tenants to pay. The above two cases are suitable as a starting point for discussion in the process of introducing public insurance proposed in this proposal. In other words, only for the above building owners, a system must be established in which the state can order the building owners to adjust the building tax. This requires voluntary reporting by tenants and verification by relevant administrative departments and government agencies on the causes of the actual formation of commercial areas or other building price increases. After that, all landlords must be notified that some restrictions or adjustments on the exercise of rights by building owners are nationally necessary, and the adjustment procedure must be implemented. Otherwise, when holding a building, it restricts the act of acquiring the building solely for the purpose of renting the building by the tenants. Along with the above, there is a need for the government to regulate and prevent the unfair acquisition of buildings that are difficult to see as the concept of managing other legitimate assets. In other words All economic entities capable of owning buildings, such as individuals, organizations, or corporations, must be regulated unless the reason for owning a building falls under a legitimate divisional investment management of the assets held. In addition, the acquisition qualification must be obtained first. The reasons are the following two. The first building acquirer concentrates all assets in only one building. In the above case, difficulties in asset management due to fluctuations in the asset value of buildings often cause unreasonable damage to tenants and all other economic entities who need to conduct economic activities through buildings. In order for building asset managers to compensate for their investment failure risk The state should control and prevent the ownership of such types of buildings. Second, it is rare in building asset management, but for the purpose of arbitrarily adjusting the publicly announced land price As described above, this mainly occurs when the value of the commercial district increases by chance after the commercial district is created first, or when other facilities are built around it. The other case, a broader concept, is the willful negligence that arises because immovable property is currently defined as private property. It is deeply related to the concentration of population in the metropolitan area. The case above is the case where publicly announced land prices do not rise simply because of population concentration, but companies use population concentration as a willful negligence to prevent a decline in the value of real estate assets in which they have invested. Of course, it is quite unreasonable to demand that the building you already own be replaced with another asset right away. Therefore, the process of mediation mentioned above is necessary for the time being. In addition, all future acquisitions of new buildings require verification of qualifications including the above. This requires more detailed qualification verification. Originally, there are many factors behind the fluctuations in real estate prices. It is not uncommon for real estate prices to rise and fall regardless of individual efforts, such as urban development in the vicinity or the introduction of subways. Therefore, all real estate is bound to have unusually many ups and downs in the process of managing the asset. An unreasonable increase in building tax at the time of a price rise in preparation for a price fall belongs to the case where the building owner made an excessively excessive investment compared to the size and ability of the assets owned by the building owner. It is a little closer to investing simply for personal greed that damages the economic activities of other economic entities. In the case of a building, it is unreasonable to consider the asset as a means of property growth, considering that unlike a house, it is not an item necessary for survival, but is necessary for economic activities or other public affairs. It is actually necessary to operate assets that are closer to simply taking over and managing public assets. In order to do so, it is only possible to actually implement such asset management only when the price of the actual building corresponding to the size of the real estate asset currently managed is relatively low compared to the size of the total asset owned by the investor. Of course, if the qualification requirements are too stringent, the price of the building itself is much higher than that of a house, and the entry barrier is too high, so side effects cannot be ignored. Therefore, we request that you review the above official standards in more detail, establish the qualification verification requirements first, and then review the announcement and implementation. For example, if the management of all assets is concentrated only on one building, the government needs to mediate the burden on tenants. However, it is a problem when it is necessary to consider whether the risk of falling real estate prices goes hand-in-hand with the tenant's responsibility. In normal cases, when the value of real estate property falls, the burden on tenants naturally decreases. However, the building owner may feel considerable difficulty in investing other than that and sell the building. At this time, who will take over the building and for what purpose is the most decisive factor in the continuation of the tenants' business. The above issue also occurs because real estate assets have been operated as private property until now. However, the most important issue is how to convince the existing building owners of the public insurance in the initial stage of the introduction of this proposal. Therefore, it may be a little difficult to review strong regulations from the beginning regarding the increase in the burden on tenants due to the increase in building prices. Therefore, limited to building asset management, the risk of asset loss due to fluctuations in real estate prices is regarded as a national loss. In addition, fluctuations in the value of all immovable assets are defined as losses close to natural disasters in the total value of the country's assets. Therefore, when the state operates public insurance that can make up for losses, the state has a justification for regulating excessive building tax increases. (The operation of public insurance is an example only.) (There may be other ways of concentrating public funds and assets.) As a result, the most important thing is to make it clear that a building is not a house and is not an investment object. In addition, more detailed and specialized additional measures are needed to clarify that it is an object closer to public property than private property. It seems possible to derive a fundamental solution only by changing the current system itself, which is currently operating the asset as an individual's asset. It is recommended that public institutions conduct their own investigations on building asset management problems in a more specialized manner. After that, I earnestly request that you discuss all the details in more depth and implement the system. Buildings are difficult to see simply as private property and are closer to public property. And the enactment of a reasonable and actual law and the creation of related systems for that part are the first priority. This is also the case for most projects that require in-depth expertise, such as those of architectural firms, public or private civil engineering projects. There is bound to be a limit to the measures that an individual called me can come up with simply by personal research in the absence of professional data and the absolute lack of field data for detailed actual field measurements. Also, I am never in a position to have a comprehensive view of everything. I hope my national proposal is not an iron rule that must be enforced literally. Rather, we earnestly hope that it will be used as a simple data or framework that can serve as a basis for the preparation of actual government measures, or that can be helpful in the process of creating actual policies. This is because there is always a gap between theory and reality. Personally, I'll see if there's anything I can improve on. |
⑩ Expected effect The country will be able to manage 100% of the nation's No. 1 strategic asset, the national land, in a strategic direction. In addition, all investment risks can be minimized with respect to the construction, sale, purchase, holding, management of all real estate assets in Korea, and the creation and preservation of profits in any other state. In addition, all economic burdens between all economic entities involved in the economic management of all immovable assets are reduced to the minimum burden. However, all of the above should be implemented together with the abolition of the lowest price bidding system to raise the minimum wage and the minimum profit guarantee system for SMEs. That alone is not enough, and the judicial system reform, which is another proposal of this proposer, and the enactment of other laws for stock investment and management of all financial assets to be drafted in the future should also be considered. However, the reorganization of the immovable asset system in this proposal is to make it clear that all immovable assets are the entire national territory whose value cannot be changed from the beginning. It is also another object to prevent the intentional private property of the entire immovable property and its fragmentation due to simple personal greed. (It is also to prevent the total capital of society from becoming someone's private property due to the simple individual greed of an unspecified person as the unwritten willfulness of the majority of social members due to institutional deficiencies.) Another purpose is to prevent the fluctuations in the price of one part of the real estate market from affecting the total amount of real estate capital due to personal greed. Finally, the ultimate goal is to prevent the total asset value of society from fluctuating due to the change in the value of that part. |
How to write |
① Title: Write a title that implicitly summarizes the contents of the proposal to be submitted. ② Submission agency: Write down the administrative agency to submit the public proposal. ③ Whether the same or similar proposal has been submitted to another institution: Determine whether the same or similar proposal has been submitted to another institution and mark , and if so, write the submitting institution and the date of submission. ④ Topic Proposer: The person who made the greatest contribution to the establishment of the national proposal. If the contribution is the same as that of the co-proposer, it is decided through agreement between the proposers and written down. ⑤ Co-sponsor: Fill out when a public proposal is jointly established. ⑥ Whether or not to disclose processing status: Decide whether or not to disclose the processing status and reception of public proposals via the Internet in real time, and mark . ⑦ Method of notification of processing results: Decide the method to be notified of the reception and processing status of public proposals, mark , and write down the detailed contact information of the indicated method. ⑧ Current status and problems: Describe the current status and problems of government policies, administrative systems, and administrative operations related to the contents of the public proposal in detail. ⑨ Improvement plan: Write down specific creative ways to solve the problem. ⑩ Expected effect: Write down the expected effect when the improvement plan is applied. |
210mm×297mm [preservation paper 70g/㎡] |
아래는 기존 게시물이다.
나는 이 대한민국의 전략적 군사적 가치라는것에 대하여 꽤 오랜시간 고민해왔다.
I have been contemplating for quite some time that this is the strategic and military value of the Republic of Korea.
그리고 무엇인가를 발견하였는데
and I found something
그렇게 썩 좋은 소식은 아니다.
That's not very good news.
나름대로 군사적 지식이 충분한 필자이므로 필자의 말에 큰 의심은 하지 않아도 된다.
I have enough military knowledge in my own way, so there is no need to doubt my words.
흔히 우리나라는 인적자원과 지리적 이점이 강점이라고 이야기들을 하고는 한다.
It is often said that Korea's human resources and geographical advantages are its strengths.
인적자원과 지리적 문제가 핵심인것은 맞는데
It is true that human resources and geographic issues are the key. but,
거기서 적용 대상이 문제다.
There is the issue of application for who
인적자원은 우리나라가 아니라 일본이 문제의 핵심이며 지리적 이점 역시 일본과 가장 근접해있으면서 동시에 중국과 국경을 마주한 유일한 국가가 우리나라다.
In terms of human resources, Japan is the core of the problem, not Korea, and Korea is the only country that has a border with China while being the closest to Japan in terms of geographical advantage.
2차 세계대전
World War II
미국은 동양권의 모든국가와의 교전중 일본과의 교전을 가장 힘들어했고
The United States suffered the most from fighting with Japan among all the countries in the East.
결국 그 문제는 오로지 이 지구상의 단 하나의 국가를 향한 핵무기의 실제 사용으로 이어졌다.
In the end, the matter only led to the actual use of nuclear weapons against a single nation on this planet.
미국은 바로 그 지역에서 두 번 다시 같은 문제가 재발되지 않기를 강력히 원한다.
The United States very strongly wants the same problem to never happen again in that region.
그런데 그 지역을 사실상 점령하는 주체가 누가 될 것이냐는 사실 상당히 심각한 문제다.
However, the fact that who will occupy the area is a very serious problem.
미국이 원하는 것은 결국 일본이 중국이나 러시아에 흡수 통일 되는 것을 저지하는 것이다.
What the United States wants is to prevent Japan from being absorbed and reunified with China or Russia.
우리나라나 일본이나 사실상 천연자원 보유량은 형편없다.
Both Korea and Japan have very little natural resource reserves.
단지 그들의 인적자원들이 너무나 막강한 화력을 실제로 발휘할 수 있기 때문에 - 윤리적인 문제를 떠나서 인적 자원의 우수성 -
Just because Japan's human resources can actually wield such a formidable firepower - the excellence of human resources beyond ethical issues -
사실상 어딘가로 흡수 통일되지않도록 하기 위하여 지속적인 견제를 하고있는것 뿐이다.
In fact, it is just a continuous check in order to prevent Japan from being absorbed and unified somewhere.
(미국이 바라는것은 항상 우리나라가 일본보다는 약한 군사력을 유지하면서 동시에 일본이 지나치게 약해지거나 지나치게 강해지지 않는 바로 지금 현재보다 조금 더 과거의 혹은 군사적 상황만으로는 지금 현재의 상황에서 더 약체화되지는 않는선에서의 균형의 유지다.)
(The United States always wants Korea to maintain a weaker military power than Japan, while maintaining the military tension of the 1990s without Japan becoming too weak or too strong.)
(대략 90년대 수준의 균형이 군사적 균형만으로 보았을 때에는 미국이 바라는 가장 이상적인 군사적 균형이었다.)
(Approximately the balance of the 1990s was the most ideal military balance that the United States desired in terms of military balance alone.)
(지금 일본은 기초과학기술 분야에서 중국이나 러시아를 압도하기 조금 어렵다.)
(Right now, it is a little difficult for Japan to overtake China or Russia in the field of basic science and technology.)
(과거에는 그렇지가 않았는데 상황이 바뀐 것이다.)
(This was not the case in the past, but that has changed now.)
(20년 전의 일본이 주도하던 기초과학 기술의 저력과 지금의 저력이 차이가 나는 것이다.)
(The power of basic science and technology, led by Japan 20 years ago, is different from that of today.)
(만약 일본이 지금보다 더 약체화될경우 한국과 일본은 미국의 동맹으로서의 가치를 잃게된다.)
(If Japan becomes weaker than it is now, Korea and Japan will lose their value as an alliance of the United States.)
(우리나라의 기초과학기술 저력은 일본에 아직 미치지 못한다.)
(Korea's basic science and technology power is still far below that of Japan.)
(원래 대단히 차이가 나던것이 많이 차이가 좁혀지기는 했지만 아직 멀었다.)
(Initially, there was a very large difference, but the difference has been narrowed down to a large extent, but it is still a long way off.)
(사실 위 내용과는 별개로 우리나라와 일본이 건재함으로 인하여 미국이 얻는 이득은 그 자체가 꽤 크기는 하다.)
(Actually, apart from the above, the benefits that the United States gains from the existence of Korea and Japan are actually quite large.)
(그런데 그것은 적국의 턱밑에 일단 비수를 꽂아넣고 있는것과 거의 유사한 팽팽한 긴장의 유지를 전제로한다.)
(By the way, it is premised on maintaining a tight tension almost similar to putting a dagger under the chin of an enemy country.)
(즉 우리나라와 일본과 미국의 삼국 동맹이라는 것은 우리와 일본이 정말로 미국과 한팀을 맺고 중국과 러시아를 실제의 적국으로 즉 전쟁을 목적으로 할 때에만 유지가 가능한 동맹이다.)
(In other words, the three-way alliance between Korea, Japan, and the United States is an alliance that can be maintained only when Korea and Japan truly form a team with the United States and have China and Russia as real enemies, that is, for the purpose of war.)
(만약 미국이 단번에 중국과 러시아를 제압할 수 있거나 획기적인 전략으로 그들을 무너트린다면 모르겠지만)
(I don't know if the US can subdue China and Russia at once, or if they can be overthrown with a groundbreaking strategy)
(그렇다고 그러한 부분만을 생각하고 우리가 과거의 행동에서 교훈을 얻지 못한다면 앞으로 대한민국에 미래는 없다.)
(However, if we think only of that and do not learn from our past actions, there is no future for Korea.)
(만약 도저히 어쩔 수 없는 문제로 인하여 전략적으로 매우 위험한 정보의 노출을 할 수가 없었던것 뿐이라면 어떻게 할 것인가?)
(What if the only thing that could not be helped was not to strategically disclose very dangerous information because of an unavoidable problem?)
(그쪽에서는 단지 드러내놓고 말을 할 수가 없었던것 뿐인것을 이쪽에서 단순히 못알아들었던것이 확실한 경우)
(If it is clear that the other side simply did not understand that it was just that he could not speak openly)
(앞으로는 정말로 드러내놓고 뭔가를 진행할 수밖에 없는 것임이 확실한 경우)
(If it is certain that in the future you will really have no choice but to do something openly)
(지금 현재상황으로서는 만약 특이동향 발생시 미국은 우리나라와 일본을 버릴 수밖에 없다.)
(Under the current situation, if an unusual trend occurs, the United States has no choice but to abandon Korea and Japan.)
(만약 전쟁이 목적이 아닌 삼국 동맹이었다면 우리가 중국과 경제협력을 맺은 것은 우리나라의 가장 큰 패착이다.)
(If war was not the purpose of the three-way alliance, then our economic cooperation with China is the biggest defeat for the Republic of Korea.)
(미국이 무슨 대책을 준비를 하고 있는가를 떠나서 미국과 동맹국이라면 해서는 안되는 일이었을뿐이었다.)
(Regardless of what countermeasures the United States is preparing, it was just something the United States and its allies should not do.)
(사실상 뒤에 버티고있는 백업조의 역할을 수행할 일본을 버리기가 아까워서라도 저지르면 도와주었을 일을 정말로 대한민국이 못알아들은 것이다.)
(In fact, it is a matter that the Republic of Korea did not really understand that it would have helped even if it was a pity to abandon Japan, the backup group that was standing behind it.)
(만약 한중 외교 수교가 없이 우리가 정말로 미국을 믿고 그 때에 중국을 확실히 압박하는 목소리를 지금의 대만만큼이라도 내주었더라면)
(If there was no diplomatic relations between Korea and China, if we really believed in the United States and gave a voice to put pressure on China at that time, even as much as Taiwan is now)
(사실 일본과의 과거사 문제가 삼국 동맹의 가장 큰 걸림돌이었고 결과적으로 대한민국의 돌발행동을 유발한 가장 큰 원인이 맞기는 하는데)
(Actually, the problem of the past with Japan was the biggest obstacle to the Triple Alliance, and as a result, it is true that it is the biggest cause of the sudden action of the Republic of Korea.)
(과연 현명한 선택이었을까?)
(Was it really a wise choice?)
(만약 당시의 대한민국이 실제로 미국을 강하게 믿었음으로인하여 중국에 무언가 실질적인 경제적 압력을 강력하게 행사할 수만 있었다면 우리나라가 고토 수복을 일부 하는것도 충분히 가능했었다.)
(If the Republic of Korea at the time had a strong belief in the United States and could exert some real economic pressure on China, it would have been possible to restore some of the ancient land that Korea had lost.)
(만약 그 때의 삼국동맹의 의미를 미국과 일본 그리고 대한민국 삼국이 모두 확실히 인지할 수만 있었다면 가능했던 일이었는데)
(It would have been possible if only the United States, Japan, and South Korea could all clearly understand the meaning of the Triple Alliance at that time.)
(왜 인지하지 못하였을까?)
(Why didn't I realize it?)
(그냥 당시의 미국이 우리나라를 도저히 믿지 못하고 테스트해 본 것 아니었을까?)
(Isn't it just that the United States at the time did not trust Korea at all and just tested it?)
(어차피 무슨 일인가가 벌어지면 일본을 버리기가 아까워서라도 나서기는 나섰을 일이기는 하다.)
(Even if something happened, it would have been a waste to abandon Japan, though.)
(물론 그것은 상대국을 너무 강력하게 궁지로 내모는 일이었기 때문에 확실히 도박성은 매우 짙었다.)
(Of course, it was a very strong gamble, because it cornered the opponent so strongly.)
(그러나 시도할 가치는 분명히 있었던 일이다. - 과거의 그 시점에서는 분명히)
(But it was definitely worth a try - at that point in the past, obviously)
(다만 3차대전으로의 확전을 자제하기 위하여 대한민국을 버리는 돌로 테스트 해 본 일일 것이다.)
(However, it must have been a test with a stone thrown away in Korea in order to refrain from escalating into World War III.)
(지금 내가 판단하기에 그것은 그 리스크가 매우 큰 도박이었기는 하지만 ... 대만이 현재 홀로 외로이 살아있는데 당시의 대한민국의 행동은 지금 판단하기에 당시의 동맹국들의 모든 행동에 가장 큰 걸림돌 그 이상도 이하도 아니었다.)
(Now I think that it was a very risky gamble, but ... Taiwan is now living alone, and the actions of the Republic of Korea at the time were no more or less than the biggest obstacle to all the actions of allies at the time in my opinion now. .)
(물론 우리나라만이 아니고 그들에게 시장개방을 압력할 때에 일국 양제를 허용한것이 사실상 가장 큰 패착이고)
(Of course, not only Korea, but also allowing one country, two systems when pressured them to open the market is actually the biggest defeat)
(애초에 시장개방을 요구할 것이 아니라 경제적 고립을 통한 실제의 군사적 이득을 확실히 얻고 난 뒤에 실행되었어야 했던 것이 시장개방을 통한 정치적 변화였다.)
(It was a political change through market opening that should have been implemented after securing actual military benefits through economic isolation rather than demanding market opening in the first place.)
(그런데 거기에 너무 큰 걸림돌로 작용한 무엇인가가 있었던것이다.)
(But there must have been something that acted as a big stumbling block.)
(한중 외교수교는 중국을 향한 경제적 고립정책의 가장 큰 구멍이었다.)
(The diplomatic establishment between Korea and China was the biggest hole in the economic isolation policy toward China.)
(지구상의 거의 모든 나라가 다 동참을 실제로 해왔는데 정작 어떤 나라가 안 해온 어떤 일)
(Almost all countries on the planet were participating, but some countries did not actually do something.)
(러시아 소비예트연방이 어떻게 무너졌는지 페레스트로이카가 어떻게 이루어졌는지를 80년대 90년대 눈으로 보면서 우리는 어 우리랑 중국이랑 인접국가잖아 라면서 그들과 경제협력 수교를 맺은 것이다.)
(Seeing how the Russian Soviet Union collapsed and how the perestroika was accomplished in the 1980s and 1990s, we established economic cooperation with them, saying that we are neighboring countries with China.)
(정치권의 수장이 자주 바뀌어서였을까?)
(Is it because the heads of politics changed frequently?)
(사실 역사의 흐름은 여기서 대한민국의 가치를 판가름 내렸던것이다.)
(Actually, the flow of history has determined the value of Korea here.)
만약 천지가 개벽을 하듯
If heaven and earth are opening up
일본이 정말로 과거사 문제에 눈을 뜨고
Japan really opened its eyes to the problems of its past
(사실 여기까지는 큰 문제가 없는 일이기는 하다)
Actually, there is no big problem so far.
더이상의 군사력 확장을 하지 않겠다라는 성명을 실제로 발표하는 일이 실제로 발생할 경우를 잠시 생각해보자.
Let us consider for a moment the case in which Japan actually issues a statement that it will not expand its military force any more.
(물론 과거사는 언젠가는 정리하여야 할 문제였기는 했지만 그렇다고 그들의 약체를 지금 주장해서 무엇을 어쩌자는 것인가?)
(Of course, the history of the past was an issue that had to be sorted out someday, but what are we going to do by claiming their weakness now?)
(일단 당장 코앞의 가장 큰 위험부터 해결하고 난 뒤에 생각했어야 할 문제를, 적을 앞에두고 자중지란 혹은 내란을 선동한 꼴이다.)
(This is a problem that you should think about after solving the biggest danger right away, like inciting self-determination or civil war in front of the enemy.)
지도를 놓고 보면서 제발 다시 생각해 보길 바란다.
Please look at the map and think again.
한미일 삼국 동맹에서 탱커는 누구이고 백업은 누구인가?
Who are the tanks and backups in the Korea-U.S.-Japan Triple Alliance?
제발 시력에 특별한 이상이 없다면
Please do not have any special problems with your eyesight
아니면 누구편을 들면 일이 해결될 것 같은가?
Or on whose side do you think things will be resolved?
만약 일본이 과거사 문제는 그렇다치고 군사적인 행동력의 확보를 완전히 포기할 경우
If Japan completely renounces securing military action, Leaving aside the past
우리나라도 일본도 그 모든 전략적 가치를 잃게된다.
Both Korea and Japan will lose all their strategic values.
(미국이 원하는것은 일본이 그동안 축적한 모든 군사적 과학적 지식들이 타국으로 넘어가는것을 막는것 뿐이다.)
(The only thing the US wants is to prevent Japan's accumulated military and scientific knowledge from passing to other countries.)
(동시에 너무 큰 성장을 하는것 역시 저지하고싶을 뿐인 것이다.)
(At the same time, the US just wants to stop them from growing too big.)
위 사태가 실제로 발생할 경우
If the above situation actually occurs
(일본이 정말로 모든 군사적 행동을 멈추고 기초과학기술 발전 속도가 중국이나 러시아보다 현저하게 늦추어질 경우)
(If Japan really stops all military actions and the pace of basic science and technology development is significantly slower than China or Russia)
마치 우크라이나 사태에 오로지 경제적인 지원만을 하고있을 뿐인 그런 사태에 우리나라가 실제로 처할 수 있다.
The Republic of Korea could actually face a situation in which it is only providing economic support to the Ukraine crisis.
과거의 일본을 향한 지금은 결코 원하지 않는 무엇인가가 어이없게 끝났기 때문이다.
This is because the Something towards Japan in the past, which is not desired now, has ended absurdly.
이미 미국 내 여론 역시 과반 이상이 더 이상 우리나라에 미군이 주둔하기를 원하지 않는 실정이다.
Already, more than half of the public opinion in the US does not want US troops stationed in Korea anymore.
지금까지 이 대한민국은
So far, this Republic of Korea
정말로 적국을 견제하기 위한 지리적 이점 때문에 어쩔 수가 없이 건재할 수 있었을 뿐이다.
In fact, it was only able to survive because of its geographical advantage to contain the enemy.
혹시 우리나라가 핵무장을 자체적으로 해내면 괜찮을 수 있을까?
Could it be ok if South Korea achieves nuclear armament on its own?
제발 우리 지도를 다시 한 번 보고 양심에 손을 얹고 가슴에 손을 얹고 다시 생각하자
Please look at the map again, put your hands on your conscience, put your hands on your chest and think again
(그 핵무기를 써 보기도 전에 가루가 될 수 있다.)
(The Republic of Korea can be ground to dust before it even uses its nuclear weapons.)
(국토 면적이 워낙 좁기 때문에 장거리 타격이 가능한 재래식 무기의 화력집중 하나만으로 모든것이 가루가 될 수 있는것이다.)
(Because the land area is so small, everything can be crushed with just one concentration of firepower of conventional weapons capable of long-range strikes.)
(그걸 북한이 선전하므로 안심하나?)
(Are you relieved that North Korea is promoting it?)
(중국과 러시아에 적용해 보자)
(Let's apply the parties to China and Russia)
(1분이면 끝난다.)
(It's over in one minute.)
(만약 중국과 러시아가 재래식 무기 개발에 속도를 올릴경우 그 사정권이 대한민국 전국토를 넘어서서 동해상까지 인접할 수 있다.)
(If China and Russia speed up the development of conventional weapons, their range could extend beyond the entire Korean territory and be adjacent to the East Sea.)
(시간이 더 흐르면 일본도 사정권에 들 수 있지만 극히 일부지역까지만 가능할 것이다.) (장거리 순항 미사일 한계)
(As time goes on, Japan may also be within range, but it will only be possible to a very small area.) (Long-range cruise missile limit)
위는 단순히 전투기와 폭격기 해상 공중전력 장거리 순항 미사일 체계를 포함한 각종 공대지 지대지 미사일 발사만을 전제로 하였을 때를 상정한 단순 시뮬레이션이다.
The above is a simple simulation that assumes only the launch of various air-to-surface missiles, including fighter and bomber maritime air power long-range cruise missile systems.
북한이야 장사정 포를 운운하지만
North Korea is transporting long-range artillery
중국이나 러시아는 포병을 운용할 필요가 없다.
Neither China nor Russia don't need to use artillery.
(현재 러시아와 우크라이나 사태는 러시아가 그동안 많이 약체화된 결과일 뿐이다.)
(The current situation in Russia and Ukraine is only a result of Russia's weakness.)
(소비예트 연방이 분해되었기 때문에 발생하고있는 특이한 결과)
(Unusual consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union)
(솔직히 전면전이라고 하기도 다소 어렵다.)
(Honestly, it's a bit difficult to call it an all-out war.)
(그러나 만약 위 상황이 장기화 되거나 우크라이나가 러시아에 흡수 통일될 경우 우리나라는 확실히 더는 무사하기 어려운 상황에 확실히 처할 수 있다.)
(However, if the above situation continues for a long time or Ukraine is absorbed and reunified by Russia, Korea can certainly find itself in a situation where it is difficult to survive any longer.)
(러시아가 과거의 소비예트연방의 영광을 되찾고 중국이 백업할 경우)
(If Russia restores former Soviet Union glory and China backs up)
(내생각에 러시아와 우크라이나는 근시일 내에 화해 협상에 성공할 것으로 보인다.)
(I think Russia and Ukraine will succeed in reconciliation negotiations in the near future.)
(어떤 극단적 결론으로 치달을 사안이 아니기 때문이다.)
(Because it is not a matter to reach any extreme conclusion.)
(그들은 그들이고 우리는 우리인 것이기 때문이다.)
(Because they are them and we are us.)
(다만 협상의 조건은 당연히 러시아측에 유리한 조건이 될 수밖에 없다.)
(However, the conditions of the negotiation are bound to be favorable to the Russian side of course.)
(그들이 그 상황을 장기화시키는 것만으로도 그들은 우위를 점할 수가 있기 때문이다.) (-다소 위험한)
(Because they can gain an edge just by prolonging the situation.) (-somewhat dangerous)
우크라이나를 지원하기 위하여서 우리는 먼저 어디를 지나가야 할까?
Where should we go first to support Ukraine?
(단지 러시아는 자신들이 잃어버린 영광을 되찾기만을 원할 뿐이라는 점을 감안할 때 협상 조건은 러시아에 유리한 채로 우크라이나의 자주권은 살아있는 채로 마무리 될 필요가 있다.)
(Given that Russia only wants to regain its lost glory, the terms of the negotiations need to be concluded in favor of Russia and Ukraine's sovereignty remain alive.)
(분명한 것은 러시아는 이미 한미 동맹을 무너트리기 위한 실제의 군사적 행동을 몇달째 실행 중이라는 명백한 사실이고)
(What is clear is that Russia has already been carrying out actual military actions to undermine the Republic of Korea-U.S. alliance for months).
(최근 중국측 동향도 심상치 않기는 마찬가지다.)
(The recent trend on the Chinese side is also serious.)
(미국은 이미 한발 물러설 모든 준비를 다 마쳤고)
(The United States has already finished all preparations to take a step back)
(우리나라는 아직 사태파악은 고사하고 정신도 못차리는 수준이다.)
(Korea has not yet grasped the situation.)
It must be said that they are still at a level where they can't come to their senses.
도대체 지금까지의 전후 100년이라고하는 그야말로 횡재도 이런 횡재가 없을만큼의 행운 속에서 우리는 과연 무엇을 하며 살았는가?
What the hell did we do in the midst of such a good fortune that there is no such thing as a windfall that is said to be 100 years after the war?
적어도 우리나라가 지도상에서 우크라이나보다는 미국의 직접 지원을 받기 수월할 수는 있다.
At least, it may be easier for Korea to receive direct US support than Ukraine on the map.
미군이 철수하기 전까지만
Until the US withdraws
위 문제가 실질적 해결이 되기 위하여서는 일본이 상당한 수준의 재래식 무기 강국의 수준은 되어야 한다.
In order for the above problem to be practically resolved, Japan must be at the level of a considerable power in conventional weapons.
특히 해상자위대 전력이 엄청 강해져야 하는데
In particular, the Maritime Self-Defense Force must be very strong.
(대한민국과 주한미군이 위험할 때 실제의 백업이 가능한 수준으로 해상자위대가 강력해져야한다.)
(The Maritime Self-Defense Force should be strong enough to provide an actual backup when the ROK and USFK are in danger.)
(일본에 핵무장을 시켜주기는 어렵지만 핵 항모는 필요한 것이다.)
(It is difficult for Japan to have nuclear weapons, but a nuclear carrier is necessary.)
(그것도 거의 현재 미 해군이 운용중인 숫자에 비하여 그리 뒤떨어지지는 않는 수준까지 필요하다.)
(It is also necessary to a level that is not far behind the number currently in operation by the US Navy.)
(미 해군의 절반 이하정도만 되어도 상당한 전력이 될 것이다.)
(Even less than half of the US Navy would be a significant force.)
(핵항모 그리고 원자력 잠수함)
(Nuclear carriers and nuclear submarines)
(당연히 미일 동맹으로 벌이는 것이 확실한 일인 경우 중국은 절대로 가만히 있지 않는다.)
(Of course, in a situation where the US and Japan have a clear alliance, if Japan does such a thing, China will never stand still.)
(일본 독자적 판단에 가까운 일이어야 한다.)
(It should be close to Japan's independent judgment.)
(그것도 급진적이 아닌 점진적으로 진행되어온 일이었었어야 했다.)
(It should have been a gradual process rather than a radical one.)
(이미 일이 그렇게 된 것을 너희가 어쩌겠느냐고 미일이 중국에 말할 수 있을 동안 대한민국이 탱킹을 해 주었어야만 했었다.)
(South Korea should have tanked it while the US and Japan could tell China what you would do if it had already happened.)
그런데 위 상황 속에서 정작 대한민국의 군사력은 확장시켜줄 수가 없다.
(However, under the above circumstances, the military power of the Republic of Korea cannot be expanded.)
일본의 군사력 확장이 충분한 수준에 먼저 도달하기 이전에는 절대 대한민국의 군사력을 확장시켜줄 수가 없었던 것이다.
(If Until Japan's military expansion reached a sufficient level first, it was impossible to expand South Korea's military power.)
만약 대한민국이 중국이 아닌 미국의 손을 들어주고 일본이 해상자위대 전력을 무한정 키울 수 있도록 앞에서 탱킹을 잘 해 줄 수만 있었다면
If only the Republic of Korea could raise the hand of the United States, not China, and tank well in front of Japan so that it could expand its Maritime Self-Defense Forces force indefinitely.
만약 대한민국이 자신들을 구원하여준 미국을 진실로 믿는것 하나만 할 수 있었다면
If the Republic of Korea could do only one thing to truly believe in America, who saved them,
만약 대한민국이 일본의 군사력 확장에 반대하지 않을 수만 있었다면
If only South Korea could not oppose Japan's military expansion
중국은 지난 20년 동안 남몰래 웃었다.
China has been secretly laughing for the past 20 years.
나는 도대체 왜 때가 지나도 20년은 더 지난 이야기를 지금 이 시점에서 굳이 하고 있는 것일까?
Why the hell am I even talking about 20 years later at this point in time?
사람이 다른 사람에게 무언가를 말하고 싶을 때 발생하는 정신과 언어의 장벽 ....
A mental and language barrier that arises when a person wants to say something to another person....
그것은 물론 현대의 사회에서 반드시 극복하여야만하는 어떤 사회적 문제가 맞기는 하는데
It is a problem that must be overcome in modern society.
그 이전에 다른 문제가 있다.
Before that, there is another problem.
이미 탄로난 전략을 어떻게 실행할 것인가의 문제
The question of how to implement an already revealed strategy
미국은 이제 대한민국을 버리고서라도 무언가를 할 수 있어야만 한다.
The US should now be able to do something even if it abandons the Republic of Korea.
미국은 이제는 대한민국에 요구할 수밖에는 없다.
The U.S. has no choice but to demand from South Korea.
부디 총을 들고 눈앞의 적들과 홀로 맞서달라고
Please pick up your gun and face the enemies in front of you alone
그러지 않으면 우리는 일본의 군사력을 확장시켜줄 수 없으니
Otherwise, we cannot expand Japan's military power.
우리가 너희를 구원하여주기는 하였으나 너희 때문에 적국의 위협을 감수 하기에는 이미 시간이 많이 도과하였다고
We saved you, but it's already too late to take the threat of the enemy because of you.
눈을 들어 TV 뉴스 중에서 오직 하나만을 보라고
Raise your eyes and watch only one of the TV news
이미 우리의 혈맹이자 동맹이 될 것을 약속한 우크라이나가 이미 적국으로부터 공격을 받고 있는데 너희가 지금 적을 도와주고 있다고
Ukraine, which has already promised to be our blood ally and ally, is already under attack from the enemy, and you are helping the enemy now.
물론 지금은 일본의 군사력을 확장시켜줄 수 있는 명분상의 가장 최 적기다.
Of course, now is the best time to expand Japan's military power.
러시아가 우크라이나를 공격하고 있으므로
Russia is attacking Ukraine.
애석하게도 상황은 20년 전의 군사적 최적기 시기에 비하여 많이 안좋은 시기이지만
Unfortunately, the situation is much worse than the best military timing of 20 years ago.
지금 실행할 경우 오로지 지구상의 단 두 나라만이 적극적인 반대가 가능하다.
If implemented now, only two countries on the planet can actively oppose it.
그것이 대한민국의 현 주소다.
That is the current address of Korea.
어차피 실행하지 않더라도
Even if you don't run
앞으로의 대한민국이 더이상 자주 독립국이자 민주주의 국가이기는 매우 어려운 상황이 되어 버렸다.
It has become a very difficult situation for the Republic of Korea to become an independent and democratic country in the future.
그래서 명분상의 최적기 라고 하는 것이다.
That's why it's called the timing of justification.
미국이 앞으로 무엇을 하더라도 앞으로는 대한민국이 그 리스크를 짊어지지 않는 것이 불가능한 상황이라는 뜻이다.
This means that no matter what the US does in the future, it is impossible for the Republic of Korea not to take that risk in the future.
물론 나역시 과거사문제에 열정으로 달려들었던 청년이었기는 하지만
Of course, I was also a young man who rushed to the past with passion.
그것이 위와같은 결과로 이어지기를 바랐던 것은 아니었다
I didn't expect it to lead to the above result.
한미일 삼국 동맹의 군사력의 약화를 걸고서까지 진행한 일은 아니었다는 뜻이다.
This means that it was not carried out even at the risk of weakening the military power of the South Korea-U.S.-Japan triple alliance.
언젠가는 거론 하여야 하였을 일이었기는 하는데,
It was something that should have been discussed at some point.
일본이 사과하고 난 뒤의 행동을 누군가가 결정을 하여야 했던것이 문제다
The problem is that someone had to decide what to do after Japan apologized.
일본의 사과와 일본의 군사력의 약화가 동의어여야 해서는 안되는 사안이었던 것이다.
Japan's apology and the weakening of Japan's military power should not be synonymous.
만약 우리가 일본과의 과거사 문제보다는 그냥 제 3의 다른 국가인 미국만이라도 확실히 믿는 방향으로 일이 진행 되었었더라면 ....
If things had progressed in such a way that we could only believe in the United States, which is a third country, rather than the issue of past history with Japan...
그냥 잠시라도 그들에게 무언가 말이라도 해 볼 수가 있어서 다행이었던 것일까?
Was it fortunate that I could just say something to them, even for a moment?
정말로 이 지구상에서 어떤 민족 하나가 지도상에서 완전히 사라지기 전에 하나님께서 그들에게 잠시 숨이라도 쉬라고 텀을 주신것이 아니었을까?
Wasn't God really giving them a moment to breathe before any one people on this planet disappeared completely from the map?
숨이 막히는 침묵
suffocating silence
앞으로의 군사적 상황에서 더이상의 미국의 약체화는 있어서는 안된다.
There should be no further weakening of the United States in the future military situation.
그것이 우리가 미국으로부터 받은것에대한 유일한 답례다.
That is the only return we have received from America.
일본의 군사력에대한 당장의 강화는 현실적으로 어렵고
Immediate reinforcement of Japan's military power is difficult in reality.
그것은 지금 강행할 경우 3차대전을 유발할 가능성이 매우 높다.
It is very likely that it will trigger World War III if it is enforced now.
다만 우크라이나를 구원하고 앞으로 중국과 러시아와 협상할 때 이제는 정말로 대놓고 거론하여야 하는 협상 카드다.
However, when saving Ukraine and negotiating with China and Russia in the future, it is a negotiating card that should be really openly discussed.
지금 현재 코스피가 연일 장중 바닥을 치는 이유
The reason why the KOSPI is hitting the bottom every day right now
외국인 투자자들이 자금을 황급히 회수하는 이유
Why foreign investors are rushing to withdraw their funds
내가 이 대한민국에 태어나서 처음 보는 환율 달러대비 1400원
This is the first exchange rate I've seen since I was born in Korea. 1400 won against the dollar.
정말 43년 사는동안 처음본다.
It's the first time I've seen it in my 43 years of life.
황당하게도 지금 아이들은 잔다.
Sadly, now the children are sleeping.
다른 동맹국 아이들이 전쟁의 포화속에 끔찍한 일을 당하고 있을 이 때에
At a time when the children of other allies were being subjected to terrible things in the fire of war.
홍콩사태 이후의 우크라이나 사태
Ukraine after Hong Kong
아이들은 그냥 생각이 없다.
Children just have no idea.
그냥 죽음을 각오한 용기 하나만 있으면 되는 일에 대하여서
About the work that only takes one courage to be ready to die
끝까지 자신들은 살아남아있기만을 바란다.
Until the very end, they just want to survive.
이 나라의 아이들은 도통 실수라는것에 대하여서 절대 책임지려 하지 않기 때문이다.
This is because the children of this country will never take responsibility for making a mistake.
대한민국은 앞으로 전쟁에 반드시 대비하여야 한다.
The Republic of Korea must prepare for war in the future.
적국은 북한 하나만이 아니다.
North Korea is not the only enemy.
일본의 군사력 확장은 결국 단지 협상의 카드만이 아닌 실제의 사안이 될 것이고
Japan's military expansion will eventually become a real issue, not just a negotiating card.
결국 중국과 러시아가 미국을 믿어주거나 아니면 대한민국이 전쟁의 참화속에 스러지거나 하여야 할 것이다.
Ultimately, China and Russia will have to trust the US, or Korea will have to collapse in the ravages of war.
대한민국이 그 속에서 할 수 있는 일은 오직 하나다
There is only one thing that Korea can do in it.
중국과 러시아를 설득하여 보는 것 뿐이다.
It's just trying to convince China and Russia.
물론 전쟁은 준비 하여야 하는데 쉽지는 않을 것이다.
Of course, we must prepare for war, but it will not be easy.
거의 무방비로 중국의 분노를 맞받아내어야 할 것이다.
You will have to face China's anger almost defenselessly.
나는 솔직히 말해서
I'll be honest
내가 중국의 분노를 정면으로 받아야만 하는 입장이 되더라도
Even if I am in a position where I have to face China's anger head-on
내가 구차하게 중국과 러시아를 설득하여야만 하는 입장이 되더라도
Even if I am in a position where I have to persuade China and Russia
이시점에 미국을 희생시키고 싶지는 않다.
I don't want to sacrifice America at this point.
그것은 사람이 살면서 형성한 어떠한 신뢰도의 문제다.
It is a matter of trust that people have formed in their lives.
공산주의는 어쨋건 싫은 것이다 ...
Communism is something I hate anyway...
자본주의는 완벽하지 않다 물론
Capitalism is not perfect
그러나 제도를 보완하고 개선하면 완전에 근접할 수 있다.
However, if the system is supplemented and improved, it can approached perfection.
그 보완책을 실제로 마련을 해 본 입장에서
From the point of view of actually preparing the supplementary measures
정작 이론으로만 가능할 뿐 실생활에 적용을 시키는 것이 불가능한 공산주의는 싫은 것이다.
I hate communism, which can only be applied in theory but cannot be applied to real life.
왜냐하면 이론과 현실상의 괴리의 크기만큼 부정과 부패의 크기가 달라지는 문제이기 때문이다.
This is because it is a problem in which the size of injustice and corruption varies as much as the size of the gap between theory and reality.
결국 나는 부정과 부패와 부조리가 나의 죽음이나 내가 감수하여야할 전쟁보다도 더 싫은 것이다.
In the end, I hate injustice, corruption, and absurdity more than my death or the war I have to endure.
앞으로의 국제정세라고 하는 것은
What is the future international situation?
미국이 중국이나 러시아를 향한 그 어떤 발언 한 마디에조차도
Even a single word from the U.S. towards China or Russia
대한민국의 안보와 미래를 도저히 더는 장담하기 어려운 상황이다.
It is difficult to predict the security and future of the Republic of Korea any longer.
여기서 정말로 중요한것은 대한민국의 안보인가?
What is really important here is the security of the Republic of Korea?
아니면 자본주의 진영의 미래인가?
Or is it the future of the capitalist camp?
대답하기에 앞서서
before answering
대만의 선택은 무엇이었나?
What was Taiwan's choice?
홍콩의 선택은 무엇이었나?
What was Hong Kong's choice?
지금 현재의 우크라이나의 선택은 무엇이었나?
What was Ukraine's current choice?
이것은 향후의 대한민국이라는 국가의 앞으로의 존속의 가치에 대한 신의 질문이다.
This is God's question about the future value of the country's future existence as the Republic of Korea.
인간이 자연의 섭리를 버리고 그 대신의 행동 양식으로 삼은 신념에 대하여 정말로 자신들의 목숨과 안보를 거리낌 없이 희생할 수 있는가에 대한
Can humans really freely sacrifice their lives and security for the beliefs, they have decided to forsake the laws of nature and act in their stead?
누구는 자연의 섭리가 더 중하다 하고 누구는 신념이 더 중하다고 이야기하는 이중인격 말고
Other than the dual personality that some say that the providence of nature is more important and some say that belief is more important.
무엇이 더 중요한가?
What is more important?
오로지 자국의 안보만이 가장 중요한가?
Is only Korea's security the most important thing?
아니면 옳다고 믿어왔던 신념과 동맹이 더 중요한가?
Or are the beliefs and alliances you believed to be right more important?
사람은 경우에 따라서는 자신이 옳다고 생각하는 그 신념에 목숨을 걸 수 있어야 한다.
People should be able to risk their lives for the beliefs they think are right, in some cases.
오로지 그 신념 즉 사회적으로 모두가 옳다고 믿고있는 그 신념 하나만이
There is only one belief, the belief that everyone in society believes to be right.
어떠한 현실상의 요소가 아닌 요소로서 사람의 존재와 그 행동을 결정하는 제 3의 요인이 될 수 있다.
As a factor that is not a real factor, it can be a third factor that determines the existence and behavior of a person.
사회라는 것은 보다 적은 실수를 하는 사람들이 보다 많은 실수를 유발하는 사람들을 사실상 지배하는 형태로 하나의 팀을 꾸리는 조직 체계다.
Society is an organizational system in which those who make fewer mistakes effectively dominate those who make more.
모든 생명체에게 자아의 존재가치는 물론 최우선 선결과제이다.
For all living things, the existence value of the self is, of course, the first priority.
사회속에서 생명체의 존재가치는 사회가 추구하는 신념 이하로 귀속된다.
The existence value of living beings in society is attributed to less than the beliefs pursued by society.
그것은 인류가 자연의 섭리를 버리고 사회를 구축한 순간부터 절대 벗어날 수 없는 신의 질문이다.
It is a question from God that cannot be escaped from the moment when mankind abandoned the providence of nature and established society.
자연의 섭리냐?
Is it the providence of nature?
아니면 사회냐?
Or is it society?
앞으로의 대한민국은 결정하여야 한다.
The Republic of Korea in the future must decide.
자신들이 추구하는 신념이 무엇인지를
what beliefs they pursue
물론 그 이전에 다른 국가는 자신들의 이익을 위하여 먼저 행동할 수밖에 없다.
Of course, before that, other countries have no choice but to act in their own interests first.
미국은 대한민국이라는 국가의 결정 이전에 행동하지 않으면 앞으로는 정말 위험할 수 있다.
If the United States does not act before the decision of the Republic of Korea, it could be really dangerous in the future.
일본도 마찬가지다.
Above is Japan too.
나는 물론 이 대한민국이 자신들의 안보보다 자본주의 진영의 미래를 더 중요하게 여기는 선택을 하여 주기를 간절히 바란다.
I sincerely hope that this Republic of Korea will make a choice that places more importance on the future of the capitalist camp than its own security.
그러나 ...
But ...
그들은 그런 결정을 하지 않을 가능성이 더 높다.
They are more likely to not make that decision.
앞으로의 대한민국이란
What is the future of Korea?
투자자들이 자금을 회수하기 어려운 상황에 시시 때때로 내몰릴 수밖에 없다.
Investors are sometimes forced into situations where it is difficult to recover their funds.
지금까지는 미국이 모든것을 막아주었고 심지어 다른 국가들이 대신 희생양이 되어주었다.
So far, the United States has blocked everything, and even other countries have fallen victim to it.
그 모든 희생들의 발생과 불필요한 자본의 유입은 오로지 하필이면 대한민국이 중국과 긴밀한 협조 관계를 유지해왔기 때문에 발생한 일들이다.
All these sacrifices and unnecessary inflows of capital were caused solely because the Republic of Korea had maintained close cooperative relations with China.
그것은 단지 포지션을 잘못 이해한 대한민국의 실책일 뿐이다.
It is simply the mistake of the Republic of Korea in misunderstanding its position.
물론 그것은 감정적 원인이 강하게 작용한 결과이기는 하지만 그 기간이 문제다.
Of course, it is the result of a very strong emotional problem, but the duration is the problem.
무엇보다 적과 아군을 구분하는것에 실패하였고 적을 도와주는 행위를 인식하지 못하였으며 마지막으로 거기에 무슨 거리낌을 느끼지도 않는다는 사실이다.
Most of all, they failed to distinguish the enemy or friend, did not recognize the act of helping the enemy, and finally, they are did not feel any hesitation about it.
만약 온전히 중국 쪽으로 전향하거나
If they turn entirely to China, or
혹은 완전히 미국의 편을 확실히 들어주거나
Or take it completely on America's side
마지막으로 지금의 상태를 계속 유지해 보려 하거나
Finally, even if they try to keep the status now
어느 쪽도 지금까지의 투자자들의 자금 회수는 불투명하다.
In either case, the recovery of investors' funds so far is unclear.
가능한 시나리오는 서방측 자금이 빠져나가고
A possible scenario is that Western funds are drained.
중국측 자금이 이 나라에 들어오는 경우 뿐이다. (매우 소량) (절대 기존보다 불충분한 양으로)
It is only when Chinese funds come into this country. (Very small amount) (Absolutely insufficient amount than before)
그 이후의 대한민국의 미래를 나는 절대 상정하고 싶지가 않다.
I never want to imagine the future of Korea after that.
부디 이 나라의 모든 국민들이
All citizens of this country
타국의 고혈이나 다름없는 자금의 유입과 지리적인 그 중요도 때문에 도저히 어쩔 수가 없이 억지로 대신 버텨주는 모든 희생들 앞에서
Regarding the continuous inflow of foreign capital, which is no different from the bloodshed of other countries,
In front of all the sacrifices that are forced to endure because of its just geographical importance.
제발 정신을 차려주기를
please let them come to their senses
그들은 단지 농담이 될수가 없는 일을 농담처럼 무책임하게 생각하였을 뿐이다.
They just thought it irresponsible as a joke for something that couldn't be a joke.
그들이 해 온 모든 일들은 아무도 본받아서는 안되는 반면교사다
Everything they've done is a mirror image of a bad teacher that no one should imitate.
물론 나는 그것이 어떠한 문제이던 사회속에 어떠한 문제의 소지가 존재한다면 그것에대한 최단시간내의 가장 신속한 제거를 추천한다.
Of course, if any problem exists in society, whatever it is, I recommend removing it in the shortest possible time.
엄밀히 말해서 그들은 다른 국가 다른 사회에서라면 발생을 시키는 것이 오히려 불가능한 문제의 발생을 너무 오랜 기간 단지 방치 하였을 뿐이다.
Strictly speaking, they simply neglected the occurrence of problems that would be impossible to cause in other countries and other societies for too long.
따라서 미국과 일본을 위시한 영국과 유럽 모든 자본주의 동맹국들은 그들을 배제하고 행동하여야 한다.
Therefore, Britain and all capitalist allies in Europe, including the United States and Japan, must act without them.
나는 앞으로의 대한민국의 전략을 말하여서는 안된다.
I should not talk about Korea's future strategy.
이런 공개 커뮤니티에서는 특히나 더
In this public community, especially
단지 ..... 지금까지의 내용만큼은 반드시 누군가에게 말하여야 할 필요성을 느꼈기 때문이다.
It's just because I felt the need to tell someone about the content so far.
너무 늦어버려서 말해도 아무 소용이 없어지기 바로 그 직전에
Just before it's too late to say it's useless
이제는 그 완벽했던 포위망이 정말로 무너질 수도있을 심각한 위기 앞에서
Now, in the face of a serious crisis in which the perfect siege could be completely collapsed.
컴퓨터를 켜고 구글 세계전도를 펼쳐놓은 다음 1990년대의 상황을 우리 되짚어 보자
Turn on the computer, open a Google World Map, and look back at the situation in the 1990s.
전 세계의 모든 국가가 동시에 완벽한 포위망을 형성하여 지구상의 단 둘 뿐인 공산주의 국가 두 나라를 완전히 포위하였다.
All countries in the world formed a perfect siege at the same time, completely besieging the two only communist countries on the planet.
그 포위망은 실로 완벽하여서 물샐틈이 없는 완벽한 포위망 이었다.
The encirclement was so perfect that it was a perfect encirclement with no leaks.
그 두 국가가 다른 나라에 지원을 요청하기 위하여서는 완벽히 다른 대륙에 속하는 남미나 중간의 다른 우방국을 지나서 석유 생산국 정도 말고는 어느 국가에게도 도움을 요청하는것이 불가능했다.
In order for the two countries to request assistance from other countries, it was impossible to ask for help from any country other than an oil-producing country through other friendly countries in the middle or in South America, which belong to completely different continents.
이 대한민국은 그 때 그 상황 속에서 하필이면 한 중 외교 수교를 맺었다.
At that time, the Republic of Korea established diplomatic relations between Korea and China under that circumstance.
그야말로 모든 텐션이 완전히 상실되기 직전인 지금에는 도저히 말을 하지 않을 수가 없었던 것 뿐이다.
In fact, right before all tension was completely lost, it was impossible not to speak at all.
아니면 이렇게 말을 바꾸어야 할까?
Or should I change it like this?
혹여라도 대한민국 금융시장에 특히 대부분의 중소기업들을 대상으로 하는 단기 유동성 시장의 자금들이 과반 이상이 중국측 자금으로 대체될 위험징후가 보이거든 국민여러분들은 조속히 이 나라를 대피하여 주십시오
If there are any indications that the Korean financial market, especially in the short-term liquidity market for all about small and medium-sized enterprises, will be replaced by Chinese funds more than half, please escape the country as soon as possible.
사실 삼각편대가 반드시 필요했던것은 단지 1990년대였을 뿐이라고 나도 그렇게 말을 하고 싶다.
In fact, I want to say that it was only in the 1990s that a tripod was absolutely necessary.
내가 누군가에게 대피경고를 할 필요성이 없을 수만 있다면
Unless I don’t need to warn someone to escape...
그냥 이 대한민국은
just this korea
예쁘고 아름답고 도덕적으로 가장 이상적인 국가로 살아주기만 하였어도
Even if we only lived in the most beautiful and morally ideal country,
그리고 자신들을 구해주었던 미국을 강하게 믿고 하자는대로 가기만 했었어도
And even if they strongly believed in the United States that saved them and just went as they wanted
아무도 못 건드리는 국가였었다.
It was a country that no one could touch.
until when?
1990년대 초 중반까지
until the mid-1990s
우리나라에 필요한 국가적 전략은 단 하나였었다.
There was only one national strategy needed for our country.
남들에게 보여주기위한 가장 이상적인 사회모델의 실질적인 구축
Practical construction of the most ideal social model to show to others
아버지의 나라로 가자면서 아이들을 데려가서 키워주기까지 하였던 이유
The reason why he even took children to raise them while going to his father's country
다른 나라들과는 달리 아직 때묻지 않았던 당시의 유일한 국가에게 세계가 바랐던 것
What the world wished for the only country at the time that, unlike other countries, was not yet unspoiled
만약 이 대한민국이 지금 이 순간 이 지구상에서 가장 도덕적인 국가가 맞기만 할 수 있어도 ....
If only this Republic of Korea could be the most moral country on the planet at this moment...
나는 지금 이 순간 정말로 귤이 매우 절실하게 필요하다
I really desperately need mandarin(or orange) at this moment
귤 같은 마음 ㅠ ㅠ
A heart like orange or marmalade
단지 내가 목이 매어서 필요하다는 것이 유일한 결점이다.
The only downside is that I'm thirsty and need it.
만약 그곳에 도저히 목에 가시처럼 걸려서 어찌할 수가 없는 것이 존재한다면
If there's a part that sticks like a thorn in your neck,
우리가 목적하는 바로 그 결과에 가장 적합한 수단이 무엇인지 다시 한번만 더 생각해 보아주기를 바란다.
I ask you to think once more about what is the most appropriate means for the very end we are aiming for.
전세계의 모든 자본주의 국가가 어떤 한 국가만이라도 정말로 이상적인 국가로 만드는것에 성공하였을 때의 그 순간을 제발
Please, the moment when all the capitalist countries in the world succeed in making any one country truly ideal.
우리에게 필요한 것은 무엇이며 필요하지 않은 것은 도대체 무엇이란 말인가?
What do we need and what do we not need?
우리가 그것을 해 내는 것에 단지 지구에서 TV 를 사라지게 하는 것만으로도 상당한 효과가 있다고 하면 할 것인가?
What if we were to say that just making the TV disappear from the planet has a significant effect on what you do?
정말로 그것이 없어도 동작할 수 있는 사회가 가능하다면 할 것인가?
If it were possible, would a society that could really function without it really do it?
나는 지금 이 순간에 진심으로 의문을 가진다.
I am genuinely questioning at this moment.
도대체 이 나라에 그런 것들이 왜 필요한 것인지 도저히 이해할 수 없는 것들이 너무나 많은 것이다.
There are so many things that I can't quite understand why this country needs them.
이 나라는 시작부터 끝까지 오로지 동방예의지국 이었어야만 했다
This country should have been only the country of courteous people in the East, Korea from start to finish.
자본주의 사회 속에서 우리에게 필요하지 않은 문물들을 우리가 걸러내지 못한 것이 너무 많은 것이다.
There are too many things that we have not been able to filter out things that we do not need in a capitalist society.
자본주의 사회라고 해도 우리는 정말로 그것들이 없어도 자본주의 사회를 구축할 수 있다.
Even in a capitalist society, we can really build a capitalist society without them.
어떠한 변화라고 하는 것은 고정관념을 벗어나는 것뿐만이 아니라 합리적 사고를 동시에 할 수 있어야 한다.
Any change should be able to not only escape mannerism, but also be able to think rationally at the same time.
누구나 다 처음 그림을 배울 때에는 나는 절대 사람의 얼굴을 그리는것은 실패하지 않을거야 라고 생각한다.
When everyone first learns to draw, I think that drawing a human face will never fail.
이 지구상에 그것이 가능한 인간은 없다.
There is no human on this planet who can do that.
모든 인간은 반드시 시행착오를 통하여 학습하고 성장한다.
All humans must learn and grow through trial and error.
실수하지 않는 인간은 존재할 수 없다.
There is no human being who does not make mistakes.
무엇이 실수이고 무엇이 실수가 아닌지를 구분하는것이 실수 그 자체보다 더 중요한 것이다.
The distinction between what is a mistake and what is not is more important than the error itself.
누가 실수를 한 것이 마치 죄라도 되는것처럼 공격하려 들지 않는것이 실수하지 않는것보다 더 중요한 것이다.
It is more important not to attack as if someone made a mistake is a sin than not to make a mistake.
실수와 실수가 아닌것을 구분하는데에는 자기 자신의 합리적인 사고가 필요하다.
Distinguishing between mistakes and non-mistakes requires one's own rational thinking.
누군가의 실수를 그것은 죄라고 아군을 오인공격 하는 것을 막으려면 사회 전체의 합리적 사고가 필요하다.
It requires rational thinking from the entire society in order to prevent misinterpreting someone's mistake as a sin and attacking an ally.
그러한 사회를 실제로 구축하기 위해서 지금 우리의 사회 속에 그 존재를 유지해야 할 것은 무엇이고 사라지게 하여야 할 것은 무엇인가?
In order to actually build such a society, what should be maintained in our society now and what should be made to disappear?
방법이 없어 보인다면 그 방법을 만들면 된다는 생각을 하지 못한다면 그것을 매너리즘을 벗어난것이라고 할 수 있는가?
If there seems to be no way, if you don't think that you can make it(way), can you say that it is outside of mannerism?
이 모든 것은 내가 만든 네 가지 다섯 가지 정도의 사회모델을 영문으로 번역하기 이전의 서론이다.
All of this is an introduction before I translated the four or five social models I made into English.
지금 현재 이 대한민국상에 존재하는 모든 것들은 정말로 이 지구의 진정한 피눈물이다.
Everything that exists in the Republic of Korea right now is truly the real tears of blood on this planet.
어느것 하나 빼놓을 것 없이 모든 것이
All about, everything without exception
도저히 정당한 업적이라고는 표현할 수 없는것들만 뺀다면
Except for things that cannot be described as legitimate achievements
애석하게도 처음 그림을 배울 때에는 누구나가 다 실수한다. 사람의 얼굴을 그리는 일 조차도
Unfortunately, everyone makes mistakes when they first learn to draw. Even drawing a human face
우리는 누군가의 그 실수를 반드시 용서할 수가 있어야만 하는데
We must be able to forgive someone's mistakes
우리가 사는 세상속에서 운전자의 과실은 보행자나 다른 운전자의 죽음을 유발한다.
In the world we live in, driver negligence causes the death of pedestrians and other drivers.
우리가 사는 세상속에서 사업주의 과실은 소비자나 노동자의 죽음을 유발한다.
In the world we live in, the negligence of business owners causes the death of consumers and workers.
우리가 사는 세상속에서 국가 공무원이나 지도자의 과실은 국민의 죽음을 유발한다.
In the world we live in, the negligence of government officials or leaders causes the death of the people.
그런데 과실 그 자체를 사람이 극복하는 것이 그냥 불가능한 문제일 때
However, when it is simply impossible for a person to overcome negligence itself
나는 자본주의 사회속에서는 최대한 사회구성원들간의 큰 마찰이 발생하지 않는것이 가능한 사회 체계를 구상이나마 완성할 수 있었다.
In a capitalist society, I was able to conceive of and complete a social system in which, as much as possible, large frictions between members of society do not occur.
그런데 중국 내부나 러시아 내부를 상정할 경우 그것이 매우 어렵게 느껴진다.
However, it seems very difficult when considering the inside of China or Russia.
다른것은 전부 가능한데 하나가 안된다.
Everything else is possible, but not one.
대단히 역설적이게도 부의 균등한 분배를 위하여 마련한 사회모델을 그곳에 적용시키기가 대단히 어렵다.
Ironically, it is very difficult to apply the social model prepared for the equal distribution of wealth there.
그것은 일단 대기업과 중소기업이 실제로 존재하는것을 전제로만 가능한 모델이기 때문이다.
This is because it is a model that can only be done on the premise that large companies and SMEs actually exist.
다른 모델들은 뉴욕이나 북경이나 심지어 모스크바에도 실제 적용이 가능하다.
Other models could be put into practice in New York, Beijing or even Moscow.
다만 그 사회 모델이 적용이 가능하다고 하여서 나타나는 효과도 동일하기가 매우 어렵게 느껴진다는 것이다.
However, even if the social model can be applied, it feels very difficult to achieve the same effect.
아무튼 그 사회적 모델들은 곧 번역에 들어갈 것이다.
Well, those social models will soon go into translation.
나는 비교적 이론과 현실사이의 괴리의 크기가 보다 적은 자본주의를 선호한다.
I prefer capitalism, where the gap between theory and reality is relatively small.
그것은 전체 사회 구성원들이 반드시 발생시킬 수밖에 없는 과오의 숫자와 크기 그 영향력의 크기, 비극의 크기등을 결정한다.
It determines the number and size of the mistakes that all members of society must make, the size of their influence, and the size of the tragedy.
1992년 이 나라에 IMF 국제금융통화기금에 의한 금융 위기가 발생했을때
In 1992, when the country suffered a financial crisis caused by the IMF International Monetary and Monetary Fund.
그 때가 이 나라가 한중 외교 수교를 맺은 첫 해이기도 하다.
It was also the first year of diplomatic relations between Korea and China.
국제 투자자들은 바로 그 해에 바로 알았다.
International investors knew right away that year.
이 나라에 미래는 없다는 것을
that this country has no future
우리는 아직 건재 하잖아?
Are we still alive?
당시의 모든 동맹국들의 힘이 지나치게 약해진 상태로?
In a state in which the strength of all the allies at the time was too weak?
어쩌면 지금 현 상황이 바로 중국이 원한것일 수 있다.
Perhaps the current situation is exactly what China wants.
대한민국이라는 동방의 소국을 미끼로 서방국가 우방국들의 힘을 약화시키는 것
To weaken the power of Western countries' allies by using the small Eastern country of Korea as a bait.
이 나라 사람들은 아직 자신들이 단지 미끼역할만을 수행하고 있는것 뿐임을 전혀 이해하지 못한다.
The people of this country still do not understand at all that they are only playing the role of bait.
물론 중국은 그 역사가 오래된 만큼 신뢰도가 상당히 높은 국가가 맞기는 하다.
Of course, as China has a long history, it is true that China is a very reliable country.
과연 북한은 가만히 있을 것인가?
Will North Korea really stand still?
중국은 어느쪽의 손을 들어줄까?
Which side will China support?
그들이 이 대한민국이라는 장벽만 넘어서면 바로 뒤가 일본이다.
As long as they cross the barrier of Korea, Japan is right behind them.
중국은 일본을 앞에두고 내란이 발생하는것을 원하지 않을 가능성이 더 높다.
China is more likely not to want a civil war with Japan in front.
지금 대한민국이 할 수 있는 일은 그동안의 외교정책들을 되돌이켜보고 중국과 러시아와 무엇으로 협상할 수 있는지를 모색하는 한 편, 일본의 군사력 확장에 이제는 동의하여 주어야 한다.
What South Korea can do now is to look back on its foreign policies and find out what it can negotiate with China and Russia, while now agreeing to Japan's military expansion.
일본은 너무 오랜기간 매우 훌륭하게 인내하여 주었다.
Japan has been very patient with it for too long.
이 대한민국의 등 뒤에 이제는 매우 든든한 우방국을 만들어야 할 차례다.
Behind this Republic of Korea's back, it is now time to make a very strong ally.
일본의 군사력을 키우는 것이 왜 한국과의 과거사 문제를 종결짓는 행위와 동의어가 된다고 생각을 하는가?
Why do you think increasing Japan's military power is synonymous with closing the historical dispute with South Korea?
지금까지의 대한민국은 타국이 선전하는 내용에서 자국에 이익이 될만한 내용들을 발견하지 못하였을 뿐이다.
So far, the Republic of Korea has only been unable to find any content that could be beneficial to its own country in the propaganda of other countries.
지금 상황이 어쩔 수 없으니까 너네 군사력 그래 키워 우리도 이판사판 공사판이다 우리도 군사력 키운다 이 한마디를 왜 타국에 대고 요구할 수 없었는가 말이다.
Because the current situation is unavoidable, yes, increase your military strength, and we will also increase our military strength.
왜 한국은 일본의 군사력 확장을 반대하는가?
Why does South Korea oppose Japan's military expansion?
그것을 왜 지금 현재에 과거사 문제를 종결하는 것이다 라고 착각 하는가?
Why are you mistaken for ending the problem of past history in the present?
일본이 아무리 군사력을 확장해도 앞에 중국이 있는 한 우리를 어쩌지 못한다는 명백한 사실을 왜 모르는가?
Why do we not know the obvious fact that no matter how much Japan expands its military power, it cannot do anything to us as long as China is in front?
만약 대한민국이 일본에대한 복수를 원한다면
If Korea wants revenge on Japan
중국이 과연 일본에대하여 적극적인 복수를 할 수 있을지 모르겠다.
I don't know if China will be able to take revenge on Japan.
그것은 정말로 그렇다.
It really is.
과연 할 수 있을까?
Can it be done?
만약 대한민국이 중국에 의한 일본에 대한 복수를 원할경우
If Korea wants revenge on Japan by China
대한민국은 확실히 패망하는데 그동안 일본은 반대자가 사라진 군사력 확장을 재개할 것이다 미국의 도움을 받아서
The Republic of Korea will surely be defeated, but in the meantime, Japan will resume its military expansion, which has lost its opponents. With the help of the United States.
북한이 핵개발을 하는것이 만약 일본을 노리는 것일 경우가 골치다.
It is troublesome if North Korea is developing nuclear weapons if it is targeting Japan.
그러나 이쪽이 알았으므로 대응이 가능한 수단이 일본에 있기만 하면 된다.
However, since this side knows, it is only necessary that there is a means in Japan that can respond.
만약 일본이 북한의 핵개발에 대하여 무대응으로 지속적으로 일관할 경우에 한하여 중국에 의한 일본에 대한 복수가 가능하다.
China can take revenge on Japan only if Japan continues to be consistent in responding to North Korea's nuclear program.
물론 복수를 원하더라도
Even if korea want revenge
차라리 안하느니만 못한일에 가까워지는것이 문제다.
The problem is that it's better to get closer to something can't do than not do it.
솔직한 이야기로
with an honest story
지난 40년간 이 대한민국이 저지른 과오와 배은망덕의 크기가 너무 커서
The size of the mistakes and ingratitude that this Republic of Korea has committed over the past 40 years is too great.
아무도 이런 국가를 위하여 뭔가를 희생해주고싶지는 않은 국가가 되었다.
It has become a country where no one wants to sacrifice anything for such a country.
만약 이 대한민국에 실제로 전쟁이 발생할 경우
If a war actually breaks out in this Republic of Korea
절대로 두번다시는 아무도 한국 대신 피를 흘려주지 않을 것이다.
Never again, no one will shed blood for Korea.
누가 이 나라를 도와줄것 같은가?
Who do you think will help this country?
유럽은 각기 자국 경제사정이 원활하지 못하여서라도 참전이 불가능하다.
Europe cannot participate in the war even if its economic situation is not smooth.
일본의 군사력 확장에는 반대한다.
It opposes the expansion of Japan's military power.
한중 외교 수교를 맺은 덕에 북한이 핵을 개발을 하고 있어도 그 경제적 제재에 그냥 존재 자체가 구멍이다.
Thanks to diplomatic relations between Korea and China, even if North Korea is developing nuclear weapons, its existence itself is a hole in the economic sanctions.
북한에 들어가는 물자를 막는 것이 북핵문제 해결의 해법이 될 수가 있는가?
Can blocking materials entering North Korea be the solution to the North Korean nuclear issue?
중국이나 러시아가 버티거나 시키기만 하여도 그들은 하여야만 하는 입장이 되거나 해도 문제가 없는 든든한 백을 가지게 된다.
If China or Russia is willing to hold on or let them go, they have to have a bag that they can do.
한국은 중국과 정면 대결하는것 같은 포지션에는 정작 반대한다.
South Korea is opposed to a position that seems to be facing China head-on.
누가 왜 이런 웃기는 나라를 도와 주어야 하는가?
Who should help this ridiculous country and why?
북한의 핵미사일이 만의 하나라도 일본을 향할 경우
If even one of North Korea's nuclear missiles is directed at Japan
미국은 그동안 준비한 모든 화력을 퍼부을 것이다.
The United States will unleash all the firepower it has prepared so far.
그것은 아마 그동안 정말로 인내를 해 준 일본이 아까워서일 것이기는 하는데
Maybe it's because it's a pity that Japan has been really patient with it
확실치는 않다 다만 도와줄 가능성은 매우 높다 특히 핵문제에는
Not sure, but very likely to help, especially in the nuclear issue
사실 전면전이 발생할 수 있는 위험도 때문에 동양권은 중국 이하의 속국으로 개편될 수도 있다.
Perhaps because of the risk of an all-out war, the Eastern bloc is not without the possibility of being reorganized into a subordinate state under China.
그 경우 중국은 한일관계를 어떻게 풀어나갈까?
In that case, how will China resolve Korea-Japan relations?
아마 중국은 한일관계를 풀어주려하기보다는 보다 더 쉬운 다음과같은 선택을 할 가능성이 매우 높다.
It is likely that China will choose a more convenient direction rather than dissolving Korea-Japan relations.
어 우린 나서기 싫으니까 너희들 끼리 알아서 해결해
Uh, we don't want to go out, so you guys can figure it out on your own.
그건 너네들 일이잖아
it's you guys business
다만 위 상황이 장기화될경우 동양권에 서양 문물이 들어오기가 매우 어려워지는데
However, if the above situation is prolonged, it will be very difficult for Western culture to enter the East.
대한민국은 몰라도 일본은 반드시 기존의 서양쪽과의 무역라인을 지킬 수밖에 없다.
Without knowing about Korea, Japan has no choice but to keep the existing trade line with the West.
결국 대한민국이 중국의 사실상 속국에 가까워지고난 뒤에는 일본과의 국력차이가 너무 커지는 문제로 인하여
In the end, after the Republic of Korea became close to China's de facto vassal state, the difference in national power with Japan became too large.
더이상 과거의 역사서 상에서처럼 중국에 대하여 우리가 일본에 대한 방패임을 주장할 가치를 상실하게된다.
As in the historical books of the past, we lose the value of claiming that we are a shield against Japan against China.
중국은 일단 이 대한민국에서 미국의 영향력이 사라지고나면 일본과의 군사력 차이를 유심히 지켜볼 것이다.
China will keep a close eye on the difference in military power with Japan once the US influence in the Republic of Korea disappears.
그리고 효용가치가 다한 국가를 더이상 이웃이라고 생각하지는 않을 것이다.
And a country that has run out of utility value will no longer be considered a neighbor.
결국 대한민국은 완전히 중국에 흡수가 될 수밖에 없는데 일본이 이를 도와줄 수가 없는 상황에 처한다.
In the end, Korea has no choice but to be completely absorbed by China, and Japan is in a situation where it cannot help.
지금 당장 한중 수교를 끊고 저들을 실제로 고립시킬 방향을 심각하게 모색하지 않을 경우 미래에 분명히 그렇게 된다.
If we don't cut diplomatic ties with China right now and seriously look for ways to actually isolate them, it will certainly happen in the future.
그런데 이제는 아무도 그렇게 해 주고 싶지가 않을 지경까지 와버린 것이다.
But now it has reached a point where no one wants to do that.
무엇보다 그동안 중국이 흡수한 자본의 양이 워낙 커서 어느나라도 중국의 자본으로부터 온전히 자유로운 상황 조차도 아니다 지금은
Above all, the amount of capital that China has absorbed so far has been so great that no country is even completely free from Chinese capital.
결국 앞으로의 세계정세는 미국과 서방진영 그리고 중국과 러시아진영으로 완전히 굳어지게되고
Eventually, the world situation in the future will be completely solidified with the United States and the West, and China and Russia.
한 미일 삼각 편대의 위력이 어느날 현저하게 뒤쳐지는일이 발생할 경우
In the event that the power of the ROK-U.S.-Japan triangular formation is significantly lagged one day
한국은 확실히 중국으로 흡수될 것이며 바다건너의 일본은 당분간 무사할 수 있으므로 동북아 정세는 그 시점부터 다시 쓰이게 된다.
Korea will definitely be absorbed into China, and Japan across the sea may be unharmed for a while, so the situation in Northeast Asia will be used again from that point.
나는 대한민국이 해낸 일의 크기를 북한이 해낸 일의 크기의 4분의 1도 안된다고 본다.
I see the size of what South Korea has done as less than a quarter of what North Korea has done.
지금까지 대한민국이 역사속에서 해 낸 일이란 어 갑자기 형편이 매우 좋아졌네 그냥 먹고 즐기자 정도였다.
What the Republic of Korea has accomplished so far in history is that suddenly things have improved so much. Just eat and have fun.
아무 생각도 없이
without thinking
왜 한국은 일본의 군사력 확장을 반대하는가?
Why does South Korea oppose Japan's military expansion?
그것을 왜 지금 현재에 과거사 문제를 종결하는 것이다 라고 착각 하는가?
Why are you mistaken for ending the problem of past history in the present?
일본이 아무리 군사력을 확장해도 앞에 중국이 있는 한 우리를 어쩌지 못한다는 명백한 사실을 왜 모르는가?
Why do we not know the obvious fact that no matter how much Japan expands its military power, it cannot do anything to us as long as China is in front?
모든건 사실 먹고 살자고 하는 짓이다.
Everything is actually about eating and living.
존재가치의 증명부터 하고 난 다음에
After proving the value of existence
미국의 대 중국 전략은 단순하고 강력하다.
The US strategy toward China is simple and powerful.
그냥 일본의 군사력이 확장만 되어도 한국의 군사력이 함께 커질 수밖에 없는 점을 노리는 것이다.
It is simply aimed at the point that even if Japan's military power expands, Korea's military power will inevitably grow together.
과거에는 그 위험부담이 그렇게 까지 크지는 않았다.
In the past, the risk was not so great.
지금은 다소 위험하기는 하지만 일본이 자국의 군대 창설을 하고 군사력을 확장하려는 것을 막을 명분이 많이 희미해진 상황이므로 명분상으로는 상당한 적기다.
It's a bit risky now, but it's a pretty good timing for a reason, as the justification for preventing Japan from establishing its own military and expanding its military has become very blurred.
어차피 우리나라는 일본에 대한 온전한 신뢰가 불가능하기 때문에 우리도 함께 재래식 군사력을 보다 더 키우기만 하면 된다.
In any case, since it is impossible for Korea to have complete trust in Japan, all we need to do is to further develop our conventional military power together.
경제적 포위 압박은 앞으로는 거의 불가능할 수 있지만 아직 군사적 삼각편대는 형성이 가능하다는 것이다.
Economic siege pressure may be nearly impossible in the future, but it is still possible to form a military triangle.
일본이 인내한 이유는 오직 하나다.
There is only one reason Japan has persevered.
대한민국이 정신을 못차리고 돌발행동을 할까봐 자극을 안한 것이다.
It was not stimulated for fear that the Republic of Korea might lose consciousness and act unexpectedly.
그런데 이제는 일본이 독자적으로 군사력을 확장 하더라도 대한민국쪽에서는 아무것도 할 것이 없다.
But now, even if Japan independently expands its military power, South Korea has nothing to do with it.
대한민국이 대 중국 선봉장이 되기를 끝까지 거부하다가 중국에 편입될것이 거의 확실시된 지금에는 그냥 일본이 군사력을 키워야 한다.
Now that it is almost certain that the Republic of Korea will be incorporated into China after refusing to become the vanguard of China, Japan should simply increase its military power.
이들이 아무것도 몰라도 그냥 시키는대로 따라서 군사력을 키울 수밖에 없도록
Even if they don't know anything, they have no choice but to follow their orders and increase their military power.
자본의 무게추가 지금 심각하게 기울어있기 때문에 별다른 방법이 없다.
Since the weight of capital is now seriously tilted, there is no other way.
그렇지않다면 세계를 영원히 양분시킨채로 대한민국을 중국에 편입시키고 일본만이라도 살려놓거나
Otherwise, the world will be divided forever, and Korea will be incorporated into China and only Japan will be saved.
물론 그 경우에도 일본의 군사력은 커질 수밖에 없으며 오히려 그 경우 일본은 핵 보유국이 될 수 있다.
Of course, even in that case, Japan's military power has no choice but to increase, and in that case, Japan could become a nuclear power.
일본의 군사력을 키우는 것이 왜 한국과의 과거사 문제를 종결짓는 행위와 동의어가 된다고 생각을 하는가?
Why do you think increasing Japan's military power is synonymous with closing the historical dispute with South Korea?
지금까지의 대한민국은 타국이 선전하는 내용에서 자국에 이익이 될만한 내용들을 발견하지 못하였을 뿐이다.
So far, the Republic of Korea has only been unable to find any content that could be beneficial to its own country in the propaganda of other countries.
지금 상황이 어쩔 수 없으니까 너네 군사력 그래 키워 우리도 이판사판 공사판이다 우리도 군사력 키운다 이 한마디를 왜 타국에 대고 요구할 수 없었는가 말이다.
Because the current situation is unavoidable, yes, increase your military strength, and we will also increase our military strength.
이 대한민국이 주장하는 과거사 문제의 크기는 중국으로부터의 압력 앞에서는 굴복할 정도밖에는 안되는 것이었나?
Was the size of this historical problem claimed by the Republic of Korea only enough to yield in the face of pressure from China?
중국 뿐만이 아니라 세계 어느나라도 우리의 과거사 문제를 대신 복수해주지 않아
Not only China, but no other country in the world will take revenge for our past history.
왜 한국은 모든 일을 남이 대신 다 해주기만을 바라기만 하는가
Why does Korea only want others to do everything for them?
왜 타국이 선전하는 내용들을 토씨하나 고치지 않고 그대로 수용하기만을 하고, 심지어 그 내용 속에서 자신들에게 이익이 될만한 내용들을 발견해내는 것 조차도 못하는가
Why can't they just accept the contents of other countries' propaganda without modifying them, and they can't even find content that would be beneficial to them in the contents?
이건 정말 혹시나 제발 혹시나 해서
This is really just in case, please, just in case
제발 내가 한국에게 자국에 이익이 되는 내용을 찾으라고 했다고, 하필이면 동맹에게 해가되는 내용은 제발 그건 아니고
Please, I told South Korea to look for content that is beneficial to its own country, but content that is harmful to the alliance, please.
그건 그냥 아니라고 진짜 정말 제발
it's just not really really please
지금 이대로 가면 대한민국은 중국에 편입될 것이고 일본은 정말로 핵보유국이 되는 것으로 결론지어진 채 세계는 영원히 양분되고 그 속에서 오로지 대한민국만 없을 것이다.
If it continues as it is now, South Korea will be incorporated into China and Japan will become a truly nuclear power, and the world will be divided forever and there will be no South Korea alone.
사실 모두 다 먹고 살자고 하는 일이라서
In fact, it's because everyone wants to eat and live.
미국이나 유럽등지에서는 한국의 상황을 그저 강건너 불구경하듯 바라만 보고 있을 뿐이다.
In the US and Europe, they people around korea merely looked on
이것은 결국 이 국가의 국민적 인식 수준, 즉 국민적 다수결에 대하여 타국이 참견을 하지 않고 그냥 바라만 보고있는 상황인 것이다.
In the end, this is a situation in which other countries are not meddling with the level of national awareness of this country, that is, the majority vote, but merely looking at it.
사실 중국 속국쯤 된다고 민족이 사라질 위험이야 있겠느냐 이미 중국 현지인들도 그렇게들 살아들을 왔는데
In fact, is there any danger that the nation will disappear just because it is a Chinese vassal state?
나는 이 나라 국민들이 도대체 왜 스스로 지옥문을 열려고 기를 쓰는것인지 도저히 이해할 수가 없다.
I can't quite understand why the people of this country are so desperate to open the gates of hell on their own.
나는 위 모든 문제의 원인을 이 나라 속의 친일파들로 본다.
I see the cause of all problems as pro-Japanese in this country.
일본조차도 원하지 않을만한 수준의 과잉충성을 하는 이상한 집단들
Strange groups with a level of over-loyalty that even Japan doesn't want
사실 그들 주장대로만 가면 대한민국은 사라지고 일본은 영원히 핵보유국이 될 수가 있기는 하다.
In fact, it is possible that South Korea will disappear and Japan will become a nuclear weapons state forever if they follow their claims.
매우 먼 미래의 역사속에서 미일동맹이 중국을 무너트리고 모든 세계를 자본주의화 하더라도 그 속에 대한민국은 절대로 없을 것이다.
Even if the US-Japan alliance overthrows China and capitalizes the whole world in a very distant future history, the Republic of Korea will never be there.
정작 그 친일파들은 대한민국이 중국에 흡수되기 전에 타국으로 도피할 것이다.
In fact, those pro-Japanese will flee to other countries before Korea is absorbed by China.
나는 모르겠다 그들이 세계 어느나라에서인들 환대를 받을 수가 있을까를
I don't know where in the world they will be welcomed
그야말로 사회속의 암이나 마찬가지인 존재들을
It's like cancer in society.
결국 한민족은 멸종되는 유일한 첫 번째 크로마뇽인이 될 것으로 보인다.
Eventually, the Korean people will be the only first Cro-Magnon people to go extinct.
아예 유전인자 자체가 완전히 도태될것으로 보인다.
It seems that the genes themselves are completely eliminated.
나는 국가를 잃어버리는 한을 품고 도피하였다.
I fled with the pain of losing my country.
그것을 절대 믿지 마라
never believe it
그들은 스스로는 아무것도 해결할 수 없고 남의 도움을 받아야만 하며 타인의 고혈을 착취하는 것을 즐겨 하는 악한 유전자다.
They can't solve anything on their own, they have to get help from others, and they are evil genes that enjoy exploiting other people's blood.
민족의 배신자들이 과거의 자신들의 악행이 두려워서 끝까지 같은 민족을 식인하여가면서 마지막에는 국가까지 지도에서 지워버리고 타국으로 도피를 성공하려고 하는 그야말로 지극히 사악한 유전자다.
Traitors of the nation are afraid of their past evil deeds, so they cannibalize the same nation until the end, eventually erasing the nation from the map and attempting to escape to another country.
최소한 받아들여서 사회에 도움이되기는 매우 어려운것이 확실한 인종들이므로 그냥 지워라
At the very least, it is a race that is very difficult to accept and help society, so just delete it.
그들이 홍콩에 유혈사태를 일으킨 장본인들이며 그들이 지금 우크라이나에 전쟁을 유발한 장본인들이다.
They are the ones who caused the bloodshed in Hong Kong and they are the ones who started the war in Ukraine now.
걸프전이 왜 발생하였다고 생각하나?
Why do you think the Gulf War happened?
그들이 스스로 자국을 망쳐가면서까지 타국에 희생을 강요한 결과들이다 모두가 다 진실로
These are the results of forcing sacrifices on other countries even by destroying their own country.
그런데 그 목적이 무엇인지 혹시 아나?
But do you know what its purpose is?
자신들만 잘먹고 잘 살기를 정말로 바란것 그것이 진짜 그들의 목적이다.
They really want to eat well and live well. That is their real purpose.
자신들로 인하여 중동과 홍콩, 우크라이나에 무슨 끔찍한 일이 발생하여도 눈 한 번 꿈쩍하지 않고 먹고 마신 이들이다.
They eat and drink without blinking an eye no matter what terrible things happen to the Middle East, Hong Kong and Ukraine because of them.
한국을 망가트려 놓고 일본은 핵 보유국을 만들어주겠다는 그것 하나를 위하여 장장 40년 동안 세계에 전쟁을 발생시키고 살인이 일어나도록 유도한 주체들인 것이다.
They are the actors who have caused war and murder in the world for 40 years for the sole purpose of destroying Korea and making Japan a nuclear power.
그렇게 하지 않아도 되는 일을 그렇게 만든이들
People who did things that shouldn't have been done
단지 자신들은 어떻게든 살아보고 싶어서
they just want to live alone
본래 같은 국가에 함께 살고 있는 그 나라의 본래의 국민들 이외에는 굳이 망명신청을 받아줄 이유가 없어 보일 정도다.
It seems that there is no reason to accept asylum applications other than the original citizens of that country who originally live together in the same country.
위 사태가 발생한 두 번째의 원인은 사람과 사람 사이의 대화에서 발생하는 정신과 언어의 장벽이다.
The second cause of the above situation is the mental and language barriers that occur in person-to-person conversations.
나는 그것을 자리에 영향력은 분명히 발휘하는데 자리에는 없는 세 번째의 인격이라고 지칭한다.
I refer to it as a third person who clearly exerts influence in place but is not present.
그것은 그 시대의 다수결이 형성한 관념들과 습관 감정등에 의하여 작용한다.
It works by the ideas and habitual sentiments formed by the majority of the time.
어떤 사회적 통념에 보다 더 가까운데 정확히 그것은 아닌 무엇인가다.
Something closer to some social myth, but not exactly it.
그것은 사회적 통념을 포함하는 보다 더 넓은 개념의 사람의 행동을 결정하는 현실상의 요소가 아닌 정신적 요소이다
It is a mental factor, not a real factor, that determines the behavior of a person in a broader concept that includes social myths.
간단히 예를 들어서 “정치적으로 반듯한 태도” 라는것에 대한 각자의 의견차이를 정확한 예로서 설명할 수 있겠다. (각자의 차이를 존중하는 태도)
A simple example would be to give an exact example of the difference of opinion between each of us about a "politically correct attitude". (respect for differences)
각종 문화적 차이등으로 인하여 다툼이 예상되는 사안에 대하여 존중하는 태도를 일단 취하는 것
Taking a respectful attitude toward issues that are likely to cause conflict due to cultural differences, etc.
이탈리아 저명 저널리스트이신 움베르토 에코 님의 "세상의 바보들에게 웃으면서 화내는 방법" 에서 발췌
Excerpt from "How to Laugh and Get Angry at the Fools of the World" by Italian journalist Umberto Eco
책을 분실하여서 인용 원문이 부정확하고 책의 원제도 부정확한점 양해 바람
I lost the book, so please understand that the original citation is inaccurate and the original name of the book is inaccurate.
핵심만 간단히 하자면 그것 자체는 무슨 위선이 아니다.
To keep things simple, that in itself is not some kind of hypocrisy.
그것은 사용하기에 따라서 올바른 정치적 의견을 마찰없이 주장할 수 있는 윤활유의 역할을 해준다.
Depending on its use, it serves as a lubricant for asserting correct political opinions without friction.
그런데 그것을 정말로 위선이라고 생각을 하고 정말로 위선적인 목적에 사용할 때가 문제다.
But the problem is when you really think it's hypocrisy and use it for a really hypocritical purpose.
그것이 이 대한민국에 지난 40년동안 발생한 일의 전부인데
That's all that has happened in this country over the past 40 years.
그로인하여 유발된 결과는 그야말로 세계적인 수준의 대 참사다.
The result is a truly world-class catastrophe.
솔직한 이야기로 관찰자의 입장에서는 정말로 자리에는 존재하지 않는 제 3의 인격이 그들을 조종한 것으로 보일 지경이다.
To be honest, from the observer's point of view, it's almost as if a third person who doesn't really exist has manipulated them.
한마디로 어떤 시기의 어떤 결정이 그동안 일관성을 유지한 것에 대하여서
In other words, about the consistency of a decision at a certain time
나는 그들이 정말로 미쳤던 것이 아니었을까 강력히 의심하는 것이다.
I strongly doubt that they were really crazy.
한 마디로
in short
이 대한민국이 이 자리에 존재함으로 인하여 발생하는 결과는 이득이 있고 손해가 있고 두 가지가 다 있는 것인데
As a result of the existence of this Republic of Korea here, there are benefits and losses, and both.
이 대한민국이라는 나라는 정말로 아래와같이 생각한 것이다.
This country, the Republic of Korea, really thought as follows.
아 우리는 우리의 지리적인 이점은 확실히 챙길게 그런데 손해는 절대 감수하기 싫어 그건 너네가 해
Oh, we'll definitely take advantage of our geographical advantage, but I don't want to take any losses. That's up to you.
그들은 전 세계의 모든 이들이 지켜보는 그 한가운데에서 정말로 그렇게 생각한 것이다.
They really thought so, in the midst of being watched by everyone around the world.
그들은 정말로 그래도 된다고 생각한 것이다.
They really thought it was okay.
어디의 누가 무슨 끔찍한 죽음을 맞이 하더라도
No matter where and who faces some terrible death
그것이 이 대한민국이 이 자리에 존재함으로인하여 발생하는 결과인데도 불구하고
In spite of the fact that it is a result of the existence of this Republic of Korea
나는 정말 울고싶다.
i really want to cry
그들은 마치 철없는 어린 아이들 같다. 영원히 성장하지 않는....
They are like immature children. that never grows...
그런데 나는 그들을 그렇게 살도록 해 줄수는 없는 것이다.
But I can't make them live like that.
이제부터 그들의 행동은 정말로 실수가 아닌 것이다.
From now on, their actions are not really a mistake.
모르는 것은 실수라고 하여줄 수가 있다.
Not knowing is a mistake.
나는 그들이 알고도 하는 일을 실수라고 하여줄 수는 없는 것이다.
I can't say that what they know is a mistake.
이제부터 그들을 지켜 보고 판단하여주기를 바란다.
From now on, I hope you will watch them and judge them.
분명한 것은
it is clear
앞으로도 이 대한민국이 행동하지 않을 경우
If the Republic of Korea does not act in the future
나는 간절히 신께 기도라도 드려보는 수밖에 없다.
I have no choice but to pray earnestly to God.
부디 더 끔찍한 일만 생기지 않게 해 달라고
Please don't let more terrible things happen.
그냥 모두 각자 자국의 이익만을 최우선으로 행동하여 주시기를 간절히 바란다.
I sincerely hope that everyone will act only with their own interests first.
아무도 피노키오나 다름없는 대한민국의 이익에 신경쓸 필요는 더 이상 없는 것이므로
Because no one has any reason to care about the same interests of the Republic of Korea just like Pinocchio.
대한민국의 뮤지컬 명성황후의 OST 중에 다음과 같은 노래가사가 있다.
Among the OSTs of the Korean musical Empress Myeongseong, there are the following song lyrics.
이 삶이 다 하고 나야 알 텐데 내가 이 세상을 다녀간 그 이유
I'll only know when I'm done with this life, the reason I've been to this world
나 슬퍼도 살아야 하네
I have to live even when I'm sad
해석을 하자면
Let's interpret
누군가 한 사람이 자신의 생의 의미를 알려면 반드시 그 생이 다 하는 순간 까지 살아야만하는데 내 어찌 지금 죽을 수 있는가 나는 아무리 슬퍼도 반드시 살아야 하겠다.
If someone wants to know the meaning of their life, they have to live until the end of their life. How can I die now? No matter how sad I am, I must live.
솔직히 뒷구절은 필요가 없다고 생각한다.
To be honest, I don't think there's any need for the latter..
이 삶이 다 하고 나야 알 텐데 내가 이 세상을 다녀간 그 이유
I'll only know when I'm done with this life, the reason I've been to this world
나 슬퍼도 살아야 하네
I have to live even when I'm sad
누군가 한 사람이 자신의 생의 의미를 알려면 반드시 그 생이 다 하는 순간 까지 살아야만하는데 내 어찌 지금 죽을 수 있는가 나는 아무리 슬퍼도 반드시 살아야 하겠다.
If someone wants to know the meaning of their life, they have to live until the end of their life. How can I die now? No matter how sad I am, I must live.
나는 솔직히 이 뒷 구절이 너무나도 최악으로 기분이 나쁜데 대한민국의 현 주소는 실제로 위와 같다.
I honestly feel bad for the last verse, but the current address in Korea is actually as above.
요즘 대한민국 아이들에게는 위 가사 혹은 비슷한것 물어보지 말아주기를 바란다.
I hope you don't ask the above lyrics or anything similar to the Korean children these days.
그들은 관심도 없고 기억도 못한다.
They don't care and they don't remember.
그들은 문학이나 인문학 혹은 예술 혹은 가치있는 무엇인가들을 진심으로 위선이라고 생각하며 실제로도 위선으로 삶을 산다.
They truly believe that literature, humanities, art, or anything of value is hypocrisy, and they actually live a life of hypocrisy.
혹여라도 대한민국 금융시장에 특히 대부분의 중소기업들을 대상으로 하는 단기 유동성 시장의 자금들이 과반 이상이 중국측 자금으로 대체될 위험징후가 보이거든 국민여러분들은 조속히 이 나라를 대피하여 주십시오
If there are any indications that the Korean financial market, especially in the short-term liquidity market for all about small and medium-sized enterprises, will be replaced by Chinese funds more than half, please escape the country as soon as possible.
아무리 애들이 자기들 지은 죄를 어른들한테 혼나기가 싫다고 뭘 핑계로 끌어들였다손치더라도
거기에 넘어가서 뭘 어쩌자는 이야기인 것이며
그저 단순히 태풍이나 재난이 발생한 지역에 도둑 떼나 창궐하는 수준 밖에 안되는 이야기에
뭘 그딴거에 혹하고 자빠졌느냐고
차라리 그냥 떠나
남아있는 거 밖에 할 수 있는 일 아무것도 없는것들 죽던지 말던지
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